
时间:2024-04-29 11:17:50编辑:莆田seo君


迪克在英语中是人名,英语写法Dick一、含义:n. 家伙;侦探;阴茎,Dick,n. 迪克(男名)。二、用法作名词解释时含有警官(黑社会用语,来自detective一词),愚蠢的人,通常指男性(含攻击性,慎用),无关紧要的事(含攻击性,慎用)。The thief was caught by the hotel dick.那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了。Dick came first in the speech contest.迪克在演讲比赛中得了第一名。扩展资料近义词:prick、putz、shaft、Peter、cock。一、prick1、含义:v. 刺;扎;竖起;受责备,n. 扎;刺;刺痛;蠢人。2、举例The thorns of roses prick rather badly.玫瑰刺刺得很痛。I am afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood.我恐怕不得不刺破你的手指,取一滴血。二、putz1、含义:n. 阴茎; 笨蛋; 傻瓜,v. 磨蹭。2、举例Study on Rapid Propagation of Begonia rex Putz.蟆叶秋海棠快速繁殖的研究。Do you even know what "putz" means?|-你知道这个字的意思?三、shaft1、含义:n. 柄;竖井;杆状物;矛;轴;(一道)光线,vt. 苛刻地对待;装杆于。2、举例In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings.当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy.空气向下进入竖井,因而失去势能。四、Peter1、含义:n. 彼得(男子名),vi. 慢慢消失;耗尽。2、举例Peter has a special affinity for booze.彼得嗜酒。To this day Peter won't eat peas.彼得至今还是不肯吃豌豆。五、cock1、含义:n. 雄禽;公鸡;阴茎;旋塞,v. 翘起;竖起。2、举例The cock has brighter coloured feathers than the hen.雄鸟的羽毛比雌鸟的艳丽。The cock crowed at dawn.公鸡在黎明时啼叫。


没有。dickies的读音:['diki]dickies的中文意思:不可靠的词汇解析dickie读音:['diki]adj. 不可靠的;低劣的n. (小孩的)围嘴;(女性衬衫)的胸襟n. (Dickie)人名;(英、法)迪基例:Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.迪基二话没说就走了。一会儿,他带着一个大布口袋回到店里。 例:In the corner Dickie and his cooks are enveloped insteam rising from vats of boiling water and broth.Dickie和他的厨师被笼罩在一个充满蒸汽的角落里,大桶的开水和肉汤就是这蒸汽的来源。近义词1、shirtfront英 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt];美 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt]n.衬衫的胸部例:Then iron the rest of the front of the shirtfront in sections, smoothing the fabric across the ironing board. 然后熨烫前部其余部分,在熨板上小心拉平例:Harry fists his hands in Draco's shirtfront and lifts his torso so that they face each other, almost nose to nose. Harry攥着Draco衬衣的手握成了拳,然后把他拽了起来,他们两个面对面的,简直就要脸贴着脸了。2、dickyadj. 恶劣的;易碎的n. 围嘴;衬衫的胸襟n. (Dicky)人名;(法)迪基;(英)迪基(教名Richard的昵称)例:Born with a dicky heart, his protagonist was not supposed to live past the age of 30.由于先天性心脏病,塞拉伯格本被认为活不过30岁。例:At work, Chow suffers abuse from his coworkers. At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.在工作当中,周先生遭到了同事的虐待,在学校,迪克也遭到了同学和老师的欺负。


dick的中文意思:侦探,誓言。人名,公司名。dick英 [dɪk] 美 [dɪk] n.〈美俚〉侦探,〈俚〉誓言。人名。dick的用法示例如下:1.The firm in which Dick worked has gone up. 狄克工作的那家公司已经破产了。2.Dick was clearly kicking him underneath the table. 迪克显然是在桌子底下踢他。3.Dick and Bob had a bunny. 迪克和鲍勃有只兔子。4.Dick and his daddy dare to do it. 迪克和他爸爸敢这么做。5.You seem troubled, Dick. What's up? 迪克,你好像很烦恼。发生了什么事?扩展资料:dick是一个可数名词,dick的复数形式: dicks。dick的近义词:hawkshaw英 ['hɔ:kʃɔ:] 美 ['hɔ:kˌʃɔ:] n.侦探。dick的近义词:promise英 [ˈprɒmɪs] 美 [ˈprɑ:mɪs] vt.允诺,许诺;给人以…的指望或希望。vi.许诺;有指望,有前途。n.许诺;希望,指望;允诺的东西。


迪克在英语中是人名,英语写法Dick一、含义:n. 家伙;侦探;阴茎,Dick,n. 迪克(男名)。二、用法作名词解释时含有警官(黑社会用语,来自detective一词),愚蠢的人,通常指男性(含攻击性,慎用),无关紧要的事(含攻击性,慎用)。The thief was caught by the hotel dick.那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了。Dick came first in the speech contest.迪克在演讲比赛中得了第一名。例句:Dick bought three wash and wear shirts to take on his trip. 迪克买了3件免烫衬衫出门旅行用。《新英汉大辞典》Dick took the wind out of Bob's sails by showing him where he was wrong. 迪克指出鲍伯的错误, 使后者很难堪。《新英汉大辞典》Bill grudged Dick his prize even though he had won a better prize himself. 比尔妒忌迪克获奖,尽管他自己获得了更高的荣誉。

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