
时间:2024-04-29 00:03:45编辑:莆田seo君


aunt的音标为:英 [ɑːnt],美 [ænt] 。aunt:n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;阿姨。uncle:n.叔父;伯父;舅舅;姨夫;姑父;伯伯;叔叔;当铺老板。agony aunt 知心阿姨(报纸或杂志的答疑解惑专栏作者)。maiden aunt 未结婚的姑妈。say uncle 投降;讨饶。Dutch uncle 严厉但却善意的批评者。cry uncle 投降;讨饶。agony uncle 知心伯伯。yell uncle 投降;讨饶。rich uncle 富有的叔叔。maternal uncle 舅舅;舅父。反义词:uncle。同根词:词根:aunt,aunty n. 舅妈,伯母;阿姨。双语例句:1、The curtains had cost a mint, but Aunt thought they were worth it.窗帘花了好大一笔钱,但姨母认为值得。2、She was no relation at all, but he called her Aunt Nora.她根本就不是什么亲戚,但他却叫她诺拉姨妈。3、Mother had been absent throughout, but Aunt Edie had come up trumps.虽然母亲自始至终都不在,可伊迪姨妈真是帮了大忙。4、The self-righteous moralizing of his aunt was ringing in his ears.他婶婶自以为是的说教回响在他的耳际。5、[no obj.]my aunt arranged for the furniture to be stored.我婶婶准备把家具收起来。




aunt小学初中高中四级六级考研反馈阿姨常用释义英/ɑːnt /美/ænt /常用牛津初中高考六级影视原声n.姑母 ; 姨母 ; 伯母 ; 婶母 ; 舅母 ; 阿姨初中高考六级考频超过 80% 的单词必背词 / 认知词100%cn.姑母; 姨母; 婶婶; 伯母; 舅母必背考点易错考点常考变形必背词汇变形复数aunts短语agony aunt知心阿姨(报纸或杂志的答疑解惑专栏作者)maiden aunt未结婚的姑妈例句My aunt likes watching TV plays.我阿姨喜欢看电视剧。用法【可数名词】意为"姨妈; 姑母; 婶婶",用于称呼与父母同辈的女性长辈,当与姓名相连时,姓名放在aunt之后Aunt Jia stopped for a few seconds.


aunt的读音为英 [ɑːnt],美 [ænt] 。n.(儿语)阿姨;姑母;伯母;姨母;婶母;舅母复数: aunts双语例句1Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen 玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2'Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill,' said Jim's aunt. “撤销指控等于是放纵种族主义者去杀人,”吉姆的阿姨说。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3The foreign minister has become everybody's favourite Aunt Sally. 外交部长已成为众矢之的。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》4She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly. 她信守诺言,定期去看望姑妈。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》


aunt 英 [ɑːnt] 美 [ænt]n. 姑妈,伯母,舅妈,阿姨,婶婶 复数 aunts.双语例句My aunt moved to Australia after she got married.我姑姑结婚后搬到了澳大利亚。Aunt, do you know where the hospital is?阿姨,请问你知道医院在哪吗?Every time Aunt Lily comes to our house, she takes a basket of muffins that she made herself.莉莉姨母每次来我们家都会带她亲手做的一篮松饼。She is my father's sister, so she is my aunt.她是我父亲的姐妹 所以她是我的姑姑My aunt is coming to visit us next week.我阿姨下周会来我们这里作客。In the novel, Darcy's aunt is prejudiced against Elizabeth because of her low social rank.在小说中,达西的姑妈对伊丽莎白怀有偏见,因为她社会地位低下。My aunt says that white wine goes best with fish or chicken.我阿姨说白葡萄酒跟鱼或鸡最配。Can't. I lent it to my aunt last week. How about we work on our vocab and play Scrabble?玩不了。我上周把《快艇骰子》借给我阿姨了。我们一起提高下词汇量,玩《拼字游戏》怎么样?We were chaperoned by our aunt.我们由姨妈陪护。He was brought up by his aunt.他是由姨妈带大的。Aunt Emilie darned old socks.埃米莉阿姨把旧袜子补好了。They are not really my aunt and uncle.其实他们并不是我的姑姑和姑父。Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses.玛丽阿姨总是穿一些形不怎么好的黑裙子。


英[ɑːnt]美[ænt]名词,意为“阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈”。姑妈短语搭配Great aunt伯叔祖母 ; 伯祖母 ; 姑婆 ; 大姨妈Aunt aunt是阿姨 ; 是姨妈 ; 也不差Aunt Jemima早餐公司 ; 杰迈玛阿姨 ; 杰迈玛大婶 ; 米玛大婶Aunt May婶婶梅 ; 片中饰演梅婶母 ; 饰演蜘蛛侠的婶婶梅蜘蛛侠梅姨Aunt Petunia佩妮姨妈Our Aunt姑妈 ; 我们的姑妈an aunt一个阿姨 ; 一位阿姨 ; 一个姑姑家 ; 姑妈Aunt Polly波莉阿姨 ; 波利姨妈 ; 莉阿姨Uncle aunt叔叔阿姨 ; 叔叔婶婶 ; 舅舅舅妈

上一篇:2013 10月新番
