
时间:2024-04-27 15:54:55编辑:莆田seo君




剪纸英文介绍小短文如下:Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history. It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest. Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, paper-cuts still stand out for its charm. Today, paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations. Chinese people believe that the red paper-cuts on the door can bring good luck and happiness to the whole family. The paper-cuts are more often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in the Spring Festival.译文:剪纸(paper cutting)有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。在中国的传统文化中,剪纸可以反映生活的许多方面,如繁荣、健康或收获。虽然其他艺术形式,如绘画,也可以显示类似的景象,但剪纸仍然以它的魅力脱颖而出。今天,剪纸主要用做装饰。中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福。剪纸在中国的传统节日,特别是春节期间更常见。


剪纸英文介绍小短文如下:Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history. It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest. Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, paper-cuts still stand out for its charm. Today, paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations. Chinese people believe that the red paper-cuts on the door can bring good luck and happiness to the whole family. The paper-cuts are more often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in the Spring Festival.译文:剪纸(paper cutting)有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。在中国的传统文化中,剪纸可以反映生活的许多方面,如繁荣、健康或收获。虽然其他艺术形式,如绘画,也可以显示类似的景象,但剪纸仍然以它的魅力脱颖而出。今天,剪纸主要用做装饰。中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福。剪纸在中国的传统节日,特别是春节期间更常见。


剪纸是一种用剪刀或刻刀在纸上剪刻花纹,用于装点生活或配合其他民俗活动的民间艺术。它不仅仅是一个装饰品,而且还是传统文化的继承。所以关于“剪纸”的作文,可以从外观形态,历史发展和技艺的继承上来写。下面我整理出了关于”剪纸“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:paper-cut。以下是关于剪纸的英语范文,每篇作文均为带翻译。范文一:When early spring festival, many local people like sticking each kind of paper-cut on windows .Not only the paper-cut window decoration has contrasted the jubilation festive atmosphere, moreover has also brought beautiful enjoyment for the people.The paper-cut is one kind of extremely popular art. Because it mostly is pastes on the window, therefore people general name it “the paper-cut window decoration”. The paper-cut window decoration usually with the color red and it content rich, like the cultivation, the spinning and weaving, fishing, tend sheep, feed hogs, raise chickens and so on.【参考译文】春节的时候,许多当地人喜欢在窗户上贴各种剪纸,剪纸窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的喜庆气氛,而且给人们带来了美丽的'享受。剪纸是一种非常流行的艺术。因为它大多是贴在窗户上的,所以人们一般称之为“窗花”。剪纸窗花通常以红色和红色为主,内容丰富,如养殖、纺织、垂钓、放羊、喂猪、养鸡等。范文二:Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history.It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest.Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, paper-cuts still stand out for its charm.Today, paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations.Chinese people believe that the red paper-cuts on the door can bring good luck and happiness to the whole family.The paper-cuts are more often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in the Spring Festival.【参考译文】剪纸有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。在中国的传统文化中,剪纸可以反映生活的许多方面,如繁荣、健康或收获。虽然其他艺术形式,如绘画,也可以显示类似的景象,但剪纸仍然以它的魅力脱颖而出。今天,剪纸主要用做装饰。中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福。剪纸在中国的传统节日,特别是春节(the Spring Festival)期间更常见。范文三:Now a lot of traditional art is losing, because some of them have been replaced by new machines and scientific products. I feel sorry for the lost art. In my opinion, they are so clic that their charm will never disappear.Take my grandmother as an example. She is good at paper cutting, which is inherited from her mother. However, in my mother's generation, paper cutting seems to have been washed away There are fewer and fewer people who need paper cutting, so my mother won't learn this skill.When I found out that my grandmother had this skill, I was surprised and curious. I asked my grandmother to teach me this skill. I found that this skill was so wonderful that I was attracted by it.【参考译文】现在很多传统艺术正在流失,因为其中一些已经被新机器和科学产品所取代,我对失去的艺术感到很遗憾,在我看来,它们是如此的经典,它们的魅力永远不会消失。以我奶奶为例,她擅长剪纸,这是从她母亲那里继承下来的,但到了我母亲这一代,剪纸似乎被淘汰了,需要剪纸的人越来越少了,所以我妈妈就不学这门技艺了。当我发现我奶奶有这门技艺的时候,我很惊讶,也很好奇,我让奶奶教我这门技艺,我发现这门技艺太棒了,我被它吸引住了。看完这三篇关于“剪纸”的例文,是不是有了写作的方向思路了,快去试一试自己创作一篇吧!

paper cutting英语怎么读

paper cutting的英文读音为"ˈpeɪpər kʌtɪŋ"。下面是对"paper cutting"的读音的详细描述:1、拼音及注音:拼音:p-ei-p-ǝ-r k-ʌ-t-ǝ-ng,注音:[ˈpeɪpər kʌtɪŋ]2、音标及发音:音标:/ˈpeɪpər kʌtɪŋ/,发音:将/p/音与/eɪ/音结合,然后是短元音/ǝ/音、辅音/t/音,接着是/ʌ/音(类似于汉语拼音中的"鹅"),最后以/ɪ/音和/ng/音结束(类似于汉语拼音中的"工")。3、声母与韵母:声母:"p"在这里是一个辅音,韵母:"eɪ"代表一个双元音,由长元音/eɪ/组成;"ǝ"代表一个短元音,类似于汉语拼音中的"的"。拓展知识:艺术形式:paper cutting(剪纸)是一种传统的艺术形式,它在不同的文化中都有不同的发展。中国的剪纸以其独特而精细的切割技巧而闻名,而在其他国家和地区也有类似的传统艺术形式。剪纸的历史:剪纸作为一种艺术形式,具有悠久的历史。最早的剪纸艺术可以追溯到公元6世纪的中国,后来逐渐传播到其他亚洲和欧洲国家。剪纸技巧:剪纸除了需要艺术家的创造力和想象力外,还需要熟练的技巧。剪纸艺术家使用剪刀或刀片将纸张切割成复杂的图案和设计。总结:paper cutting的英文读音为/ˈpeɪpər kʌtɪŋ/,其中包括声母"p"和韵母"eɪ"、"ǝ",并以/t/音、/ʌ/音、/ɪ/音和/ng/音结束。剪纸是一种古老而独特的艺术形式,源自中国并在世界各地有不同的发展。剪纸不仅需要艺术家的创造力,还需要掌握熟练的技巧。

paper cutting英语怎么读

英[ˈpeɪpə(r) ˈkʌtɪŋ] 美[ˈpeɪpər ˈkʌtɪŋ] n. 剪纸(艺术)。cut英 [kʌt]     美 [kʌt]    v. 切;割;剪;削减;伤害;切牌;n. 切口;切;式样;剪辑、The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1,500 years ago. 剪纸最早出现于1500年前的中国。cut的用法1、cut的基本意思是“切,割,剪”,指用带刃的工具将物体分开,常带有副词,说明切割的程序或目的。引申可表示为“削减”“挖成”“刻成”“与…相交”“使(某人)感到疼痛或痛苦”“缺席”“停止”等。2、cut既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接简单宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语,还可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主语通常为无生命的东西,其主动形式常含有被动意义。3、cut偶尔也可用作系动词,接形容词作表语,也含有被动意义。

paper cutting翻译成中文

1、单词解释n.剪纸(艺术)2、短语短句英语剪纸English paper cutting苏州剪纸Suzhou paper cutting剪纸艺术展Paper cutting art exhibition英文作文剪纸有English composition paper cutting剪纸和灯笼Paper cutting and lanterns剪纸在有着悠久的历Paper cutting has a long history in China我喜欢剪纸I like paper cutting我的爱好是剪纸My hobby is paper cutting

