
时间:2024-04-26 12:21:15编辑:莆田seo君

冲上云霄2 英文歌歌名

更新1: 十分感谢 !! Tim Ellis - Eternally Yours Lyrics: I gotta tell you this time I got it straight now. Once I had your love I don't crave for nobody baby. Feel such emotion Can't keep it to myself no more now. You can love my heart like nobody else can baby. Once in a lifetime you might find heaven and earth and I promise you - paradise. Forever whatever they made a side. Forever whatever I'll stand by your side. For once and for better I'll be the one who's always there and we'll be together - forever whatever may e. I gotta mention think its time you understand now. I live for your touch your loving pletes me baby. Feel so much pressure think of you every night and day now. You and I belong and I'm yours for all time baby. Once in a lifetime you might find heaven on earth and I promise you - paradise. Forever whatever they made a side. Forever whatever I'll stand by your side. For once and for better I'll be the one who's always there and we'll be together - forever whatever may e. 2013-08-31 13:00:53 补充: download:(请把空白删掉) pan.bai du/share/link?shareid=43425858&uk=221525050 2013-08-31 13:01:27 补充: download:(请把空白删掉) pan.bai du/share/link?shareid=43425858&uk=221525050 好好听丫首歌^^ 十分感谢! 请问 where can download ? 天天动听揾唔到!


冲上云霄2里片尾曲及英文插曲(8月6日为止) ~ Fly me to the moon - diana krall,Frank Sinatra (英文插曲) ~ Crazy For You - Adele (英文插曲) ~ Make You Feel My Love (英文插曲) ~ Your Laws (Episode 2 英文插曲 ) ~ 冲上云霄 - 林子祥 ~ 空中恋人 - 林欣彤 ~ Smoking Gun - Rob Bagshaw ft. Tara Chinn (英文片尾曲) ~ On My Way - 林峰 ~ It's You - Vasco & Jerry Greg Abbott (英文插曲) ~ Just the way you are - Billy Joels - (Episode 12 英文插曲) ~ Chasing Pavements - Adele (Episode 13 英文插曲) ~ Stop the Clock ( A Ballad Songs )- Episode 13 英文插曲 ~ Aint No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross (Episode 16 英文插曲) 2013-08-11 20:02:28 补充: ~ Forever - Celtic Gleam (Episode 16 & 20 英文插曲)
List of songs played in 冲上云霄II (Triumph in the Skies II) 01 Adele 《Crazy For You》- Episode 1 / 2 / 12 / 16 / 22 02 Olivia Ong 《Fly Me To The Moon》- Episode 1 / 16 / 22 03 Adele 《Make You Feel My Love》- Episode 2 / 16 04 Chris Winland & Daniel Finot 《Your Laws》- Episode 2 / 10⋯⋯ 05 Adele 《Chasing Pavements》- Episode 4 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 16 06 Rob Bagshaw ft. Tara Chinn 《Smoking Gun》- Episode 4 07 Patti Austin 《Say You Love Me》- Episode 8 / 10 / 21 08 Aaron Edson
Bruce Chianese
Geoff Levin 《We Can Do It》- Episode 11 09 Peter Marsh 《Stop The Clock》- Episode 12 / 13 (Old Bird) 10 Billy Joel 《Just The Way You Are》- Episode 12 11 林峰 Raymond Lam 《On My Way》- Episode 15 / 16 / 20 / 22 12 Diana Ross 《Ain't No Mountain High Enough》- Episode 16 13 Mark Britten 《Forever》- Episode 16 / 20 / 22 14 M.Y.M.P 《Say You Love Me》- Episode 16 15 Louis Armstrong 《La Vie En Rose》- Episode 22
Peter Marsh《Stop The Clock》@ 冲上云霄II (EP13)-Old Bird
Diana Ross - Ain't No Mountain High Enough Patti Austin - Say You Love Me Adele - Crazy for you Adele-Chasing Pavement Adele-make you feel my love diana krall - Fly Me To The Moon lisa ekdahl - beautiful boy
Say You Love me
Crazy for you
Diana Ross - Ain't No Mountain High Enough Patti Austin - Say You Love Me Adele - Crazy for you 上面三首系冲2第16集出现过的配乐,至于1-15集因为我完全无睇过亦无谂住睇翻,所以唔知播过乜真系帮唔到你。基于有陈法拉同胡冏冏,相信17集以后我都唔会睇,所以之后都帮唔到你。BTW上面三首歌都系正货,可惜冲2只有俊男﹑靓景﹑好歌,独欠美人,令到好多画面都无法将美感升华~
对不起, 我只知道一首... fly me to the moon. :)


《冲上云霄》主题曲是《岁月如歌》。《岁月如歌》是TVB台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲,是香港歌手陈奕迅演唱的歌曲,由徐伟贤作曲,刘卓辉作词,刘志远编曲,收录于2003年7月22日发行的粤语专辑《Live For Today》中,国语版《兄妹》收录于2003年4月1日发行的专辑《黑白灰》中。无线台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲《岁月如歌》尚未正式发行时,林夕又妙笔生花为《黑白灰》这张讲述中间地带的专辑写出了国语版本《兄妹》。歌曲MV在此版MV中,制服诱惑再度升级,浪漫剧情华丽闪现,不仅延续了之前机师空姐的激情诱惑,而且更多纠葛与心跳的剧情也尽在其中。从MV中的精彩片段中即可看出,电影除了养眼炫酷的诱惑戏份之外,欣喜和悲伤的感人故事也交织其中,片尾,Captaincool张智霖对怪萝莉郭采洁说:“人生就是花一生的经历去找回属于自己的另一颗心,”再一次将电影的主题表达出来。


冲上云霄2英文插曲如下:1、《Crazy For You》 ——阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins)英国唱作女歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯录唱一首歌曲,该歌曲被收录在歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯的首张录音室专辑《19》,词曲由阿黛尔·阿德金斯、吉姆·阿比斯合作编写,该歌曲同时也是电视剧《冲上云霄2》的原声插曲。2、《Chasing Pavements 》 ——阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins)英国女歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯演唱的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由阿黛尔·阿德金斯和Eg White创作,作为阿黛尔·阿德金斯处女录音室专辑《19》的第二支单曲,于2008年1月14日发行 。2009年2月8日,该歌曲获得第51届格莱美授予的最佳流行女声奖。3、《Make You Feel My Love 》——阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins)是2008年01月28日由XL Recordings Ltd.发行的《19 (Deluxe Edition) (十九岁(豪华版))》专辑里的一首流行歌曲,演唱者是Adele。4、《Ain'T No Mountain High Enough》——戴安娜·罗斯(Diana Ross)Diana Ross原唱。琅琅上口的歌词,深情传达的爱意,不仅仅是一首不错的恰恰舞曲,更是一封经典的情书。“There ain't no mountain high enough,Ain't no valley low enough,Ain't no river wide enough,To keep me from getting to you”没有任何一座山足够高,没有任何一个山谷足够深,没有任何一条河足够宽,能够阻挡我回到你的身边。侧重女舞者表演。5、《Eternally Yours》 ——Tim Ellis画面浮现Sam满眼宠爱的看着holiday淋雨的样子。Sam知道holiday和他其实格格不入,但也还是尊重holiday的一切。或许爱一个人是不要给彼此太多约束,让对方做最真实的自己。


Crazy For You
Found myself today singing out your name,
you said I''m crazy,
if I am I''m crazy for you.
Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were here
turns me crazy,
but it''s you who makes me lose my head.And every time
I''m meant to be acting sensible
you drift into my headand turn me into a crumbling fool.
Tell me to run and I''ll race,
if you want me to stop I''ll freeze,
and if you are me gonna leave,
just hold me closer baby,and make me crazy for you.
Crazy for you.
Lately with this state I''m inI can''t help myself but spin.
I wish you''d come over,send me spinning closer to you.My oh my,
how my blood boils,
it''s sweet taste for you,
strips me down bareand gets me into my favourite mood.
I keep on trying,
fighting these feelings away,
but the more I do,
the crazier I turn into.
Pacing floors and opening doors,
hoping you''ll walk throughand save me boy,
because I''m too crazy for you.
Crazy for you


On My Way 歌手:林欣彤作词:郑樱纶作曲:邓智伟、庄冬昕歌词:如命悬十秒以内我想你在如若忘掉你呼吸不再如突然害怕怯懦记得我在如没沦陷过不懂所爱I will be on my way,to save you, when life goes astray,I’ll be on my way, to hold you,to kiss your tears awayand my heart will saystay with you for no reasoneven if i'm fly away...away回望如幻觉以内记忆以外留默言动作心中装载I’ll be on my way,to save you, when life goes astray,I’ll be on my way, to hold you,to kiss your tears awayand my heart will saystay with you for no reasoneven if i'm fly away...away从未能遇上替代各种意外谁幸存度过该懂怎爱扩展资料:《On My Way》是林欣彤演唱的一首粤语歌曲,由郑樱纶作词,邓智伟、庄冬昕作曲。《On my way》是2013年TVB电视剧《冲上云霄2》的片尾曲,歌词讲述一个恋人之间的承诺,无论对方发生任何事,不管自己在哪里都会一定赶到对方的身边。作曲人邓智伟表示:如果《幼稚完》是一首追车的歌,那么《冲上云霄2》的《On my way》就是一首追飞机的歌。

