
时间:2024-04-26 10:01:17编辑:莆田seo君


resign oneself to one's fate

resign 英 [rɪˈzaɪn]

美 [rɪ'zaɪn]

v. 辞职; 放弃; 屈从; 勉强接受;

[例句]A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job.


[其他] 第三人称单数:resigns 现在分词:resigning 过去式:resigned 过去分词:resigned


   听天由命的英文:   [Literal Meaning]   listen/heaven/follow/fate   to listen to heaven and follow the face    [解释]   听:任凭;由:顺随。听任事态自然发展变化,不做主观努力。   [Explanation]   to resign oneself to one's fate    [例子]   对于即将到来的`挑战你必须做好充足的准备,不能听天由命。   [Example]   For the forthcoming challenge, you must make good preparations and not resign yourself to your fate.    [英文等价词]   on the knees of the gods   come to one's rack   resign oneself to one's fate   sink or swim    参考例句:   Leave it to chance!   听天由命吧!   It's in God's hands and we have prepared for the worst.   听天由命吧,我们已经做最坏的准备了   He failed all his attempts and now he has to resign to his fate   他试了几次都失败了,所以现在也只能听天由命了   He was sensible of the blight on him, and resigned himself to letting it eat him away.   他深知自己的症结所在,却听天由命,任凭自己年复一年地虚度光阴,消耗殆尽。   To be guided by destiny   听天由命   Meet ones fate with resignation   听天由命   To resign to one’s fate or God’s will, be fatalistic   听天由命   He resigns to his fate.   他听天由命。   I'm resigned to my fate.   我听天由命。   I wouldn't be willing to give in to my fate.   我不会愿意听天由命的。


Do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will.直接翻译为:尽你所能,把剩下的交给上帝。引申翻译尽人事,听天命。重点词汇:1、best英 [best] 美 [best] adj.最好的;最出色的;最优秀的;最愉快的;最幸福的;最合适的;最恰当的。adv.最;最高程度地;最出色地;最高标准地;最适合地;最恰当地。2、leave英 [liːv] 美 [liːv] v.离开(某人或某处);离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等);遗弃;丢弃。n.假期;休假;准许;许可。3、rest英 [rest] 美 [rest] n.剩余部分;残留;其余;其余的人;其他事物;其他;休息时间;睡眠时间。v.休息;放松;(被)支撑;(使)倚靠;托;被搁置;中止。扩展资料:rest的用法:the rest作“其余的”“剩余的”解时,在句中作主语代替可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式; 代替不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。rest不能用作定语修饰其他名词,若表示“余下的…东西”,须用the rest of结构。rest用作动词的基本意思是“使休息”,指使某人或某物停止活动或停止说话,让其处于静止的状态以恢复体力或振奋精神,引申可表示“使轻松”“使安静”。rest还可作“(使)倚靠〔支撑〕”解。rest可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后多接反身代词或表示动物及人体某一部位的名词作宾语。rest还可作系动词,意思是“仍是”,接名词或形容词作表语。参考资料来源:百度百科-尽人事,听天命


Do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will.---领取中文成语英译辞典尽人事:to do everything one ought to do; to do what one can (to save a dying person, etc.); to do all that is humanly possible (though with little hope of success)听天由命 to submit to the will of Heaven and one's fate; to resign (or abandon) oneself to one's fate; to trust to luck; to come to terms with one's fate; to leave one's fortune with Heaven; to be fatalistic




拼音:jìn rén shì,tīng tiān mìng,简 拼:jrsttm





全凭运气的英文有luck;by pure chance;by sheer luck。luck运气例句有如下:1.When the bride is ready to leave the hose for the wedding ceremony a last look in the mirror will bring her good luck.当新娘是准备离开的婚礼软管最后看镜子里的将她交好运。2.Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.好莱坞让人想起一种魅力,在这个地方那些追星的年轻人,如果运气好的话,可以实现他们的梦想。3."The Joy Luck Club" is not an easy film to sit through, as the lives of these women seem to have little joy or luck.《喜福会》不是一部能让人轻轻松松看完的电影,因为影片主角们的生活似乎与喜和福毫无关联。4.I know it. He glared at them all as if to say, Or else. Right. It's time. Good luck, all of you.我知道。他狠狠地瞪着大家,似乎在说:要不够你们受的。好了,时间到了。祝大家好运。5.All right, it's just a good luck charm. Hmm, help you think positive.这是一个好运气的护身符。它会帮助你积极思考。


luck; (命运; 幸运) fortune。


There is no luck. There is only work

Break a Leg 祝你好运(在众人面前献丑时常使用) 、mud in your eye 祝你好运 、Keep one's fingers crossed(cross one's fingers) 祈求好运、The best of luck 祝你好运、Better luck next time
下次好运(常用来在别人失败时表示鼓励和安慰。)、knock on
wood(甩掉霉运交好运,老外会说敲敲木头或者触碰木质的东西,表示有好事发生,运气不错)、hit the jackpot (Jackpot





事在人为[shì zài rén wéi ]指事情是靠人去做的,在一定的客观条件下,成功与否决定于人的主观努力。出处:明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第六十九回:“事在人为耳,彼朽骨者何知。”楚王因用龟甲所占得天下之事不成,心中气愤.,一旁的蔡洧用“事在人为耳彼朽骨者何知”这话来劝说他。意思是说,事情能否做成要看人的主观努力如何。近反义词1、近义词人定胜天、谋事在人2、反义词死生有命、无能为力、自然而然、听天由命听天由命[tīng tiān yóu mìng ]听从天意和命运的安排。《论语·颜渊》:“死生有命,富贵在天。”后多比喻听任事态自然发展,不作主观努力。出处:清·无名氏《说唐》:“公主遵兄之命;在彩楼上;抛球择婿;对天祝道:‘姻缘听天由命’。”公主听从你的命令;站在彩楼上;抛绣球择婿;对天祈祷道:“婚姻听天由命”。例句:对所有的事都不能~,听之任之。




跟同事交流的英语口语   同事是我们工作最常相处的人,下面是我分享的跟同事相处的`英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   CH:Amy, Are you guys going to lunch?   A:Yes. Would you like to join us?   C:好啊。我跟你们一起去。   A:I have to make one phone call before I leave. Would you like to wait for me or go ahead with everyone else?   C:我等你。   A:Thank you.   C:No problem.   A:Say, Chen Hao, my phone call can wait a few minutes. I need to tell you something while it is on my mind.   C:Uh-oh. 我做错什么事了吗?   A:No, you said something wrong. Actually you said two things that caught my attention.   C:嗯....可我刚才没说什么啊?   A:First, you used the expression "You guys."   C:我那些同事经常把you guys挂在嘴边上,我这可是跟美国人学的。   A:I know they do, but that doesn't mean it's correct or polite.   C:为什么不对呢?   A:Because the word "guy" is an informal term that refers to a man or boy. People today use the plural "guys" without regard for gender. That is not correct usage of the word and it demonstrates a lack of polish.   C:那要是有男有女应该怎么说呢?   A:You could have simply asked, "Are you going to lunch?" Or you could have said, "Are you ALL going to lunch?"   C:我知道了。   A:Now please excuse me while I make that quick phone call. Otherwise we'll miss lunch altogether.   C:No problem.   ******   Amy打完电话跟陈豪一起去吃午饭。   C:Amy, 你刚才不是还要纠正我另外一个错误吗?   A:Yes. I have noticed that when someone says "thank you", your response is always "no problem."   C:我经常听别人这么说啊,难道这也不对吗?   A:Lots of people say that in response to "thank you." However, that is not the correct reply. The correct response to "thank you" is "You are welcome."   C:Amy, 你是不是太挑剔了?   A:No, it's being polite and polished. "You guys" and "no problem" are slang phrases which are not formal.   C:俚语?   A:That's right. Slang expressions will detract from your professional image. "You guys" is only acceptable with a group of men in a very informal setting like the locker room.   C:那"no problem"呢?   A:It is only acceptable when someone asks if you have problem with something.   C:我明白了,就是说一定要注意区分俚语和正规语言,特别是不能在正式场合乱用俚语。   A:You got it! Now let's eat. I am starving.   CH:Hi Amy, 我刚刚收到邀请,老板请我们去吃饭。   A:I received one, too.   C:你去吗?   A:Of course. Aren't you?   C:我不太想去。   A:Why not? It's going to be a nice party at an upscale restaurant.   C:我不想跟同事出去玩儿;他们跟我关系虽说都不错,但大家毕竟不是朋友。   A:I'm afraid that doesn't matter. Part of the reason for inviting everyone is to build rapportamong all of us who work together.   C:Rapport是什么意思啊。   A:Rapport means building relationships between people, establishing trust and mutualunderstanding.   C:跟同事搞好关系也不一定非得出去玩儿啊。   A:Attendance at the office party is a part of your job. To go or not to go is not a choice. Theboss expects you to be there.   C:这么说是不能不去了。我要是有其它事呢?   A:It better be something important for you to forego the office party and risk offending theboss.   C:我可不想得罪老板,让我再想想吧。   ******   到了第二天....   A:Well, CH, did you decide to go to the party?   C:去,不过我要带个朋友。   A:I hate to tell you this, but that would not be acceptable.   C:星期六晚上出去应酬,带个朋友还不行吗?   A:Unless your invitation says "and guest, " it would be poor etiquette to take someone withyou.   C:那好,我打个照面,待一会儿就走。   A:That's not going to work either. This is a seated dinner party so you have stay the entiretime.   C:晚餐完了我总可以走了吧?   A:You must stay until our host, the boss, stands to indicate that dinner is over. Then goodmanners dictate you don't leave before your thank him for the evening and tell him good-bye.   C:Amy, 我真没想到,公司派对还会这么郑重其事。还有什么要注意的吗?   A:Just a word of caution. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do it in moderation. Some peopleforget that rule and overdo it. Not only is it embarrassing, you could jeopardize your job.   C:这我知道,一定注意不会多喝。你能不能再总结一下,看看都有哪些注意事项。   A:Attendance is required. Read your invitation carefully so you know what the occasion is andif guests are included.   C:我知道,还有就是晚宴结束前不能告退。   A:That's right. Don't forget to say your good-byes. And go easy on the alcohol.   C:谢谢你,Amy,我一定照办。 ;


职场与同事沟通常用口语:昨天的会议开得怎么样? How did the meeting go yesterday?会议开得很顺利。The meeting went just fine.你说得没错。Tell me about it.Aren't you glad the work is done?工作都做完了,你不觉得高兴吗?I would hate to duplicate the work.我最讨厌重复做同一个工作。如果有什么亊情我可以做的话,尽管说。Let me know if there's something I can do. 【摘要】
职场与同事沟通常用口语:昨天的会议开得怎么样? How did the meeting go yesterday?会议开得很顺利。The meeting went just fine.你说得没错。Tell me about it.Aren't you glad the work is done?工作都做完了,你不觉得高兴吗?I would hate to duplicate the work.我最讨厌重复做同一个工作。如果有什么亊情我可以做的话,尽管说。Let me know if there's something I can do. 【回答】
Let me know if there's something I can do.如果有什么事情我可以做的话,尽管说。Thanks. I appreciate that.谢谢你,我很感激。你这一季度的销售额如何?How are your sales looking this quarter?How are your sales looking this quarter?你这一季度的销售额如何?Unfortunately, overall sales are down this quarter.很不幸,这一季度的总销售额下降了。【回答】




moment(瞬间)扩展资料:相关的短语有:of no moment 不重要的,关系不重大的,无关紧要的of the moment adv.此刻at that moment prep.在那时at moment prep.时时,常常the moment 立刻, 马上 刚才be of no moment 不重要this moment n.现在,此刻例句:She stood there and looked at her boyfriend's car and left her sight instantly.(她站在原地,看着男友的车瞬间离开她的视线。)


moment。moment是指极短暂的时间,可以理解为“瞬间”或“片刻”的意思。在日常生活中,我们可以用这个词来形容一些瞬间性的事物,如说话时的停顿、思考时的沉默等。moment通常作为名词出现,用来修饰时间或行为。例如,我们可以说“in a moment”过一会儿、“a moment of silence”默哀、“a moment of hesitation”犹豫的片刻等等。moment还有一些相关的英语单词,如moments瞬间,片刻的复数形式、momentarily一会儿,暂时地等等。这些单词都有着与moment相似的意思,可以根据语境选择合适的词汇使用。moment也可以作为前缀出现在一些词汇中,如momentum动量、momentary短暂的、momentary lapse of reason片刻的疏忽,这些词汇都与时间、动量等概念相关。总之,moment意为“瞬间、片刻”,可以用来形容一些非常短暂的时间或行为。在实际应用中,我们可以灵活运用moment及其相关的词汇,表达出更准确、丰富的语言意义。扩展知识:英语单词(English words)的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。

