
时间:2024-04-26 04:14:29编辑:莆田seo君


翻译:Where is the library? 例句: 打扰一下,请问一下图书馆在哪里? Excuse me. Where is the library? 扩展资料   library n.图书馆;书房;书斋;系列丛书;图书馆的'藏书;资料库;资料室;系列音像资料;软件库   双语例句:   The lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library.   每座寄宿舍的低年级男生都为图书馆成员服务。   There is likely to be a good public library as a stay against boredom.   很有可能会建一座很好的公共图书馆来打发无聊的时光。   The library has seen a large number of retirements this year.   图书馆今年有许多人退了休。   If you're starting at ground zero in terms of knowledge, go to the library.   如果你的知识是从零开始,那就去图书馆吧。   He would not permit anybody access to the library.   他不会允许任何人进图书馆。


图书馆的英文是library。英 ['laɪbrəri] 美 ['laɪbreri]    n. 图书馆;藏书;书房例句:In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.翻译:在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔间里。用法n. (名词)1、library的基本意思是“图书馆,藏书室 ”,也可指某图书馆或某人的“藏书”,还可指“收藏的录音、唱片或影片等”。2、library有时也可用在其他名词前作定语。近义词collection 英 [kə'lekʃn] 美 [kə'lekʃn]    n. 收集;收取,托收;聚集;收藏品;募捐例句:There are two collections a day from this letter box.翻译:这个邮箱每天开两次。短语:collection of fines and penalties 收取罚金


图书馆的英语单词写作:library。library英 [ˈlaɪbrəri; ˈlaɪbri] 美 [ˈlaɪbreri] n. 图书馆,藏书室;文库[ 复数 libraries ]短语national library牙买加国家图书馆 ; 国立图书馆 ; 圭亚那国家图书馆British Library 大英图书馆 ; 图书馆 ; 不列颠图书馆 ; 英国国家图书馆扩展资料:近义词athenaeum[ˌæθəˈniːəm] n. 阅览室,图书馆;雅典娜神庙短语Romanian Athenaeum 音乐厅 ; 距离罗马尼亚庙 ; 距离罗马尼亚神庙Chicago Athenaeum 芝加哥雅典娜博物馆 ; 建筑设计博物馆


  图书馆有储存人类文化遗产、开发资讯资源、参与社会教育等职能。那么你知道是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于图书馆的英语知识吧。       library   bibliotheca    图书馆的英语例句   者放火烧了当地的图书馆。   The rioters torched the local library.   图书馆搬迁的艰钜任务   The mammoth task of relocating the library   这个图书馆藏书10万卷。   This library has 100000 volumes.   那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。   The town has its own public library and public gardens.   那个图书馆从上午9点到下午6点开放。   The library is open from 9 to 6.   我喜欢在图书馆学习。   I like to study in the library.   我要去图书馆还这些书。   I'm just going to check in these books at the library.   还有一些则要求必须亲自光顾图书馆分支机构。   Some others require visiting the library branch in person.   那个图书馆吸引了成千上万的学者和研?a href='' target='_blank'>咳嗽薄?/p>   The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.   我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。   I passed the store on my way to the library.    图书馆的英语句子带翻译   我经常到图书馆,包括学校图书馆或公共图书馆借阅书籍。   I often borrow books from the school library and public library.   为了做好我国的图书馆工作,有必要制定一部图书馆法来保障图书馆建设。   It is necessary to make a library law in order to ensure library construction.   这个图书馆的书不如那个图书馆的多。   There are not so many books in this library as in that one.   图书馆员在数点阵图书馆的典藏与服务中,扮演什么样的角色?   What roles can librarians play for digital library collections and services?   为挽救存有珍贵手稿的图书馆的一次募捐   An appeal to save a library containing priceless manuscripts   我从图书馆出来时大约是7点。我不饿,但是觉得口渴。   It was around seven when I finished at the library. I wasn't hungry, but I'd worked up a thirst.   我们图书馆总共有10万多册书。   There are more than100,000 books in our library altogether.   那学生在图书馆里花了很长时间从旧书中查询她需要的论据。   The student spent many hours in the library, bing out the facts she wanted in the old books.   他们在图书馆搜寻一本书。   They were burrowing for a book in the library.   这个图书馆很特别,若将它关闭,会让人怀疑我们是否珍视传统。   The library is unique and its break-up would be a sad reflection on the value we place on our heritage.   关于图书馆的英文阅读   The National Library   The National Library of China is situated in the West of Beijing. Its predecessor was the Capital Library established in 1909. In 1916 the Library started accepting the legal deposit copies of the national publications. In 1928 the Library got name of the National Beiping Library. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Library was renamed Beijing Library. From 1987 the name, National Library of China, has been used in the munication and cooperation with the libraries of other countries. In December 1998, the State Council approved that the Chinese name of the Library is changed to Zhong Guo Guo Jia Tu Shu Guan the National Library of China. The National Library of China is a prehensive research library, a national repository of the home publications, a national bibliographic center, a national center of library rmation networks, and the library research and development center. The Library serves for central legislature, government, key research institutions, academy, education, business and the general public. The Library is responsible for implementing the official cultural agreements and conducts munication and cooperation with the libraries both at home and abroad. The Library has the total floor area of 170,000 square meters, ranking fifth among the world libraries. By the end of 2003, the Library has a rich collection of 24,1100,000 volumes/items, also ranking fifth among the libraries of the world. In the collection there are 270,000 volumes of rare books, 1,600,000 volumes of general ancient books, 35,000 pieces of the scripted turtle shells and animal bones. The Library not only has the largest collection of Chinese books in the world, but also the biggest collection of materials in foreign languages in the country. It has a strong collection in those materials, such as manuscripts of the notables, revolutionary historical materials, Chinese doctoral dissertations, the UN publications and the increased number of e-publications. The Library opens to the public 365 days a year and its on-line services are available 24 hours a day via its linkage with various multimedia networks and on Internet.   国家图书馆   中国国家图书馆坐落于首都北京的北部。它的前身是建立于1909年的首都博物馆。1916年开始,国家图书馆开始接收全国出版的合法发行刊物。1928年,该图书馆被命名为北平国家图书馆。在中华人民共和国成立之后,图书馆又重新被命名为北京图书馆。从1987年开始,中国国家图书馆的名字就一直用在与其他各国图书馆的交流与合作中。在1998年12月,国家 *** 批准它的中文名称更改为中国国家图书馆。中国国家图书馆是一个综合性研究型图书馆——国家发行刊物的储存室,国家的藏书目录中心,国家网路资讯中心,图书馆研发中心。它为中央立法机关, *** ,重点研究机构,学术,教育,经济和普遍大众服务。中国国家图书馆负责执行官方的文化协议以及管理与国内外图书馆的交流与合作。中国国家图书馆各楼层总面积和为170,000平方米,在世界各国图书馆中排名第五。到2003为止,图书馆的藏书总量达241,100,000册,同样在世界上排第五位。在这些藏书中有270,000册为稀有图书,1,600,000册古籍,35,000片龟壳或动物骨头甲骨文的拓本。国家图书馆不仅是全世界最多中文书籍的地方而且拥有全国最多的外文材料。在这些珍贵的藏书中,有大量的名人手稿,革命史料,中国博士论文,联合国发行物以及不断增加的电子刊物。中国国家图书馆全年无休还有全天24小时的线上服务,并且提供多种手段的网上资讯服务。 猜你喜欢: 1.图书馆的提示语有哪些 2.图书馆礼仪 3.图书馆个人总结范文 4.有关于致图书馆的感谢信范文 5.图书馆名言警句 6.图书馆管理论文


图书馆的英语单词是 library 英 [laɪbrəri]; [laɪbri] 美 [ˈlaɪbreri/]library 释义图书馆,藏书楼;(书、激光唱片等的)私人收藏;书房,书斋;文库,系列丛书(激光唱片集,成套录像等);软件库;短语1.图书馆 LibraryLibrariesBodleian Library2.国家图书馆 library nationalNational Central Library3.大英图书馆 British LibraryBritish Library Public Catalogue例句1.这座新图书馆很像纳什的风格。The new library is very much after the fashion of Nash. 2.非专业人员很难进入医学图书馆。It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries. 3.这个图书馆有大量的生物学藏书。The library has a large biology section. 4.这份材料说明了图书馆的运行规则。This explains the rules under which the library operates. 5.我花在图书馆的时间很有收获。My time spent in the library was very productive.


图书馆的英语单词是:library。library音标:英 [ˈlaɪbrəri; ˈlaɪbri] 美 [ˈlaɪbreri] n. 图书馆,藏书楼;(书、激光唱片等的)私人收藏;书房,书斋;文库,系列丛书(激光唱片集,成套录像等);软件库[ 复数 libraries ]短语national library 牙买加国家图书馆 ; 国立图书馆 ; 圭亚那国家图书馆British Library 大英图书馆 ; 图书馆 ; 不列颠图书馆 ; 英国国家图书馆public library 公共图书馆 ; 大众图书馆 ; 公用库 ; 公立图书馆双语例句The library is all on one level. 图书馆全部在同一层楼上。The new library is close to completion. 新图书馆快要竣工了。The library has a large biology section. 这个图书馆有大量的生物学藏书。

