up close

时间:2024-04-25 19:46:19编辑:莆田seo君

close up是什么意思

  close up的中文是什么意思?下面是我给大家整理的close up是什么意思,供大家参阅!   close up是什么意思   (使) 闭合; 堵塞(某物); (使) 关店; 沉默;   close up英英释义   close up   n. a photograph taken at close range   同义词: closeup   v.   cease to operate or cause to cease operating   同义词: close fold shut down close down   block passage through   同义词: obstruct obturate impede occlude jam block   unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of   同义词: close   refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent   同义词: clam up dummy up shut up belt up button up be quiet keep mum   adv. very close   同义词: at close range   close up 的英语例句   1、Do not close up your heart.   不要把你的心关起。   2、Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?   或者你会像个贝壳那样关闭自己用极度沮丧的沉默折磨你的情人?   3、Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?   或者像贝壳一样的关闭自己让你的另一半默默承受着无法被安慰的痛苦?   4、As a self-employed businessowner, you'll have to go in and give it your best effort no matterhowyou feel or close up shop if you don't have employees who can fill in.   但是作为一名创业的企业家,你要坚持下去,不管你感觉如何都要尽自己最大的努力,也不能因为找不到替你的员工就关门休息。   5、I think it was Charlie Chaplin who said that close up, human life is tragic, but from a distance, it’s funny.   我想应该是查理卓别林说的这句话吧:靠近看,人生就是个悲剧,但从远处看,又很有趣。   6、Close up, they shine sort of like opal, and they taste like sweet sweet sesame.   凑近看,这种糖看上去像猫眼石那样油亮,吃起来是甜甜的芝麻味。   7、He never thought he would see anything like that – when viewed really close up our eyes looklike some dramatic surfaces of far and unknown planets.   他从来没想到他会看到这样的景象,当非常近距离的观察我们的眼睛时,眼睛呈现出如外星球上才有的神奇景象。   8、Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.   走近了,她看见他轮廓清晰的脸盘,下巴上有道小逢。   9、ConocoPhillips ( COP, news, msgs) is going to simply close up shop, liquidate its assets anddistribute them to shareholders.   而康非石油公司只消把门那么一关,把资产都变了现,然后把钱分到股东手中。   10、In July, when one of her two remaining clients forgot about a meeting — and then blamed Ms.Kero for not reminding her about it — she decided to close up shop.   在2010年七月,当她公司仅剩的两个客户之一忘记了某个会议,责备卡瑞女士没有提醒她(有会议)时,她决定关掉自己的店。   11、Britain's Royal Air Force chiefs are preparing to cut 10000 staff and close up to 5 large airbases, The Times reported.   据英国《泰晤士报》报道,英国皇家空军领导层正计划进行大规模裁军:裁减空军员额一万人,关闭多达5个空军基地。   12、When asked more about what he finds great about Lean, Jim said this to close up ourconversation   当被进一步问到关于精益他有什么不同寻常的发现的时候,Jim用了下面这段话来结束了我们的访谈   13、They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance .   他们的心被脂油包裹;他们用口说骄傲的话。   14、How about staying around and helping me close up shop?   围绕如何保持和帮助我关门大吉了?   15、I've seen that rifle close up. Have you?   我曾经很近地见过那把枪你见过?   16、I'd like to inform you that the computer system of our company will close up by the end of nextWedsday for boosting the effeciency of that mechanism.   我想通知你我们公司的电脑系统将在下周三关闭。因为我们要提高公司电脑系统是我们的工作更有效。   17、She stepped close up; her black eyes flashing with passion and resolution.   她走近他;她的黑眼睛闪烁着激情与决心。   18、None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.   我们谁都不带钥匙;晚上最后一个回家的人把门关上,这就行了。   19、None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.   我们谁都不带钥匙;晚上最后一个回家的人把门关上,这就行了。   



i have seen up close

I have seen them at very close quarters(主句的主谓宾+状语‘at very close quarters')
which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them(定语从句)
which(主语) i am afraid (插入语)has not greatly enhanced (谓语)my opinion of them宾语)
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )

Up Close and Personal是什么意思

Up Close and Personal
1.Showman Tico Tarzan gets up close and personal with his new friend, a16 ft crocodile.
2.However, the company did release a new batch of photos of the PS3, showing it and its controller up close and personal.
3.Get up close and personal with your innards with these 15 amazing 3D-body shots.

CCTV-9《up close》主持人徐亦怡的简介,谁知道?

Eyee Hsu(徐亦怡),CCTV-9"Upclose"节目主持人。Eyee Hsu出生在美国,毕业于加利福尼亚大学-伯克利分校,她以自己独特的主持风格受到很多观众的喜爱。
Eyee Hsu has worked with Up Close since its inception as the writer for the program, and brings a Western perspective grounded in Eastern philosophy and sensitivity. An American-born Chinese, Eyee has always been drawn to her Chinese roots and vowed that she would one day establish her home in China. Now currently residing in Beijing, her dream has been realized.

Eyee graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with a double-major in Economics and Environmental Science. For over five years, she was a management consultant with a leading healthcare consulting firm, advising America’s largest healthcare systems on organizational, operational and strategic issues. She has performed healthcare work in the United States, Canada, Japan, China’s mainland and Taiwan.

Eyee has a passionate interest for cultures, has traveled extensively and loves the outdoors. She is an avid snowboarder and hiker and is always ready to try anything new. With a welcoming spirit and an objective perspective, Eyee Hsu brings warmth and genuine sincerity to Up Close.
Where did your name come from?

My name in Chinese is 徐亦怡。 In English, my first name is Eyee, pronounced like two “e”s. My last name is Hsu, pronounced like “Xu”. Trust me, it was not easy growing up in the United States with a name like this, but now I am grateful for having such an unusual name.

To you, what is the most important thing in a person?

I believe that being a good listener is one of the most important characteristics in a person. Only by listening to others can you gain a richer perspective and really begin to learn about how to be a global citizen. You can learn something from everyone.

What do you dislike most in a person?

Arrogance. I believe that arrogance breeds ignorance.

Which Up-Close programs have been your favorite?

Each guest on Up-Close has left a strong impression on my own personal outlook. And that’s because each individual has a truly inspiring story to tell. I admire all of our guests like General John Fugh, Dr. Henry Lee, Annie Wu... But the ones who have really left an indelible mark are The Flying Tigers, for their heroic sacrifices and courageous spirit celebrating life; Sabriye Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg for her extraordinary bravery and dedication to the blind in Tibet; Flora Zhang Tian-ai for her amazing grace, beauty and eloquence...

Who would you want to interview most?

The list is endless. But if I had to choose someone in China, I would have to say Vice Premier Wu Yi. Here is a woman of incredible intelligence, integrity, ambition and elegance. She is the most powerful woman in China today and a very important role model for the women of the world.

What is your philosophy on life?

Stay positive and aim to be happy. Life will continue to throw challenges at you no matter how much you plan. These are tests of individual character and it will be up to you to assert yourself and turn an impossible situation into a positive opportunity.

What is your advice to everyone out there?

Remember there is only one person in the world like you - yourself. That makes you absolutely unique and special.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have a variety of hobbies. I love to do all forms of exercise. Lately in Beijing, I have been learning boxing, as well as been practicing pilates. But my favorite forms of exercise are outdoors ? snowboarding, hiking.

I love to read. But if I have a larger block of free time, I will always try to do some type of travel, whether it’s within China or outside of China. My passion is to experience new cultures, and explore new sights. I feel this really stimulates the soul and makes one feel connected to the rest of the world. I recently went to India. Next stop is hopefully South America.

星特朗变倍望远镜 Upclose G2 10-30x50双筒高倍怎么样,好不好





