
时间:2024-04-25 17:57:34编辑:莆田seo君


  拖鞋是鞋子的一种,后跟全空,只有前面有鞋头,多为平底,材质经常是相当轻软的皮料、塑料、布料等。拖鞋种类依穿着场合及效能用途有所区分。那么你知道拖鞋用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   拖鞋的英语说法1:   slipper   拖鞋的英语说法2:   baboosh   拖鞋相关英语表达:   草席拖鞋 straw slipper   织锦缎拖鞋 brocade slippers   平绒拖鞋 velveteen slippers   女式拖鞋 lady's slippers   羊皮拖鞋 Sheepskin slipper   拖鞋的英语例句:   1. The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass.   缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾著露珠的草地。   2. Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers.   弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。   3. Should I fetch your slippers?   要我去给你拿拖鞋吗?   4. His father meted out punish-ment with a slipper.   他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚。   5. Didn'tI tell you to put some slippers on?   难道我没有告诉你要穿拖鞋吗?   6. a pair of flip-flops   一双人字拖鞋   7. a pair of slippers   一双拖鞋   8. He kicked his slippers off and dropped on to the bed.   他踢掉了拖鞋,倒在床上.   9. He put on his slippers and padded out to the kitchen.   他穿着拖鞋出来向厨房走去.   10. Slippers were waiting for you by the bed.   拖鞋就在床边.   11. Ah, so you've bought new slippers yet!   啊, 所以你还买了新拖鞋!   12. She wore tight trousers and high - heeled mules.   她穿紧身裤和拖鞋式高跟鞋.   13. Spanking is an indignity to a teenager.   用巴掌、拖鞋等打一个十几岁的孩子,是对他的侮辱.   14. She slippered across the room from her bed.   她下床穿着拖鞋走过房间   15. Changing into his slippers, Hung - chien said, " Oh , a letter from him!   鸿 渐 一壁换拖鞋道: “ 他有信来了!

slippers是指拖鞋吗?还有flip- flops是什么意思?

slippers指拖鞋,flip-flops指人字拖,sandals指凉鞋。slippers英[ˈslɪpəz]美[ˈslɪpərz]n.室内便鞋;拖鞋。[词典]slipper的复数。[例句]She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers.她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。近义词shoes英[ʃuːz]美[ʃuːz]n.鞋。v.给(马)钉蹄铁。[词典]shoe的第三人称单数和复数。[例句]These shoes are a little too big for me.我穿这双鞋太大了一点。


  拖鞋是鞋子的一种,后跟全空,只有前面有鞋头,多为平底,材质经常是相当轻软的皮料、塑料、布料等。你知道拖鞋用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    拖鞋英语释义:   slippers;   babouche;   baboosh    拖鞋英语例句:   我的拖鞋在哪里?   Where are my slippers?   她穿着拖鞋噼啦啪啦地在房间中走过去。   She clapped across the room in her slippers.   如果贵方能考虑到我方代销你们塑料拖鞋的申请的话,我们会感到很高兴。   We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agent for sales of your plastic slippers.   只要你有中等的缝纫手艺,你就能轻松地为自己做一双舒适的牛仔布拖鞋。   If you have intermediate sewing skills then you can easily stitch yourself a pair of proper denim slippers.   把你的拖鞋和家居服放在床边,这样早上起床的时候就可以直接穿上。   Keep slippers and a housecoat beside your bed so you can slip them onwhen you get up.   破碎的玻璃和其他物体会伤到脚,因此在床的附近要准备好手电筒和拖鞋,这样你就可以安全地活动了。   You may injure your feet on broken glass and other objects. Prepare aflashlight and slippers near your bed so you will be able to move safely.   行头就是你的全套装备:你的画画裤子、写作拖鞋、或者能给你灵感的滑稽帽子。   The costume is your outfit, your painting pants, or your writing slippers, oryour funny hat that gives you ideas.   每天只要打扮的像迪斯尼公主,穿着金拖鞋,那就都是好日子。   Every day is a good day to dress like a Disney princess, golden slippers andall.   接着,服务员会把客人带到房间,客人脱掉拖鞋后才能走在“榻榻米”(一种稻草垫)上。   An attendant escorts guests to their rooms, where slippers are removedbefore walking on the rice straw flooring, called tatami.   如果你是招聘方代表,你看到一位 面试 者穿着短裤和拖鞋来了,你会雇用他/她吗?   If you were an interviewer and you saw someone come in with shorts andflip flops, would you hire him/her?   塞缪尔用手指勾住她的裤攀,低头看着她的翻边牛仔裤和粉红色拖鞋。   Samuel hooks his fingers through her belt loops, looks down at her cuffedjeans and pink slippers.   闪电照亮了遒劲的古树和一具庞大的铁钟,和尚们穿着僧衣和拖鞋在四处走动。   Lightning floodlights gnarled trees and a giant iron bell. Monks with umbrellas flit about in robes and slippers.   把你的拖鞋和家居服放在床边,这样早上起床的时候就可以直接穿上。又舒服又暖和。。。   Keep slippers and a housecoat beside your bed so you can slip them onwhen you get up. Cozy and warm … yummmm.   除此之外,难道您真的想被抓到穿着红宝石拖鞋来诅咒您自己吗。   Besides, do you really want to be caught wearing ruby red slippers and chanting to yourself?   缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地。   The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass.   目前,喜达屋已经开始广受中国人的欢迎,酒店提供拖鞋和房间内茶壶,以及普通话服务。   Already, Starwood offers slippers and in-room tea makers, as well as Mandarin speakers in hotels popular with the Chinese.   海南来的哥们儿总是一年四季和拖鞋相伴,无论刮风、下雨还是上课、聚餐*在穿上学士服的这一刻,当然也没有例外了。   Guys who come from Hainan province like wearing baboosh anytime, anywhere* At this important moment, he's also wearing baboosh without exception.   我司大量供应库存品牌运动鞋,凉鞋,拖鞋,靴子,牛仔等,如果贵公司有相关需求,请联系我们,合作愉快!   We have lots of store gym shoes, sandals, chinelas, boots, jeans and so on, if you interest it, pls contact us, thanks, happy business!   要我去给你拿拖鞋吗?   Should I fetch your slippers?


拖鞋的英文:slipper。slipper 读法 英 [ˈslɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈslɪpər] 。短语:1、paper slipper 纸拖鞋。2、slipper sock 鞋袜。3、Sheepskin slipper 羊皮拖鞋。辅音多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,这里我们主要是针对/θ ð ʃ ʒ/这四个辅音,/θ/和/ð/这两个音标,它们并没有相近似的拼音来对应,主要是靠嘴形来记忆。/θ/――上下牙齿咬着舌头尖,发“斯"的音;/ð/――舌头顶上牙堂发拼音z一声;/ʃ/――师;/ʒ/――牙齿闭合,舌头虚碰牙齿发拼音r一声。


slippers指拖鞋,flip-flops指人字拖,sandals指凉鞋。slippers英[ˈslɪpəz]美[ˈslɪpərz]n.室内便鞋;拖鞋。[词典]slipper的复数。[例句]She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers.她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。近义词:shoe词语用法:1、shoe的基本意思是“鞋”,是可数名词。“一双鞋”是a pair of shoes, shoe多用于复数形式。2、shoe也可表示“(自行车、汽车等的)煞车瓦,闸瓦”或“在外观或用途上似鞋之物”。shoe还可作“蹄铁”,即“马掌”解。词义辨析:shoe, boot这两个词都含有“鞋”的意思。其区别在于:boot多指用橡皮或皮革制成的长筒靴; 而shoe则是鞋的总称,可笼统地指各类鞋。例如:1、I put on my fur coat and boots.我穿上了皮袄和靴子。2、The shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋穿着很合脚。


拖鞋英语翻译为:slipper。 slipper:n.室内便鞋;拖鞋; 复数:slippers 扩展资料   A New Type of Hydrostatic Slipper Bearing and its Application to Water Hydraulic Motor.   一种新型滑靴静压支承在水压马达中的应用研究。   Design of Slipper in Pure Water Hydraulic Piston Pump.   纯水液压柱塞泵滑靴副的设计问题。   Research on Slipper Pair Based on Hydrostatic Bearing under Condition of Variable Viscosity.   变粘度条件下静压支承滑靴副的研究。


拖鞋的英语怎么读介绍如下:slippers:英/ˈslɪpəz/。美/ˈslɪpərz/。n.拖鞋;室内便鞋。slipper的复数。She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers. 她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。Didn't I tell you to put some slippers on? 难道我没有告诉你要穿拖鞋吗?Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。His father meted out punishment with a slipper. 他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚。The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass. 缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地。

上一篇:太极3 巅峰在望什么时候上映
