
时间:2024-04-24 08:30:51编辑:莆田seo君


good evening,较为常用;evening:[?i?vn??],晚上、晚会,Good evening, ladies and gentlemen 女士们,先生们,晚上好;good night,晚安;night [na?t],夜晚、黑夜、夜间的。 扩展资料   晚上好的英语例句:   Good Evening and Welcome.   晚上好,欢迎你们!   Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.   女士们,先生们,晚上好。   Good evening, Inspector. Thank you for coming.   晚上好,警官。感谢你的到来。   Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.   各位晚上好,欢迎光临华盛顿。   Good evening. Would you like to start off with a cocktail?   晚上好,您要先来杯鸡尾酒吗?   Evening, Mr. White. How are you today?   晚上好,怀特先生。你今天好吗?   Evening, Mr. Jones. I'm sorry I'm late.   晚上好,琼斯先生。很抱歉我迟到了。   Good evening, Mr. White. How are you today?   晚上好,怀特先生。你今天好吗?   "Good-evening, Valentine," said a well-known voice   “晚上好,瓦朗蒂娜。”一个声音说。   解析evening   n. 晚上;晚会;后期,衰落期;晚年   adj. 在晚上的;晚上用的   The hush of (the) evening.   傍晚的宁静。   It was a fun evening.   那个晚上令人愉快。   The evening passed as evenings mostly pass at Italian theatres   那一声过得很平淡,象意大利戏院里的'大多数夜晚一样   解析night   n. 夜晚;黑夜;黑暗   adj. 夜晚的,夜间的   It was an obscure night in early May.   那是五月初的一个朦胧的夜晚。   The landlord bestowed him for the night.   店主留他住一夜。   They pitched up for the night.   他们扎营过夜。


问题一:晚上好的英语怎么说 晚上好的英语
一、good evening[gud 'i:vni?]
二、good night[gud na?t]
1. He stuck his hand out and he said, Good evening.
2. Good evening, your Excellency.
3. For all of us at ABC News, have a good night.
代表我们ABC新闻的全体人员, 祝你们晚上好。
4.Good night, Sir. Is everything to you satisfaction?
晚上好, 先生. 一切都令您满意 吗 ?

问题二:英语怎么说晚上好 good evening,男的用sir,女的用madam.

问题三:晚上好用英语怎么说? 晚上好的英语是good evening,具体如下:
good evening 英 [ud ?i:vni?] 美 [?d ?ivn??]
They *** iled and said Good evening! to me.
Good evening. I have a reservation.

问题四:晚上好英语怎么读语音 古的 衣服您!

问题五:"晚上好"用英语怎么说? Good evening. 晚上好。[见面时说的]
Good night.鸡安。[分别时说的]

问题六:晚上好用英文怎么写 good evening, good night 是晚安……

问题七:午安,下午好,晚安,晚上好,英语分别怎么说? 你好,分别是:
Good noon. Have a good nap!Good afternoon.Good night.Good evening.其中,午安并不常用,请看下,Have a good nap!(一楼的多了个s哦)v.打盹;睡午觉 ,请看下关于午安的例句用作动词 (v.)The big soft sofa is the best place for a nap.这个又大又软的沙发是打盹的好哗方。I always nap on the way to work.我在上班的路上总是打盹。After lunch we usually have a nap.午饭后我们一般都睡午觉。 It's my habit to take a nap at noon. 我有个睡午觉的习惯。

问题八:大家晚上好。英文怎么说 Good evening,everyone.

问题九:晚上好 用英语口语 Good evening

问题十:“晚上好”和“晚安”用英语怎么说?有何区别? 晚上好 Good evening
晚安 Good night
Good evening是晚上见面时的问候语,而 Good night是晚上分手时,特别是睡觉前的问候语,也就俯说,即使你到晚上9点10点了跟人见面,也得说Good evening.,而不是Good night


晚上好的英文:good evening; good night. 例句:Good evening, Dr. Smith. Good evening, Dr. Johnson. Good evening, Inspector. Thank you for coming.。【回答】


“晚上好”的英语是“Good evening”读音为:[ɡud ?i:vni?] 美 [ɡ?d ?ivn??] 。“Good evening”是晚上见面时用语时的问候语,非正式场合的时候常常说“Evening”。晚安可以说“Good night”。例句(1)If you can't see me tomorrow. Well, good morning, good afternoon, goodevening. 如果明天你看不见我。那么,早安,午安,晚安。(2)Good evening! How many of you, please? 晚上好!请问你们几位?(3)Good evening. I'm the bellman. 晚上好,我是这里的接待员。(4)Good evening, Mr. White. How are you? 晚上好,怀特先生。你好吗?(5)Good evening, May I put them here? 晚上好,我可以把菜放在这儿吗?sandywang3100789.blog.163.com(6)Good evening. I'm Jess Perkins with Casey wong. 晚上好,现在由杰斯帕金斯和凯西王为您报道。

晚上好的英语怎么说 晚上好的英语怎么说读?

1、晚上好的英语是good evening。 2、good evening读音:英[ɡud ˈi:vniŋ]、美 [ɡʊd ˈivnɪŋ]。 3、int.晚上好。 4、They smiled and said good evening! to me.他们微笑着并对我说:“晚上好”。 5、Good evening. I have a reservation.凯特.麦凯纳:晚上好。我预订了房。

晚上好的英语怎么说 晚上好用英语如何说

晚上好的英语说法是good evening;晚上好用英语说法是[/ˌɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ/]。一、发音英:[/ˈiːvnɪŋ/];美:[/ˈiːvnɪŋ/]二、中文翻译n.晚上;傍晚;晚会,晚间活动;后期;衰落期int.晚上好( = good evening)adj.(在)晚上的;晚上用的三、形式复数:evenings派生词:evenings adv.四、短语搭配good evening 晚上好evening dress 晚礼服early evening 傍晚late evening 深夜next evening 第二天晚上nice evening 美妙的晚上五、双语例句1.Let's go out this evening.咱们今天晚上出去吧。2.There's a basketball practice every Thursday evening.每星期四晚上有篮球训练。3.What do you usually do in the evening?你晚上通常干什么?4.Watching TV all evening wasn't exactly what I had in mind!我才不愿整个晚上看电视呢!5.I like to have a walk in the evenings.我喜欢晚上散步。6.In the evening we went to see a movie.晚上,我们去看了一场电影。六、用法1.作“傍晚,黄昏,晚上”解时,指晚饭后、下班后或者日落后到就寝前这段时间,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词;2.也可作联欢性、娱乐性的“晚会”解,这时是可数名词。


顾德伊福宁。evening英 [ˈiːvnɪŋ] 美 [ˈiːvnɪŋ] n. 晚上;傍晚;(联欢性的)晚会;后期。adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的。int. 晚上好(等于good evening)。近义词:sunset英 [ˈsʌnset] 美 [ˈsʌnset] n. 日落,傍晚;晚霞,落日余晖;(法律的)自动废止期,效力消减期; 衰落期(尤指人生的晚年)。


问题一:英文下午好、晚上好用中文音译怎么说? 古德阿伏特弄 下午好古德一文宁 晚上好

问题二:请问英语早上好,中午好,晚上好中文谐音是什么? 古德冒领

问题三:晚上好英语怎么读语音 古的 衣服您!

问题四:英文下午好,晚上好用中文音译怎么说 下午好
英文:Good afternoon 中文谐音:古德阿伏特怒嗯
英文:good evening 中文谐音:古德一雯宁

问题五:晚上好用英语怎么读 Good evening! 问候语
Good night! 告别,祝对方晚安

问题六:晚上好的英文怎么读? good evening 英[ud ?i:vni?] 美[?d ?ivn??]
int. 晚上好;
[例句]He stuck his hand out and he said, 'Good evening.'

问题七:英语晚上好怎么读 good evening,男的用sir,女的用madam.


  “晚上好”是用来打招呼的日常用语,世界各国使用频率最高的词汇之一。那么你知道晚上好用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下晚上好的英语说法吧。   晚上好的英语说法   good evening   evening   晚上好相关英语表达   大家晚上好 Good evening everyone   亲吻晚上好 kiss good night   怀念你晚上好 Miss you Good night   晚上好的英语例句   1. He stuck his hand out and he said, "Good evening."   他伸出手说:“晚上好。”   2. Good evening, your Excellency.   晚上好,阁下。   3. " Good evening! Terrible weather, isn't it? "" Yes, dreadful. ”   “ 晚上好! 天气真糟糕, 是不是? ” “是啊, 糟糕极了. ”   4. Defarge brought him the wine, and gave him Good Evening.   德伐日给他送上酒, 说了声“晚上好”.   5. " Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy. And which of you ladies is Mrs. Wilkes ? "   " 晚上好, 肯尼迪太太, 你们哪一位是 威尔克斯 太太 呀 ?   6. Good evening, citizen, " filling his glass.   晚上好, 公民, ” 他往杯里斟酒.   7. Good evening, Mr. Faber. we started without you - I hope you don't mind.   晚上好, 费伯先生! 我们没等您回来就开始了,请不要见怪.   8. Good evening, Mr. Jones. I'm sorry I'm late.   晚上好, 琼斯先生. 很抱歉我迟到了.   9. 'Good - evening, Dance ,'says the doctor, with a nod.'And good - evening to you, friend Jim.   “ 晚上好, 丹斯先生. ”大夫点点头说, “ 晚上好, 吉姆小朋友.   10. However, he did not seem at all ferocious, and only said gruffly " Good evening, Beauty. "   然而, 他看上去似乎一点也不凶狠, 只是粗嗄地说, “ 晚上好, 美女. ”   11. Good evening. Do you have a table for two?   晚上好, 有两人的桌子 吗 ?   12. Salesperson: Good evening. May I help you?   店员: 晚上好. 您想买 什么 ?   13. Good evening. Would you like to start off with a cocktail?   晚上好, 您要先来杯鸡尾酒 吗 ?   14. Good evening, madam. Good evening, sir.   晚上好, 太太! 晚上好, 先生!   15. Good evening, sir! What can I do for you tonight?   晚上好, 先生! 今晚您想来点什么?   晚上好英文相关问候语   1. Hello. 你好!   2. Good morning. 早上好。   3. I am Kate Green. 我是凯特·格林。   4. Are you Tom Brown? 你是汤姆·布朗吗?   5. Yes, I am. 是的,我是。   6. How do you do? 你好!How do you do? 你好!   7. How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。   8. How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?   9. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢你。   10. Good afternoon. 午安。   11. Good evening. 晚上好。   12. Good night. 晚安。   13. Good-bye. 再见。   14. See you in the evening. 晚上见。   15. So long. 再见。


问题一:晚上好的英语怎么说 晚上好的英语
一、good evening[gud 'i:vni?]
二、good night[gud na?t]
1. He stuck his hand out and he said, Good evening.
2. Good evening, your Excellency.
3. For all of us at ABC News, have a good night.
代表我们ABC新闻的全体人员, 祝你们晚上好。
4.Good night, Sir. Is everything to you satisfaction?
晚上好, 先生. 一切都令您满意 吗 ?

问题二:英语怎么说晚上好 good evening,男的用sir,女的用madam.

问题三:晚上好用英语怎么说? 晚上好的英语是good evening,具体如下:
good evening 英 [ud ?i:vni?] 美 [?d ?ivn??]
They *** iled and said Good evening! to me.
Good evening. I have a reservation.

问题四:"晚上好"用英语怎么说? Good evening. 晚上好。[见面时说的]
Good night.鸡安。[分别时说的]

问题五:晚上好英语怎么读语音 古的 衣服您!

问题六:晚上好用英语怎么说?语音 gu (可以用固)de yi wen(温)ning(轻声的)

问题七:晚上好用英语怎么说 晚上好
[词典]good evening;


1、Good night!晚安!2、Sweet dreams!好梦!3、Pleasant dreams.好梦。4、Sleep tight!睡个好觉!5、Have a good dream.做个好梦。词汇解析:1、good night英文发音:[ɡʊd naɪt]中文释义:conv.(晚上分别或睡觉前的道别语)晚安例句:'Good night, my dears,' she called to us as we closed her door behind us.“晚安,我亲爱的孩子们,”我们关上她的房门时她对我们说道。2、Sweet dreams英文发音: [swiːt driːmz]中文释义:晚安例句:Fat Bird: Good night! Sweet dreams!胖鸟:晚安!做个好梦!3、Pleasant dreams英文发音:[ˈpleznt driːmz]中文释义:做个好梦例句:Good night and pleasant dreams!晚安,祝您有个好梦!4、Sleep tight英文发音:[sliːp taɪt]中文释义:睡得香;睡个好觉;好睡例句:Sleep tight tonight you guys, and do let the monsters bite!祝大家晚上睡个美美觉,然后让怪物来吃掉!5、Have a good dream英文发音:[hæv ə ɡʊd driːm]中文释义:好梦例句:Ok, see you tomorrow and have a good dream.好的,明天见,做个好梦吧。


  晚上好和晚安又是两个不同的英语表达了,我们来看看吧。下面是我给大家整理的晚上好的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   晚上好的英文是什么   good evening   英 [ɡud ˈi:vniŋ] 美 [ɡʊd ˈivnɪŋ]   int. 晚上好;   晚上好的英语例句   1. He stuck his hand out and he said, "Good evening."   他伸出手说:“晚上好。”   2. Good evening, your Excellency.   晚上好,阁下。   3. " Good evening! Terrible weather, isn't it? "" Yes, dreadful. ”   “ 晚上好! 天气真糟糕, 是不是? ” “是啊, 糟糕极了. ”   4. Defarge brought him the wine, and gave him Good Evening.   德伐日给他送上酒, 说了声“晚上好”.   5. " Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy. And which of you ladies is Mrs. Wilkes ? "   " 晚上好, 肯尼迪太太, 你们哪一位是 威尔克斯 太太 呀 ?   6. Good evening, citizen, " filling his glass.   晚上好, 公民, ” 他往杯里斟酒.   7. Good evening, Mr. Faber. we started without you - I hope you don't mind.   晚上好, 费伯先生! 我们没等您回来就开始了,请不要见怪.   8. Good evening, Mr. Jones. I'm sorry I'm late.   晚上好, 琼斯先生. 很抱歉我迟到了.   9. 'Good - evening, Dance ,'says the doctor, with a nod.'And good - evening to you, friend Jim.   “ 晚上好, 丹斯先生. ”大夫点点头说, “ 晚上好, 吉姆小朋友.   10. However, he did not seem at all ferocious, and only said gruffly " Good evening, Beauty. "   然而, 他看上去似乎一点也不凶狠, 只是粗嗄地说, “ 晚上好, 美女. ”   11. Good evening. Do you have a table for two?   晚上好, 有两人的桌子 吗 ?   12. Salesperson: Good evening. May I help you?   店员: 晚上好. 您想买 什么 ?   13. Good evening. Would you like to start off with a cocktail?   晚上好, 您要先来杯鸡尾酒 吗 ?   14. Good evening, madam. Good evening, sir.   晚上好, 太太! 晚上好, 先生!   15. Good evening, sir! What can I do for you tonight?   晚上好, 先生! 今晚您想来点什么?   晚上好的双语例句   Mona: Good evening. Do you speak English?   蒙纳:晚上好,请问您讲英语吗?   Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.   各位晚上好,欢迎光临华盛顿。   Good Evening and Welcome.   晚上好,欢迎你们!   Carter: Susan, good evening.   卡特:苏珊,晚上好。   Good evening and welcome.   晚上好,欢迎光临。   Good evening, sir.   晚上好,阁下。   Good evening, everybody.   大家晚上好。   President: Good evening.   总统:晚上好。   Clerk: Good evening.   店员:晚上好。   Good evening, Daddy.   爸爸,晚上好。   Salesperson: Good evening.   店员:晚上好。   Mary: Good evening.   玛丽:晚上好。   Good evening,Mary.   晚上好,玛丽!   Good evening,John.   晚上好,约翰!   Good evening, Lieutenant.   晚上好,中尉。   

晚上好的英语 晚上好的英语表达

1、晚上好的英文:good evening

2、n.傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期adj.在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的 int.晚上好

3、Good evening. Im a student from No.1 Middle School. Im Li Yang.晚上好,我是一中的学生,叫李洋。

4、Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Id like to welcome you all to the performance this evening.?女士们,先生们,晚上好,我欢迎诸位来看今晚的演出。

