
时间:2024-04-23 11:44:10编辑:莆田seo君


游戏中lobby的意思是休息室。一玩游戏的好处 (1)玩游戏可以有效的缓解压力,现在生活,工作压力都是比较大的,平时的负面情绪也是无处释放,游戏就可以成为释放压力的一种方式,而且平时工作比较枯燥,无聊的时候,也可以通过游戏来排解下。 (2)现在的游戏一般都采用组队,团队的模式,可以让身边的好友一起来玩,可以更好地促进感情,工作上有一些关系不是特别融洽的同事,平时也不知道该如何沟通,也可以通过游戏更好的沟通,在关系一般的情况下大家都是有所防备的,在游戏里可以卸下彼此的包袱,更真实一点。二打游戏的注意事项 (1)任何事情都有一个度的过程,玩游戏也是一样,不能超过了这个度,适当的玩一下可以起到娱乐的作用,但长时间的玩游戏便会使人产生消极的情绪,从而在工作和生活中变得消沉,影响人的积极性。同时在玩游戏的时候,时间太长也会对我们的身体造成影响。 (2)现在棋牌市场上各种棋牌软件种类繁多,也正是因为棋牌游戏的多样性和易操作性,让我们的业余生活更丰富多彩,对于长期从事棋牌游戏的工作者,也需要适当的休息一下,在体验游戏带给我们的价值回报的同时,都应该循序渐进。


lobby的意思是游说。lobby英[ˈlɒbi];美[ˈlɑːbi]。一、词典释义复数:lobbies;第三人称单数:lobbies;现在分词:lobbying;过去式:lobbied;过去分词:lobbied.二、短语搭配1、division lobby.国会分组投票厅。2、senior-citizen lobby.资深市民游说;高级市民游说。3、lobby correspondent.采访议会的资深政治新闻记者。4、fossil-fuel lobby.矿物燃料投票厅。5、lobby lounge.休息大厅;大堂酒廊;大堂吧。6、lift lobby.升降机大堂;电梯大堂。7、farm lobby.农场游说团体;农场游说团;农业税游。lobby的双语例句:1、Council tenants around the country are planning a mass lobby of Parliament.全国各地的市政住房租户正在计划组建一个大的议会游说团。2、24 hours foreign currency exchange service is provided at Hotel lobby.客人可在酒店大堂兑换货币,酒店提供24小时的服务。3、Women's groups are lobbying to get more public money for children.妇女组织在对政府进行游说,要求增加对儿童的拨款。4、He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions.他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。


  捉迷藏,一种游戏,亦称摸瞎子,是小时候最喜欢玩的游戏之一,那么你知道捉迷藏用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于捉迷藏的英文知识吧。   捉迷藏的英语说法   hide-and-seek   blindman's buff   捉迷藏的相关 短语   玩捉迷藏 play hide and seek   捉迷藏专辑 Hide and Seek Soundtrack   盲人捉迷藏 Blindman's Buff   捉迷藏的英语例句   1. Get straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.   有话直说,别跟我捉迷藏.   2. Many children played at hide and seek in the garden.   许多孩子在花园里捉迷藏.   3. We were miserably juggling witn the unavoidable.   我们可怜地同不可避免的命运捉迷藏.   4. The children love to play at hide - and - seek here.   孩子们喜欢在此捉迷藏.   5. I bet you were the best kid in the neighborhood at hide - and - seek, huh?   我打赌你是你那地区玩捉迷藏玩得最好的小孩, 哈?   6. We and seek together after people together very happy.   我们一起捉迷藏,一起追人,开心极了用英语怎么说?   7. They played at hide and seek in the garden.   他们在花园里玩捉迷藏.   8. They used to play hide - and - seek in this garden. They still do.   他们总是在这个花园里玩捉迷藏, 现在还是.   9. Happiness is is a good old fashioned game of hide and seek.   幸福意味着一个老掉牙的捉迷藏游戏.   10. The children were playing hide seek around the house.   孩子们在房子附近玩捉迷藏.   11. A Saturday afternoon we decided to play and seek in the school.   一个周六中午我们决定在学校玩捉迷藏.   12. A bunch of great, DEAD scientists were playing hide - and - seek in heaven.   一群已故的伟大的科学家在天堂玩捉迷藏游戏.   13. The children spent the whole afternoon together and seek.   这些男孩并不怎么麻烦我们,因为整个下午他们都在一起捉迷藏.   14. Tadpole 1 : Hey, brothers and sisters. Let's playing and seek. OK?   小蝌蚪 1: 嘿! 兄弟姐妹们! 让我们玩“捉迷藏”的游戏, 好 吗 ?   15. They played at hide and seek round the stone vases.   他们围着石头花瓶捉迷藏.   捉迷藏经典英语对话   Let's play hide-and-seek.让我们玩儿捉迷藏吧。   Who will be the seeker?谁来找呢?   I'll be the hider. You be the seeker.我来藏,你来找。   I'll count to ten.我数到十.   Hide yourself safely before I finish counting.   在我数完前你要藏好哦。   Make it slowly.数慢点。   Close your eyes. No peeking.闭上眼睛,不许偷看。   Here I come.我来了。   Are you behind the curtain? 你在窗帘后面吗?   Under the table? 在桌子下面吗?   I can see your little feet. 我可以看见你的小脚丫。   You are under the covers. I got you .   你在被子下面。抓到你了。   Now it's my turn to be the hider.现在该轮到我藏了。   Find somewhere quickly. 赶紧找个地方。   Where are you?你在哪?   I can't find you anywhere.我哪儿都找不到你。   I can hear you. 我能听见你。   There you are, in the cupboard.你在那,衣柜里。   I think I should have another turn. 我想我应该再来一轮。 猜你喜欢: 1. 桌球英语怎么说 2. 小学捉迷藏日记250字 3. 捉迷藏300字作文5篇 4. 捉迷藏400字作文示例5篇 5. 捉迷藏日记200字

捉迷藏英文怎么写 捉迷藏英文

1、捉迷藏英文:hide-and-seek,英 [ˌhaɪd ən ˈsiːk] 美 [ˌhaɪd ən ˈsiːk]。

2、在这树密枝长叶茂花繁的时节,要在这个花果园里寻找谁,简直就象玩“捉迷藏”一样了。In that leafy, flowery, bushy time, to look for any one in this garden was like playing at hide-and-seek.

3、孩子们曾从捉迷藏游戏中得到过很多快乐。The children used to get a lot of pleasure out of the hide-and-seek game.




这个问题是多方面的。首先,很难或根本不可能预测最需要帮助和最危险的地区。 预测气候变化比天气预测更困难。其次,很多地方政府在执政期间容易忽略隐性问题。在贫穷的地区,对自然环境的保护往往不及医疗和就业问题来的重要。第三也是最重要的一点,即使那些政治稳定和有经济实力的国家也可能对环境保护问题束手无策。美国的环境保护组织Maria Colehill of Forestlife认为我们在气候变化是唯一能做的就是观察气候的状况和接受那些我们无法预防的改变。我们也可以游说政府修改污染法案。动物基本上可以适应那些人烟稀少的环境。气候变化很有可能会改变动物的生活习惯,破坏食物链,连猞猁也会被影响。食物缺乏有可能会让猞猁濒临绝种。


例:direct lobbying 直接游说




FOC的意思有:1、FOC,是Field Oriented Control的缩写,意思是磁场定向控制。2、FOC,是Full Operational Capability 的缩写,意思是全面作战能力、工作能力、运算能力等。3、FOC,是FREE OF CHARGE的缩写,即给客人提供1%的免费产品(即备品)。外贸术语。4、FOC,是Flight Operations Control的缩写,航空公司运行系统。5、FOC,啊把先进的科技和设计完美结合起来,作为一个设计领域的先驱,专业为快速制造而设计产品。代表产品有FOC Palm-hug 吸顶灯。扩展资料:例句有:Introduce the mathematics model of asynchronous motor and the principleof Field oriented control ( FOC) and get its vector control equation. 异步电动机的数学模型、基本方程和矢量异步电机的矢量控制原理。Analysis of the Design for a Type of Transducer Based on FOC 一种矢量控制型变频器的设计方案介绍。The current control is one of the kernel problems of induction motor field oriented control ( FOC). 电流控制是异步电机磁场定向控制的核心问题之一。参考资料:FOC_百度百科 FOC_百度翻译


2005年考研英语阅读理解Part A

  Text 1

  1. Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.

  「译文」 这种行为被看作是“人之常情”,其潜在的假定是:其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的埋怨意识。

  「析句」 主句是Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,介词短语with the underlying…作伴随状语,而that引导同位语从句解释前面的名词assumption.

  「讲词」 regard作动词时通常表示“看作,尊重”。Accounting may be regarded as a process of communication in a very real sense.(会计也许可以被看作是真实的交流过程。)He is a highly regarded scholar in the academic circle.(他在学术界被视为一位德高望重的学者。)

  underlying表示“潜在的,根本的”。Clearly,Leftists have an underlying view of the difference between the “civilized” and “savage” races.(显然,左派人士对“文明”种族和“野蛮”种族的区别有一个基本的看法。)

  capable表示“有能力”,如果与of连用可以表示“有能力做某事”。That mobs capable of any crime.(这群暴徒什么犯法的事都能做出来。)

  human意为“人类的,人性的,有同情心的”,在句中表示“有人性的”,all too human意为“太具有人性的”,因而可以译为“人之常情”。

  2. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta,Georgia,which has just been published in Nature,suggests that it is all too monkey,as well.

  「译文」 但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan 和Frans de Waal进行的一项研究表明猴子也具有“猴之常情”,该成果刚在《自然》上发表。

  「析句」 本句的主干是a study… suggests that…,其中主语study有两个定语:一个是介词结构by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal…,另一个是which引导的非限定性定语从句。谓语动词suggests后面的that 引导一个宾语从句。

  「讲词」 suggest基本意思表示“建议”,所跟的从句常用虚拟语气。It was suggested that English should be the only language spoken in the European Parliament.(有人建议欧洲议会只使用英语。)在suggest后面的从句中,英国人一般会用should+动词原形,而美国人只用动词原形。当然suggest后面跟从句并不一定表示“建议”。I never suggested that anyone has lied or should lie.(我从没有表示过有人说过谎,或者应该说谎。)suggest还可以表示“暗示,唤起”。The arrangement of these pillars strongly suggests unity and support.(这些柱子的排列强烈暗示团结和支持。)His silence could only suggest disapproval.(他的沉默只能暗示反对。)另外,suggest有“要求;提醒”的意思。Such a crime suggests punishment.(对这样一桩犯罪应该给予惩罚。)

  3. However,when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers,so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock,their behaviour became markedly different.

  「译文」 但是,当两个猴子被放在隔开但相邻的两个房间里,能够互相看见对方用石头换回来什么东西时,猴子的行为就会变得明显不同。

  「析句」 本句是一个复合句,开始是when引导的时间状语从句,其中包含so that 引导的目的状语从句,而observe后面又是what引导的宾语从句;最后是主句their behavior become markedly different.

  「讲词」 so that是一个连接词,在英语中十分常见,可以表示目的。How do you raise your children so that they will have healthy relationships?(你怎样培养孩子,以便使他们能够建立健康的个人关系呢?)

  markedly意为“明显地,显著地”,其形容词形式为marked.He showed a marked lack of interest.(他表现出明显的兴趣不足。)

  4. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all,the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber,or refused to accept the slice of cucumber.

  「译文」 如果一只猴子无需拿出代币就能够得到一颗葡萄,那么另外一只就会将代币掷向研究人员或者扔出房间外,或者拒绝接受那片黄瓜。

  「析句」 本句是一个是由if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是the other… slice of cucumber,其中包括三个并列的谓语成分,讲述了猴子的三种反应:一tossed her own token at the researcher,二(tossed her own token)out of the chamber,三refused to accept the slice of cucumber.

  「讲词」 token意为“表示,象征,记号,代币”。例如:Tears are queer tokens of happiness.(眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示。)另外,as a token of或in token of表示“作为……的标志或象征”。We shook hands as a token of our friendship.(我们握手以表示我们的友谊。)by the same token表示“基于同样的理由”。By the same token,our African friends are welcome to share with us their experiences and lessons relating to foreign direct investment attraction and the buildout of economic and technological development zones.(同样,我们也愿意和非洲朋友们一起交流在吸引外资,建设经济技术开发区方面所取得的成功经验和失败教训。)

  5. However,whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans,or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago,is,as yet,an unanswered question.

  「译文」 但是,这种公平感是在卷尾猴和人类身上各自独立演化而成,还是来自三千五百万前他们共同的祖先,这还是一个悬而未决的问题。

  「析句」 本句的主语由whether…or whether(是……还是……)结构充当,两个whether各自引导一个主语从句,而且后一个从句的宾语(ancestor)后接一个定语从句。全句的谓语由系动词(is)+表语(an unanswered question)构成。as yet是一个插入语,意思是“迄今为止”。

  「讲词」 stem作名词主要表示“茎(干)、词干、家系、干线”等。作动词时意为“滋生,阻止”。He put a huge effort into trying to stem the rebellion but to no effect.(他拼命想阻止叛乱,但是没有成功。)注意stem from意为“出现”或“形成”。The CzechGerman declaration on mutual relations and their future development closed some of the controversial issues in CzechGerman relations stemming from the past.(捷克与德国关于相互关系及未来发展的声明结束了两国关系中的一些历史争端。)



  Part B

  25. Canada's premiers(the leaders of provincial governments),if they have any breath left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting,might spare a moment to do something,to reduce healthcare costs.

  「译文」 加拿大的省长们在7月底举行的年度会议上对渥太华抱怨了一通,如果他们还有力气的话,他们也许应该花点时间做点什么,以降低医疗费用。

  「析句」 这是一个条件复合句。从句是if… annual meeting,主句是Canadas premiers… to do something,后面的to reduce healthcare costs是目的状语。

  「讲词」 breath在句中意为“精力”。to have any breath left意为“还有力气或精力”。I dont have any breath to explain myself.(我没有精力为我自己解释。)Mrs. Hockin had scarcely any breath to tell us anything,as she came in through the door.(霍金夫人走进门以后几乎没有力气跟我们说话。)

  spare作形容词表示“空余的;有用的”,如spare time(业余时间)。作动词时,可以表示“饶恕;安慰;使免除;节省”等。It is time for the President to spare himself the burden of leadership.(总统现在应该主动放弃领导国家的职责。)

  26. Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care—to say nothing of reports from other experts—recommended the creation of a national drug agency.

  「译文」 不要说别的专家所提的报告,就连罗曼诺医疗委员会和科尔比医疗委员会都建议成立一个全国性的药品机构。

  「析句」 这是一个简单句,但是句中有一个插入成分,即破折号中间的成分。插入语实际上表示一种让步条件。

  「讲词」 to say nothing of意为“更不要说”。I think your written English is quite good,to say nothing of your oral English.(我认为你的英语写作水平很高,更不要说你的口语了。)Those doing business in China are often frustrated by the language difficulties,to say nothing of the cultural and business practice differences.(在中国做生意的人常常会因语言障碍而感到泄气,更不要说在文化和经营惯例方面的差别了。)

  creation在句中是“成立,建立,创建”的意思。The creation of the fund was made possible by a generous donation from the business community.(得益于商界各位人士的慷慨相助,基金会才得以成立。)

  27. Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs,bureaucracy,procedures and limited bargaining power,all would pool resources,work with Ottawa,and create a national institution.

  「译文」 与其各省自行制定药品采购清单,拥有自己的机构、程序和有限的议价能力,倒不如集中各自掌握的资源,与渥太华一道成立一个全国性的机构。

  「析句」 句子的主句是all would pool resources,work with Ottawa,and create a national institution.instead of引导了一个介词短语,作全句的状语。instead of意为“代替;宁愿”,如果直译句子肯定不通,因此在翻译时可对句子结构等进行适当的调整。

  「讲词」 pool在句中作动词,意为“汇聚;集中”。Lets pool our resources to finish the project quickly.(让我们集合我们的资源以尽快完成这个项目。)在北美,人们为了节省汽油,上班时会car pool,即拼车上班。

  28. Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers,the higher the likelihood of a better price.

  「译文」 基础经济学理论说明,潜在的消费者越多就越有可能争取更优惠的价格。

  「析句」 这是一个简单句,但是由于用了不大常用的词likelihood,句子显得有些费解。改写一下,可能意思更明了:Basic economics suggests that it is more likely to negotiate a better price with more potential consumers.

  「讲词」 likelihood意为“可能,可能性”。Do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it?(=Do you think it is possible that he will agree to it?你认为他有同意此事的可能性吗?)WHO,the world health organization,warns that the likelihood of a human flu epidemic is very high.(世界卫生组织警告说,爆发人流感的可能性非常高。)

  29. A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment,funded by Ottawa and the provinces.

  「译文」 渥太华和一些省出资成立了加拿大医疗技术评估协作办公室,这意味着向成立全国性机构的目标迈出了一小步。

  「析句」 这是一个简单句,句子的主干是A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency.with the creation…Assessment是状语,过去分词短语(funded by Ottawa and the provinces)作定语,修饰the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment.

  「讲词」 assess意为“估定,评定”,assessment是其名词形式。Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.(损失估计达一千元人民币。)What is your assessment of the situation?(你对时局的看法如何?)

  fund作名词时表示“资金,基金(会)”,作动词意为“资助,投资”。idle fund(游资),public welfare fund(公益金),a relief fund(救济基金),a reserve fund(公积金),a scholarship fund(奖学金基金)。The project was abandoned for want of funds.(这个计划因为缺少资金而作罢。)The project funded by the government has eased the traffic problem in the city.(政府投资的项目缓解了城市的交通问题。)

  30. Or they could read Mr. Kirbys report: “the substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the public prescriptiondrug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies.”

  「译文」 或许他们可以读一读科尔比先生的报告:“由于这样一个机构拥有实实在在的购买力,因而公共处方药保险计划就会得到加强,从而与制药公司展开谈判,以尽可能低的价格采购药品。”

  「析句」 引号之内的成分可以视作为Mr. Kirbys report的同位语。引号中的成分是一个单句,to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies是其目的状语。由于引号中的主语(the substantial buying power of such an agency)太长,因此在译成汉语时应该考虑译成一个分句。

  「讲词」 buying power又叫purchasing power(购买力)。注意negotiate的用法,to negotiate sth with sb.Mexico had unequal bargaining power when it negotiated the Treaty with the United States.(墨西哥在与美国缔结条约时没有平等的讨价还价权力。)You should negotiate a pay raise with your boss.(你应该与你的老板交涉,争取让他给你涨工资。)

  31. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information,prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall healthcare spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices.

  「译文」 根据加拿大医疗信息研究所的报告,处方药的成本自1997年以来持续上涨,其上涨幅度是整个医疗支出速度的两倍。部分原因是不断有新药取代旧的治疗手段,部分原因是新药比旧药贵,部分原因是价格高。

  「析句」 句子并不复杂,但要注意英语中的倍数表达(twice the rate),以及如何解释原因。

  「讲词」 twice可以表达两倍。Greenland ice cap is breaking up at twice the rate it was five years ago.(格陵兰的冰冠正以5年前两倍的速度融化。)

  arise from意为“起于”。This case arose from a fire in a residential property in southern Delaware.(这一案件源于南特拉华州一处民宅的火灾。)The serious health problems arose from the Gulf War.(这一严重的健康问题起于海湾战争。)

  32. So,if the provinces want to run the healthcare show,they should prove they can run it,starting with an interprovincial health list that would end duplication,save administrative costs,prevent one province from being played off against another,and bargain for better drug prices.

  「译文」 所以说,如果各省都想自己掌管医疗事业,它们就应该证明自己能够管好,首先各省应当不再单独制定药品采购清单,而是协同制定一份统一的药品采购清单,节省管理成本,防止各省之间互相争斗,并尽量争取压低药品的价格。

  「析句」 这是一个条件复合句,从句是if the provinces want to run the healthcare show,主句是they should prove they can run it.starting with an interprovincial health list作句子的伴随状语,而an interprovincial health list后面跟了一个定语从句。在定语从句中,谓语动词一共有四个(end,save,prevent和bargain)。

  「讲词」 run在句中是“管理”的意思。Remember when George W. Bush said hed run the country like a corporation?(记得乔治。W.布什曾说他管理国家会像管理公司一样吗?)The problem we have is that he has no idea how to run the company.(我们的问题是他不知如何管理公司。


问题一:跆拳道的英文怎么说。 楼主你好:


tae kwon do


The center conducts several weekend courses for children such as fencing, taekwondo, dancing and cooking。


问题二:跆拳道的英文名怎么说翻成汉字 taekwondo[英][ta?'k?nd?ʊ][美][ta?'k?ndo?]

问题三:英语怎么说跆拳道 跆拳道

跆拳道[tái quán dào]


taekwondo; kickboxing; tae kwon do

问题四:跆拳道的各种腿法用英语怎么说 跆拳道腿法中英对照
side kick = 侧踢

turning kick = 横踢/ 转踢

front snap kick = 前踢

back kick = 后踢/ 背踢

twisting kick = 内摆腿

crescent kick = 外摆腿

hook kick = 钩踢

rising kick = 上踢

side rising kick = 侧身上踢

pushing kick= 前推腿

double chop kick = 双飞踢

cut down kick / downward kick/

hammer kick = 下劈腿 / 劈腿

swinging kick = 摆腿

reverse kick = 后旋踢

jump side kick = 跳步侧踢

jump turning kick = 跳步横踢/

jump snap kick = 跳步前踢

jump back kick = 跳步后踢

jump hook kick = 跳步钩踢

jump cut down kick = 跳步下劈腿

jumping twisting kick = 跳高内摆腿

jumping crescent kick = 跳高外摆腿

jumping side kick = 跳高侧踢

jumping turning kick = 跳高横踢

jumping snap kick = 跳高前踢

jumping rising kick = 跳高上踢

jumping double snap kick = 跳高双前踢

jumping over side kick / flying side kick=跳越侧踢

jumping over back kick / flying back kick=跳越后踢

reverse turning kick/ 360 turning kick = 旋风踢

reverse hook kick = 反身钩踢

reverse pushing kick = 反身前推腿

reverse cut down kick = 反身下劈腿

outside turning kick = 外横踢/ 外转踢

back side kick = 后侧踢

跆拳道马步stance (stand)中英对照

L- stance / back stance = 3, 7 步/丁字马

cat stance / vertical bending stance/ tiger stance = 猫足 / 吊马(太极七)

close stance = 合步 (太极七)

forward stance = 弓步

sitting stance = 坐马 / 四平马

side sitting stance = 侧身坐马

standing stance = 立马

walking stance = 步行马

x - stance = 交叉步 (太极五)


higher, middle, lower section punch = 上,中,下路拳

knife hand = 手刀

arc hand = 扣喉手 (对拆)

back fist = 背拳 / 挂锤

finger thrust = 拍手标指 (太极四)



问题一:跆拳道的英文名怎么说翻成汉字 taekwondo[英][ta?'k?nd?ʊ][美][ta?'k?ndo?]

问题二:跆拳道馆用英语怎么写 跆拳道馆_百度翻译
[网络] Taekwondo;
The Research on the Present Situation and Tactics of Development of Taekwondo Hall for Citizen of Changchun

问题三:跆拳道的英文怎么说。 楼主你好:

tae kwon do

The center conducts several weekend courses for children such as fencing, taekwondo, dancing and cooking。


问题四:英语怎么说跆拳道 跆拳道
跆拳道[tái quán dào]
taekwondo; kickboxing; tae kwon do

问题五:跆拳道的各种腿法用英语怎么说 跆拳道腿法中英对照
side kick = 侧踢
turning kick = 横踢/ 转踢
front snap kick = 前踢
back kick = 后踢/ 背踢
twisting kick = 内摆腿
crescent kick = 外摆腿
hook kick = 钩踢
rising kick = 上踢
side rising kick = 侧身上踢
pushing kick= 前推腿
double chop kick = 双飞踢
cut down kick / downward kick/
hammer kick = 下劈腿 / 劈腿
swinging kick = 摆腿
reverse kick = 后旋踢
jump side kick = 跳步侧踢
jump turning kick = 跳步横踢/
jump snap kick = 跳步前踢
jump back kick = 跳步后踢
jump hook kick = 跳步钩踢
jump cut down kick = 跳步下劈腿
jumping twisting kick = 跳高内摆腿
jumping crescent kick = 跳高外摆腿
jumping side kick = 跳高侧踢
jumping turning kick = 跳高横踢
jumping snap kick = 跳高前踢
jumping rising kick = 跳高上踢
jumping double snap kick = 跳高双前踢
jumping over side kick / flying side kick=跳越侧踢
jumping over back kick / flying back kick=跳越后踢
reverse turning kick/ 360 turning kick = 旋风踢
reverse hook kick = 反身钩踢
reverse pushing kick = 反身前推腿
reverse cut down kick = 反身下劈腿
outside turning kick = 外横踢/ 外转踢
back side kick = 后侧踢
跆拳道马步stance (stand)中英对照
L- stance / back stance = 3, 7 步/丁字马
cat stance / vertical bending stance/ tiger stance = 猫足 / 吊马(太极七)
close stance = 合步 (太极七)
forward stance = 弓步
sitting stance = 坐马 / 四平马
side sitting stance = 侧身坐马
standing stance = 立马
walking stance = 步行马
x - stance = 交叉步 (太极五)
higher, middle, lower section punch = 上,中,下路拳
knife hand = 手刀
arc hand = 扣喉手 (对拆)
back fist = 背拳 / 挂锤
finger thrust = 拍手标指 (太极四)

问题六:跆拳道馆用英语怎么写 跆拳道馆_百度翻译
[网络] Taekwondo;
The Research on the Present Situation and Tactics of Development of Taekwondo Hall for Citizen of Changchun

问题七:跆拳道的英文怎么说。 楼主你好:

tae kwon do

The center conducts several weekend courses for children such as fencing, taekwondo, dancing and cooking。


问题八:英语怎么说跆拳道 跆拳道
跆拳道[tái quán dào]
taekwondo; kickboxing; tae kwon do

问题九:跆拳道的各种腿法用英语怎么说 跆拳道腿法中英对照
side kick = 侧踢
turning kick = 横踢/ 转踢
front snap kick = 前踢
back kick = 后踢/ 背踢
twisting kick = 内摆腿
crescent kick = 外摆腿
hook kick = 钩踢
rising kick = 上踢
side rising kick = 侧身上踢
pushing kick= 前推腿
double chop kick = 双飞踢
cut down kick / downward kick/
hammer kick = 下劈腿 / 劈腿
swinging kick = 摆腿
reverse kick = 后旋踢
jump side kick = 跳步侧踢
jump turning kick = 跳步横踢/
jump snap kick = 跳步前踢
jump back kick = 跳步后踢
jump hook kick = 跳步钩踢
jump cut down kick = 跳步下劈腿
jumping twisting kick = 跳高内摆腿
jumping crescent kick = 跳高外摆腿
jumping side kick = 跳高侧踢
jumping turning kick = 跳高横踢
jumping snap kick = 跳高前踢
jumping rising kick = 跳高上踢
jumping double snap kick = 跳高双前踢
jumping over side kick / flying side kick=跳越侧踢
jumping over back kick / flying back kick=跳越后踢
reverse turning kick/ 360 turning kick = 旋风踢
reverse hook kick = 反身钩踢
reverse pushing kick = 反身前推腿
reverse cut down kick = 反身下劈腿
outside turning kick = 外横踢/ 外转踢
back side kick = 后侧踢
跆拳道马步stance (stand)中英对照
L- stance / back stance = 3, 7 步/丁字马
cat stance / vertical bending stance/ tiger stance = 猫足 / 吊马(太极七)
close stance = 合步 (太极七)
forward stance = 弓步
sitting stance = 坐马 / 四平马
side sitting stance = 侧身坐马
standing stance = 立马
walking stance = 步行马
x - stance = 交叉步 (太极五)
higher, middle, lower section punch = 上,中,下路拳
knife hand = 手刀
arc hand = 扣喉手 (对拆)
back fist = 背拳 / 挂锤
finger thrust = 拍手标指 (太极四)

问题十:跆拳道的英文名怎么说翻成汉字 taekwondo[英][ta?'k?nd?ʊ][美][ta?'k?ndo?]


英语句式分析方法如下:1、S+V(主谓)The dog barked.狗叫。2、S+V+O(主谓宾)I love you.我爱你。3、S+V+C(主系表)You are beautiful.你很漂亮。4、S+V+O+O(主谓间宾直宾)I give you a book.我给你一本书。5、S+V+O+C(主谓宾补)You made me happy.你让我快乐。总句型1、Last week, I slowly took the bus to the theater.上星期,我慢慢地乘公交车去了戏院。Last week:时间状语;I:主语;slowly:程度状语;took:谓语;the bus:宾语;to the theaer:目的状语。2、Many people around the world keep a diary.世界上很多人都写日记。people是主语,many是前置定语,around the world是后置定语,keep是谓语,a diary是宾语,所以上面是主谓宾的句型。


be opened在这里是被动形式,因为句子主语是服务业,服务业只能被开放;句子的原意是“服务业应该开放,以便于引入更多的竞争”,所以可以引申翻译为“服务业应该向更多具有竞争力的人开放”。由此可见,这个句子的主语是服务业,be opened的暗指对象是更多的竞争者!
who后面的句子是限制性定语从句,用来修饰前面的the boy,对the boy进行限制和修饰的作用;如果去掉这个定语从句,则整个句子的意思将变得不完整;限制性定语从句的先行词the boy和引导词who之间不能用逗号隔开。

