
时间:2024-04-22 20:17:31编辑:莆田seo君


person翻译中文为:人,人身,人称相关词组:in person、in the person of、no less a person than例句:1、Help arrived in the person of his father.前来帮忙的是他的父亲。2、The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research.公司有一巨大财富,就是研究部主任这个人。3、You are just the person I want to see.你正是我要见的人。学好英语的建议:1、制定明确的学习目标:确定自己学习英语的具体目标,例如提高口语能力、扩大词汇量等。这样能够让你更有方向感,更有动力去学习。2、建立良好的学习习惯:每天定期安排时间学习英语,保持持续的学习态度。可以设置每天学习一定时间或完成一定任务量的目标,保持坚持不懈的学习习惯。3、多听多读多说多写:多听英语音频、看英语电影、阅读英语文章,提高对英语的听力和阅读理解能力。同时,多与他人练习口语,积极参与英语口语交流。此外,多写英语作文和日记,提高写作能力。4、拓宽词汇量:积累并记忆常用的单词和短语,可以通过背单词、使用词汇卡片等方式来帮助记忆。同时,注意学习单词的词义、用法和搭配,提高词汇的运用能力。5、注重语法学习:系统学习英语的语法规则,理解句子结构和语法用法。掌握基本的语法知识可以帮助你更准确地表达和理解英语。6、创造英语学习环境:利用各种资源创造一个英语学习的环境,例如使用英语学习APP、参加英语角等。让英语贯穿于你的日常生活,提高接触和使用英语的机会。7、寻找合适的学习方法:不同人适合不同的学习方法,可以尝试各种方法,找到适合自己的学习方式。例如,有的人适合通过听力练习来提高听力能力,有的人则更适合通过阅读来提高英语水平。8、坚持练习和复习:学习英语需要不断的练习和复习,巩固所学知识。可以通过做习题、参加模拟考试等方式来检验自己的学习成果,并及时复习和强化学过的内容。9、充分利用资源:利用各种学习资源,如教材、课程、网上学习平台等。参加英语培训班、找到合适的学习伙伴,与他人一起学习可以互相激励和帮助。10、保持积极的学习态度:学习英语是一个长期的过程,难免会遇到困难和挫折。保持积极的学习态度,相信自己的能力,坚持不懈地学下去。学好英语需要时间和努力,但只要保持坚持和积极的学习态度,相信自己的能力,就一定能够取得进


person读音是['pɜːrsn]。   person释义:n. 人;本人;身体短语:like person 喜欢某人,爱上某人miss person 想念某人mistrust person 怀疑某人praise person 表扬某人respect person 尊重某人person用法:person作“容貌,身体”解时,一般用单数形式; person还可作“合适人选”解。person还有“家伙”的意思,含有贬义或不尊重之义。在语法术语中, person作“人称”解。a young person的意思是“一个年轻妇女”,多半指轻佻的女人。“一个年轻男人”则说a young man。


person用英语怎么读介绍如下:英/ˈpɜːsn/。美/ˈpɜːrsn/。n.人;个人;某人;从事…工作(或担任…职务)的人;人员;人称。复数: people persons。What sort of person would do a thing like that? 什么人会干那样的事呢?He is so not the right person for you. 他这个人绝对不适合你。There were 50 people there, at the very most. 那儿最多只有50个人。Some people don't know when they're well off. 有些人身在福中不知福。There aren't that many people here. 这里并没有那么多人。More and more people are using the Internet. 越来越多人在使用互联网。We were the only people there. 我们是唯一在场的人。


person读音是['pɜːrsn]。   person释义:n. 人;本人;身体短语:like person 喜欢某人,爱上某人miss person 想念某人mistrust person 怀疑某人praise person 表扬某人respect person 尊重某人person用法:person作“容貌,身体”解时,一般用单数形式; person还可作“合适人选”解。person还有“家伙”的意思,含有贬义或不尊重之义。在语法术语中, person作“人称”解。a young person的意思是“一个年轻妇女”,多半指轻佻的女人。“一个年轻男人”则说a young man。


person的读音是:英['p??sn]。person的读音是:英['p??sn]。person的词语用法是n.(名词)person的基本意思是相对于animal或thing而言的“人”。用来表示具有某种个性或特性的人时,是可数名词,其复数形式为people; 也可指已知的或非特指的人; 还可指少量的人或具体人数,主要作法律用语,此时其复数形式为persons。person的意思是n.人;本人;身体。一、详尽释义点此查看person的详细内容n.(名词)人(尤指个人)人身,身体容貌【语法】人称家伙本人,自身,亲自,亲身【法】法人,自然人某人从事…工作的人人员二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]人 a man or woman三、词典解释The usual word for ‘more than one person’ is people. The form persons is used as the plural in formal or legal language. 表示不止一个人时通常用 people,persons 作为复数形式用于正式或法律语言中。1.人;个人Aperson is a man, woman, or child.e.g. At least oneperson died and several others were injured...至少一人死亡,还有几个人受伤。e.g. Everyone knows he's the onlyperson who can do the job...人人都知道他是唯一能做这项工作的人。2.(person的复数形式,用于正式、法律、技术文体中)Persons is used as the plural ofperson in formal, legal, and technical writing.persone.g. ...removal of the right of accused persons to remain silent...剥夺被告人保持沉默的权利e.g. Persons who wish to adopt a child may contact their local social services department.想收养孩子的人可以与当地社会公益部门联系。3.为人;人品If you talk about someoneas a person, you are considering them from the point of view of their real nature.e.g. I've a lot of time for him as aperson now...现在我有充分的时间去了解他的人品。e.g. Robin didn't feel good about herself as aperson.罗宾不喜欢自己的为人。4.喜欢(不喜欢)…的人If someone says, for example, 'I'm an outdoor person ' or 'I'm not a coffee person', they are saying whether or not they like that particular activity or thing.persone.g. I am not a countryperson at all. I prefer the cities.我根本不喜欢乡村生活,我喜欢城市。5.亲自;本人If you do somethingin person, you do it yourself rather than letting someone else do it for you.e.g. You must collect the mail inperson and take along some form of identification...你必须携带本人身份证明亲自来取邮件。e.g. She went to New York to receive the award inperson.她亲自前往纽约领奖。6.本人;直接;当面If you meet, hear, or see someonein person, you are in the same place as them, rather than, for example, speaking to them on the telephone, writing to them, or seeing them on television.person是什么意思e.g. It was the first time she had seen him inperson.这是她第一次见到他本人。e.g. ...a trip to Hollywood to meet his favorite actor inperson...去好莱坞亲自面见他最喜欢的演员的旅程7.身体Yourperson is your body.persone.g. The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on hisperson.嫌疑犯拒绝说出他的具体身份,而且身上没有携带任何身份证明。8.名叫;人称You can usein the person of when mentioning the name of someone you have just referred to in a more general or indirect way.e.g. We had a knowledgeable guide in theperson of George Adams.我们有一位见识广博的导游乔治·亚当斯。9.(语法中的)人称In grammar, we use the termfirst person when referring to 'I' and 'we',second person when referring to 'you', andthird person when referring to 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they', and all other noun groups.Person is also used like this when referring to the verb forms that go with these pronouns and noun groups.四、例句You are just the person I want to see.你正是我要见的人。He is a very nice person to work with.他是一个很好共事的人。Every person is accountable for his own work.每个人都要对自己的工作负责。The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research.公司有一巨大财富,就是研究部主任这个人。The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.奖金需获奖者本人领取。The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.大斗篷的褶层包裹着她的身体。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)in person亲自,亲身 physically presentin the person of叫做…的人; 体现于 one of person be called; give expression toon〔about〕 the person随身带,身上 on one's body六、情景对话Get under one’s skin-(保全自己)A:Never trust your secrets to Bob.别向鲍勃吐露秘密。personB:I think he’s kind and honest.我倒认为他为人不错,挺诚实的。A:He’s the kind ofperson who do anything to save his own skin.他是那种为了保全自己什么都肯做的人。B:I don’t agree with you.我不能同意你的看法。求职面试B:What is your strongest trait?你个性上最大的特点是什么?A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.乐于助人和关心他人。/适应能力和幽默感/乐观和友爱。B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determinedperson.他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。/他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。B:What personality traits do you admire?你欣赏哪种性格的人?A:(I admire aperson who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。/有"实际行动"的人。旅行安排1A:Could you give me some information on your European tours?你可以给我一些你们经办的有关欧洲旅行的资料吗?B:Our pleasure.We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe.好的。我们有几套欧洲旅游计划选择,时间从10天到3个星期。A:I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time.我有兴趣在圣诞节前后去玩10天。B:I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24.我们一个10天的旅行团还有空位,12月24号离开纽约。A:What is the cost?费用是多少?B:The price for oneperson for a ten-day tour is only $ 1088, which includes round-trip airfare.十日游每人只要1088美元。这个费用包括来回机票。A:That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations.听起来价钱还算公道。让我考虑一下,我会再打电话预定。B:OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked.好,但不要拖太久,否则会订满的。七、词义辨析n.(名词)person, people这两个词都可表示“人”,在正式用语中persons常用来代替people。其区别是:people指的是广义上的,指世间的人,大数目或数目不确定的人; person往往指的是狭义上的,指个别的人,小数目或数目确定的人。试比较:Who are those people standing over there?那边站着的是些什么人?Who are those persons standing over there?那边站着的是哪几个人?下面两个句子的意思不同:Many people say that what's done is done.大伙儿都说木已成舟。(是指一伙人)Many persons say that what's done is done.人人都说木已成舟。(是指一个一个可数的人)严格说, person的复数是people,不是persons,因为后者是用来指一个一个可数的人。person的相关临近词persona、persistent、Persone、Personne、Personet、Personier、Personico、Personnat、Personnaz、personkind、Personidae、personhood点此查看更多关于person的详细信息


person读法:英[ˈpɜːsn] 美[ˈpɜːrsn] n. 人; 个人; 某人 。person 相关例句名词1. A strange person is asking to see you.有个陌生人想见你。2. She was small and neat of person.她长得娇小玲珑。3. He has no money on his person.他身边没有钱。4. The young man has a fine person.那小帮子相貌堂堂。5. He has a fine person.他容貌很好。person 情景对话Get under one’s skin-(保全自己)personA:Never trust your secrets to Bob.别向鲍勃吐露秘密。personB:I think he’s kind and honest.我倒认为他为人不错,挺诚实的。person在线翻译A:He’s the kind of person who do anything to save his own skin.他是那种为了保全自己什么都肯做的人。B:I don’t agree with you.我不能同意你的看法。求职面试B:What is your strongest trait?你个性上最大的特点是什么?person什么意思A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.乐于助人和关心他人。/适应能力和幽默感/乐观和友爱。B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?


1、people指人,英文解释是persons; men, women and children,是集合名词,表复数概念。两个以上的人就可以用people。美[ˈpiːpl]n.人;人们;大家;(统称)人民,国民;民族;种族;v.居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民;[词典]person的复数;[例句]Some people don't know when they're well off.有些人身在福中不知福。2、person 英[ˈpɜːsn]美[ˈpɜːrsn]n.人;个人;某人;从事…工作(或担任…职务)的人;人员;[例句]What sort of person would do a thing like that?什么人会干那样的事呢?[其他]复数:people3、human英[ˈhjuːmən]美[ˈhjuːmən]adj.人的;显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的;有人情味的;通人情的;n.人;[例句]The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。4、 man英[mæn]美[mæn]n.成年男子;男人;人类;(特定历史时期的)人;(不论性别的)人;v.在…岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员);int.(表示惊奇、气愤等)嘿,天哪;[例句]I took the man with him to be his father.我误以为和他在一起的那个男人是他父亲。5、humanity英[hjuːˈmænəti]美[hjuːˈmænəti]n.(统称)人;人类;人性;人道;仁慈;[例句]The massacre was a crime against humanity.这场大屠杀是一桩反人类的罪行。


人的英语是human,读作[ˈhjuːmən]。human是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“人;人类”,作形容词时意思是“人的;人类的”。human是人类、人群。humans是单个的人。It is like human fireworks.这就像是由人做成的烟火。当是人类统称的时候用human。但要注意第三人称+s的情况。two humans,两个人,因为human可数,所以复数加s。英语发音技巧音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。 一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。 但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。 英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫多音节。


人的英语是human being,man,person。一、human being英 [ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ],美 [ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ] n. 人例句:Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end. 翻译:每个人都会死,但人类却永无止境。二、man英 [mæn],美 [mæn] n. 成年男子;男人;人类;(特定历史时期的)人;(不论性别的)人v. 在......岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员)int. (表示惊奇、气愤等)嘿,天哪例句:He had not expected the young man to reappear before evening...翻译:他没想到这位年轻男子会在黄昏前再次出现。三、person英 [ˈpɜːsn],美 [ˈpɜːrsn] n. 人;个人;某人;从事......工作(或担任...…职务)的人;人员例句:At least one person died and several others were injured.翻译:至少一人死亡,还有几个人受伤。person的用法n.(名词)1、person的基本意思是相对于animal或thing而言的“人”。用来表示具有某种个性或特性的人时,是可数名词,其复数形式为people;也可指已知的或非特指的人;还可指少量的人或具体人数,主要作法律用语,此时其复数形式为persons。2、person作“容貌,身体”解时,一般用单数形式;person还可作“合适人选”解。person还有“家伙”的意思,含有贬义或不尊重之义。在语法术语中,person作“人称”解。3、a young person的意思是“一个年轻妇女”,多半指轻佻的女人。“一个年轻男人”则说a young man。

