take care of yourself

时间:2024-04-22 05:50:28编辑:莆田seo君

take care of什么意思

take care of的意思是:照顾;杀掉;对付;抵消。一、相似短语1、to take care of管;负责。2、take care(告别用语)走好,保重。3、take care(that.../to do sth)小心;当心。二、例句1、Most parents are stressed multi-taskers who often forget to take care of themselves。大多数父母都忙于各种事务,经常忘了照顾他们自己。2、My heart cared about everyone it just couldn 't take care of itself。我的心惦记每个人,但它就是没能照顾好自己。3、It 's also possible that smart people are better able to take care of themselves and their looks。还有一种可能就是,聪明人更有能力去照顾好自己,当然包括他们的外表。


takecare的中文翻译为保重、爱护、照顾、照料等含义。"Take care"的中文翻译是“保重”。除此之外,”take care”还可以表示“小心”、“照顾”之意。take care的意思是保重,是国外常见的告别语,take care of yourself一般理解为我先走了你好好照顾自己。和人告别不要只会说goodbye了,适当的关心可以增进友谊。take care of sb/sth 照顾、照料 take care 後面的介系词是 of ,of 後面可以接人或是事物,也就是去照顾某人或是照料某件事的意思。 例: I can take care of her. 我可以照顾她。take care of的用法to take care of 管,负责;take care .(告别用语)走好,保重 ;take care (that.../to do sth) . 小心,当心 ;take care of sb/sth/yourself . 照顾,照料;take care of v. 1.照顾,2.对付、处理,3.杀掉,4.抵消;take into care (把没人管教的孩子)送进教养院;take care of the pence 节约小笔费用;take care of sb 招呼;take care of onself 保重身体;take good care of vt.看管,维护,注意。


照顾用英语三种表达方法分别是look after、take care of、care for。1、look after。照顾;关心;目送。短语:look right after 照看。look out after 关心。look k after oneself 照顾好自己。2、take care of。照顾;注意;抚养。短语:take proper care of 适当注意。take nice care of 好好照看。take well care of 采取良好的照顾。3、care for。关心,照顾;喜欢。短语:care nothing for 不以为意 ; 不嫌 ; 对,不在乎 ; 不顾。care not for 喜爱 ; 意欲 ; 照顾 ; 照管。Care instructions for bags 手袋使用及保养篇。care的同近义词1、tend。英 [tend] 美 [tɛnd] 。vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾。vt. 照料,照管。短语:TELEDRBNETELEDRBNE TEND 天患上。Furs Tend 皮草护理。developing tend 发展趋势。2、attend英 [ə'tend] 美 [ə'tɛnd] 。vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴。vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾。短语:to attend 参加 ; 出席 ; 到会 ; 管待。attend worship 崇拜 ; 礼拜。Attend the 准时出席 ; 出席的。


照顾用英语三种表达方法分别是look after、take care of、care for。1、look after的英式读法是[lʊk 'ɑːftə];美式读法是[lʊk 'æftər]。作动词意思有照料;看管;目送;关注;找,寻求。相关例句:He has many affairs to look after.他有许多事务要照料。2、take care of的英式读法是[teɪk keə əv];美式读法是[teɪk ker əv]。作动词意思是照顾; 照料。相关例句:He is smart and can take care of himself.他很精明可以照顾他自己。3、care for的英式读法是[keə fɔː];美式读法是[ker fɔːr]。    作动词意思是照顾;喜欢。相关例句:The sick child was well cared for night and day.那个生病的孩子日夜受到很好的看护。扩展资料:一、短语辨析:v.(动词)1、care, care about1)care可用作及物动词, care about中的care是不及物动词。2)care和care about的含义相同,都表示“在乎”“关心”,但care后可接从句或动词不定式,而care about后面一般接单个名词、动名词或代词。另外,care about比care更强调关心的内容。2、care about, care for这两个短语都可作“关心”解,前者不如后者普遍,且care about更倾向强调重要,可译为“在乎”“在意”“关心”; 而care for强调“照料”“喜欢”。二、care的单词用法:v.(动词)1、care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句;作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。2、care作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。3、care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。n.(名词)1、care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。2、care可作“烦人的事”解,为可数名词,多用其复数形式。


照顾用英语三种表达方法分别是look after、take care of、care for。1、look after照顾;关心;目送短语look right after 照看look out after 关心look k after oneself 照顾好自己2、take care of照顾;注意;抚养短语take proper care of 适当注意take nice care of 好好照看take well care of 采取良好的照顾3、care for关心,照顾;喜欢短语care nothing for 不以为意 ; 不嫌 ; 对……不在乎 ; 不顾care not for 喜爱 ; 意欲 ; 照顾 ; 照管Care instructions for bags 手袋使用及保养篇care的同近义词1、tend英 [tend] 美 [tɛnd] vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾vt. 照料,照管短语TELEDRBNETELEDRBNE TEND 天患上Furs Tend 皮草护理developing tend 发展趋势2、attend英 [ə'tend] 美 [ə'tɛnd] vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾短语to attend 参加 ; 出席 ; 到会 ; 管待attend worship 崇拜 ; 礼拜Attend the 准时出席 ; 出席的


问题一:照顾好你自己,用英语怎么说? TAKE GOOD CARE OF yourself. or look after well yourself !

问题二:自己照顾自己,用英语怎么说 look after oneself

问题三:照顾自己用英文怎么说 Take care of yourself.
Be careful.
如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

问题四:我能照顾好自己 用英文怎么读 I can look after myself well .

I can take good care of myself.

问题五:“要好好照顾自己哦!别太累了,注意休息!”用英文怎么说 Take good care of yourself .Don't激be too tired .Have some rest.

问题六:照顾好你自己,用英语怎么说? TAKE GOOD CARE OF yourself. or look after well yourself !

问题七:照顾自己用英文怎么说 Take care of yourself.
Be careful.
如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

问题八:我能照顾好自己 用英文怎么读 I can look after myself well .

I can take good care of myself.

问题九:“要好好照顾自己哦!别太累了,注意休息!”用英文怎么说 Take good care of yourself .Don't激be too tired .Have some rest.

问题十:好好照顾自己,不要委屈自己用英语怎么说 You must take good care of yourself ,just don't make life difficult for yourself

