
时间:2024-04-21 19:00:51编辑:莆田seo君

making love out of nothing at all 歌词中文意思是什么?

I know just how to whisperAnd I know just how to cry我能控制自己的情绪 I know just where to find the answersAnd I know just how to lie我对待事物游刃有余 I know just how to fake itAnd I know just how to scheme我处事果断谨慎 I know just when to face the truthAnd then I know just when to dream我能面对现实。你可以认为我很少幻想 And I know just where to touch youAnd I know just what to prove我让你愉悦,这有目共睹 I know when to pull you closerAnd I know when to let you loose我能坦然面对相聚和离别 And I know the night is fadingAnd I know the time's gonna fly夜色已晚。时光荏苒 And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you有些话我难以启齿 But I know I've gotta give it a try但我曾经尝试 And I know the roads to richesAnd I know the ways to fame我可以一夜致富。我知道如何努力 I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em这些规则我无不通晓。也知道如何规避 And I always know the name of the game我把他当游戏正如我证明我的远见 But I don't know how to leave you但是无论如何,我无法忍心离开你 And I'll never let you fall也不忍心让你失望。这些,我办不到 And I don't know how you do it我实在不能想象,你是如何做到这些 Making love out of nothing at all让感情变的如此一无是处 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all毫无意义 Out of nothing at all, 化为须有 out of nothing at all这种爱无任何意义 Out of nothing at all毫无意义 Making love out of nothing at all变得毫无意义 Everytime I see you all the rays of the sunAre streaming through the waves in your hair每每我遇见你,倾泻的阳光流淌在你发间似波浪般柔美 And every star in the skyIs taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight仿佛每一颗星辰都聚焦你的眼眸 The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lostAnd it's looking for a rhythm like you我的心跳像鼓一样时而高亢时而停歇一切都因你而起 You can take the darkness at the pit of the nightAnd turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright你可以让漆黑寂寥的夜晚变的绚烂动人 I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I knowWell, it's nothing 'till I give it to you我将要追随那些我知道的一切 然后和你一起分享I can make the runner stumbleI can make the final block我可以掌控事物的发展,全权在握 And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle我能克服困难,轻而易举 can make all the stadiums rock我可以让整个运动场瞬间沸腾 I can make tonight forever甚至这个夜晚永载史册 Or I can make it disappear by the dawn或者黎明前销声匿迹 I can make you every promise that has ever been made我敢为你承担任何承诺 And I can make all your demons be gone我能为你驱散所有的阴霾 But I'm never gonna make it without you但没有你,任何事情毫无意义 Do you really wanna see me crawl难道你忍心看着我匍匐难堪 And I'm never gonna make it like you do我发誓,换做我,我绝不这样对待 Making love out of nothing at all这算什么感情,这样的毫无意义 Out of nothing at all变的毫无意义out of nothing at all毫无意义 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all变得毫无意义 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all毫无意义 Out of nothing at all毫无意义的爱着


1、trip-hop节奏变慢(有时很慢很慢),加入一些重音的味道,如很阴沉,醇厚的bass,轻微但迷幻的合成音效,或是些唱片的取样,有时可能连唱片的杂音都会被“故意”取样进去。所谓“trip”,指迷幻,氤氲的药物「旅程」;所以, trip-hop是种慢板的迷幻的、有 jazz感觉的、迷糊的、带点 hip hop节奏的 break beat音乐。它虽然隶属跳舞音乐类,但其迷幻迷糊特色已令它同一般跳舞音乐所有的明确节拍特色相去很远。2、world musicworld music是西方角度观点的词汇,意思指非英、美及西方民歌 /流行曲的音乐,通常指发展中地区或落后地区的传统音乐,例如非洲及南亚洲地区的音乐,有些地区如拉丁美洲的音乐,则能普及到自成一种类型。今天大家说的 world music通常是指与西方音乐混和了风格的、改良的传统地区音乐。非洲的 king sunny ade,东欧的don byron,中国的朱哲琴,巴基斯坦的 nusrat fatehali kahn等是西方乐迷较熟悉的 world music乐手。3、new agenew age是种宁静、安逸、闲息的音乐,纯音乐作品占的比重较多,有歌唱的占较少。 new age可以是纯 acoustic(即以传统自发声乐器演奏)的,也可以是很电子化的,重点是营造出大自然平静的气氛或宇宙浩瀚的感觉,洗涤听者的心灵,令人心平气和。 new age很多时与音乐治疗有关,不少new age音乐说可以治病,也有不少与打坐冥想有关,这与 new age思潮哲学有莫大关系。 new age音乐通常被目为颇为中产阶级的音乐, windham hill是最具代表性的 new age唱片公司。 new age代表乐手有 enya, george winston, william ackerman, yanni, kitaro等等。4、acappellaacappella是指没有乐器伴奏的歌曲,但凡纯以人声唱的歌都是 acappella,不过今天我们说 acappella通常是指有多重和唱的那种唱法,连乐器伴奏都由人声唱出。 acappella的相反是 instrumental,即纯音乐乐曲,任何类型的歌曲都可以以 acappella形式唱出。香港人最熟悉的 acappella歌曲是《so much in love》,香港 acappella乐队有姬声雅士等。5、bossa nova在“谜”新专辑中传达了许多自然的、哲学的观念。这个观念的主题就是“为什么”。《冥界之外》是“谜”一首经典的单曲。通过克里图的声音铺垫首一种不可抵挡的圣歌迭句和有力的旋律。bossa nova是种带 jazz味道的巴西音乐, 1950年代作曲家antonio carlos jobim将巴西音乐节奏与美国西岸 cool jazz混合而成,柔和、舒服、轻松、懒洋洋、浪漫乃特色。每两个 bar的第 1,4,7,11,14拍为重拍。歌手 joao gilberto的纯厚歌声是 jobim音乐的出色拍档,20世纪50年代中期传入美国后大受欢迎,其它著名 bossa nova乐手有 charlie byrd、stan getz和 astrud gilberto等,最著名的歌曲为《the girl from ipanema》。 bossa nova于20世纪60年代最流行,其余年代亦不断有捧场者。6、更多音乐流派

out of nothing at all. 这句话什么意思呢 全句是Making love out nothing at all

全句应该是Making love out of nothing at all。

纯粹按照英语字面的意思可以这么理解:nothing at all - 什么都不是; out of nothing at all - 由于什么都不是,可引深为“一切为空”; Making love out of nothing at all - 让爱没有理由,可以引深的理解就很多了,比如:让爱一切成空、凭空生爱等等。
当然,有些人见到Make和Love搭配在一起就想到了性,所以各种歧义也就层出不穷了,常见的有:做爱没有理由、不为性而爱、做爱不需要理由、不顾一切地做爱等等。还有人错误地搭配为“make sth. out of sth.”,导致整个理解出现偏差。




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该故事以香港地产界风云变幻、龙蛇沉浮的大背景为依托,讲述了一段新千年前夜几个世家父子,两代袅雄的恩仇纠葛,突出表现了亲如兄弟的三个男人叶荣添(罗嘉良饰)、马志强(郭晋安饰)、1创世纪 剧情2创世纪分集剧情3创世纪剧情简介4创世纪分集剧情介绍5电视剧创世纪剧情6创世纪连续剧剧情许文彪(陈锦鸿饰)和三个年轻女子田宁(蔡少芬饰)、岑颖欣(郭可盈饰)、霍希贤(陈慧姗饰)这六个时代男女追求美梦成真、实现宏图大愿以及为情恋、为事业、为朋友、为家族,演绎的一场爱恨交织的人生悲喜剧。故事伊始,从小情同手足的三兄弟发誓要开拓梦想的将来,在香港地产界创造属于自己的世界。他们坚信这不是在做梦,只要兄弟同心,精诚合作,就一定会成功。情节围绕叶荣添逐层展开。叶是一个经历过17次创业与失败,最终获得巨大成功的复杂人物。在感情上,他面临选择左右为难,以致抽刀断水,辜负了倾心相爱的女子田宁。由于内疚,又不能接受岑颖欣与霍希贤的爱,但内心里又对这几个女子割舍不开,经常会在她们最无助、最困难的时候出手相助,虽九死而无悔。在事业上,他忍辱负重,不择手段。当斗争展开、人性凸现,有人选择逃避,有人奋力面对的时候,他却直面一切艰难困苦,独自走上不归路。叶荣添面对感情,付出的是一种缘分的失落,留下一生最爱的遗憾。面对事业,他既得到命运女神的眷顾,也承受着遍体的伤痕。


Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空)- Air Supply作词:Jim Steinman作曲:Jim SteinmanI know just how to whisper And I know just how to cry我明白如何轻声细语 也明白如何哭喊I know just where to find the answers And I know just how to lie我知道哪里可以找到答案 也知道怎样撒谎I know just how to fake it And I know just how to scheme我知道如何捏造事实 也知道如何策划阴谋I know just when to face the truth And then I know just when to dream我明白何时该面对真相 然后我明白何时该去作梦And I know just where to touch you And I know just what to prove我知道该触摸你的哪里 也知道该证明什么I know when to pull you closer And I know when to let you loose我明白何时该将你拉近一点 也明白何时该放手And I know the night is fading And I know the time's gonna fly我明白夜晚已尽 时间逐渐飞逝And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you而我绝不会告诉你任何该告诉你的事But I know I've gotta give it a try And I know the roads to riches但我知道该试试看 我知道致富之道And I know the ways to fame I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em也知道成名的快捷方式 我清楚所有的游戏规则 也知道如何打破规则And I always know the name of the game But I don't know how to leave you我总是知道游戏的名称 但我不知道如何离开你And I'll never let you fall And I don't know how you do it 我永远不会让你跌倒 我不明白你是怎么做到的Making love out of nothing at all Out of nothing at all out of nothing at all让爱一切成空 一切成空 一切都成空Out of nothing at all out of nothing at all 一切成空 一切都成空Out of nothing at all Making love out of nothing at all 一切成空 让爱一切成空扩展资料Making Love Out Of Nothing At All《让爱一切成空》。这首歌是Air Supply(空气补给)组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌。空中补给合唱团是在70-80年代享誉全球的慢摇滚组合。1976 年成立于澳洲,1980年进军美国乐坛,当年即取得惊人成绩,首张专辑《迷失爱中》(Lost in love)先后有九首歌曲打入当年流行音乐排行榜前10 名。从而走向了其超级乐队的地位。

求Making Love Out Of Nothing At All歌词 最好一句接着一句翻译

Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空)

I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream

And I know just where to touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time's gonna fly
And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you
But I know I've gotta give it a try
And I know the roads to riches
And I know the ways to fame
I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em
And I always know the name of the game

But I don't know how to leave you
And I'll never let you fall
And I don't know how you do it
Making love out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all
Making love out of nothing at all

Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun
Are streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky
Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight
The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
And it's looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness at the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright
I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know
Well, it's nothing 'till I give it to you

I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
I can make you every promise that has ever been made
And I can make all your demons be gone

But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really wanna see me crawl
And I'm never gonna make it like you do
Making love out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all

making love out of nothing at all 中文谐音

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 演唱:林志炫 原唱:Air Supply 作曲:Jim Steinman 作词:Jim Steinman 编曲:梁翘柏、刘敏宏(阿咪)I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry. 爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 维斯破 按的 爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 课如爱I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie. 爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 烦的 的 暗色儿四 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 来I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme. 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 飞客 伊特 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 四给木I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream. 爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 菲斯 的 处死 俺的 扥 爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 追慕And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove. 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 他吃 有 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 沃特 吐 破如无I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose. 爱 NO 问 吐 铺 有 可楼则 俺的 爱 NO 问 吐 莱特 有 路子And I know the night is fading. And I know the time's gonna fly. 俺的 爱 NO 的 奈特 椅子 非顶 俺的 爱 NO 的 太木子 刚拿 弗莱And I'm never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you, 俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 刚拿 太傲 有 爱瑞星 爱 高特 太傲 有But I know I've got to give it a try. 巴特 爱 NO 爱物 高特 吐 给无 伊特 额 踹And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to pain. 俺的 爱 No 的 肉孜 吐 瑞吃字 俺的 爱 NO 的 位子 吐 陪I know all the rules and then I know how to break 'em 爱 NO 奥的 褥子 俺的 扥 爱 NO 好 吐 博瑞可 额木And I always know the name of the game. 俺的 爱 奥位子 NO 的 内幕 欧服 的 给木But I don't know how to leave you and I'll never let you fall. 巴特 爱 东特 NO 好 吐 礼物 有 俺的 爱欧 奶味儿 莱特 有 否And I don't know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all. 俺的 爱 东特 NO 好 有 独 伊特 没king 辣舞 奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥。。。Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the wav es in your hair. 艾瑞太木 爱 洗 有 外偶 的 瑞子 欧服 的 三 啊 奥 死追命 死如 的 为屋子 因 幼儿 海 额And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight. 俺的 艾瑞 丝带儿 因 的 死该 椅子 忒king 诶木 爱特 有儿 矮子 来客 额 斯堡特莱特The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost and it's looking for a rhythm lik e you. 的 笔挺 欧服 买 哈特 椅子 额 抓吗 俺的 一次 劳斯特 俺的 一次 路King 否 额 瑞德 木 来客 有You can take the darkness from the deep of the night, 有 看 忒可 的 大可你死 芙蓉木 的 地破 欧服 的 奈特And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright. 俺的 特恩 伊特 吐 额 比抗 博宁 安德里斯里 不如爱特I gotta follow it cause everything I know, 爱 高特 否漏 伊特 铐子 爱瑞星 爱 NOWell, it's nothing 'til I give it to you. 外偶 一次 那行 题欧 给无 伊特 吐 有I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock. 爱 看 没可 有 软 奥 死单薄 爱 看 没课 的 发爱NO 可老客And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle. 俺的 爱 看 没课 艾瑞 他口 爱特 的 桑德 欧服 的 会搜And I can make all the stadiums rock. 俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 的 死的地啊木四 绕可I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn. 爱 看 没课 的 奈特 否爱味儿 奥 爱 看 没课 伊特 第四额皮尔 白 的 倒And I can make you every promise that's ever been made. 俺的 爱 看 没课 有 艾瑞 破绕迷死 带次 爱味儿 宾 没得And I can make all your demons be gone. 俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 有儿 戴蒙四 比 刚But I'm never gonna make it without you. 巴特 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 为早特 有Do you really wanna see me crawl? 独 有 瑞额力 王那 洗 米 可绕And I'm never gonna make it like you do, 俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 来客 有 独Making love out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥

making love out of nothing at all 的歌词翻译

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 作词:Steinman, Jim / 作曲:Steinman, JimI know just how to whisper 我知道如何对你轻声细语And I know just how to cry 也明白如何哭泣I know just where to find the answers 我理解哪里可以找到答案And I know just how to lie 也明白如何去说谎I know just how to fake it 我知道如何去捏造事实And I know just how to scheme 也知道如何策划阴谋I know just when to face the truth 我知道何时该面对真相And then I know just when to dream 也知道何时该去做梦And I know just where to touch you 我知道如何让你感动And I know just what to prove 也知道该去证明I know when to pull you closer 我知道何时该将你拉近一些And I know when to let you loose 也知道何时该放手And I know the night is fading 我知道夜晚即将结束And I know the time's gonna fly 知道时间正在飞逝And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you而我绝不会告诉你任何必须告诉你的事But I know I've gotta give it a try 但我知道该试试看And I know the roads to riches 我知道致富之道And I know the ways to fame 也知道成名的路I know all the rules and then I know how to break'em我知道所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破它们And I always know the name of the game 我总是知道游戏的名称But I don't know how to leave you 但我不知道如何离开你And I'll never let you fall 我永远不会让你失望And I don't know how you do it 我不明白你是怎么做到的Making love out of nothing at all 让爱从无到有Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 从无到有Everytime I see you 每当我看见你的时候when all the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair 太阳的所有光线穿越你起伏的发间And every star in the sky 天上的每颗星星is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight 都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼The beating of my heart is a drum 我的心跳快如鼓点,它早已迷失and it's lost and it's looking for a rhythm like you 它正寻觅你的节奏You can take the darkness from the pit of the night 你能将夜晚的黑暗And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright 转化成无尽燃烧的航标I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know 我必须追随着它,因为我知道这一切Well, it's nothing 'till I give it to you 如果没有把它交给你,一切都将成空I can make the runner stumble 我能够让奔跑者摔倒I can make the final block 我可以制造最后的障碍and I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle 然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际I can make all the stadiums rock 我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来I can make tonight forever 我能够让今晚成为永恒Or I can make it disappear by the dawn 或者让他在黎明前消失And I can make you every promise that has ever been made 我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的诺言And I can make all your demons be gone 我能为你驱走所有的恶魔But I'm never gonna make it without you 但是如果没有你我绝不会去做Do you really wanna see me crawl 难道你真的想要我跪下吗And I'm never gonna make it like you do 我绝对不会让你做成那样Making love out of nothing at all 让爱从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有out of nothing at all 从无到有扩展资料:Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,中文名:《让爱一切成空》。这首歌是Air Supply(空气补给)组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌。后来被林志炫、谢霆锋、李玖哲等歌手翻唱,而开始流行于华语乐坛。此歌也在很多电影被用来作电影插曲用,如:《神奇遥控器》《史密斯夫妇》。参考资料:让爱一切成空-百度百科

有一首女生唱的英文歌,只记得一句歌词是tell me that you love me from the harts,求歌名是什么

Tell Me歌手:Sandy词曲:SandyThere're so many things I wanna say有许多事我想说There're so many thoughts inside of me我也有许多想法But my words can seem to find a way但我却说不出口I can see you changing more and more我看见你的变化越来越大Acting like you didn't do before做你从前不做的事I see you slipping away我眼睁睁地看着你溜掉But I don't wanna lose you但我真的不想失去你I would do anything for us to remain让我做什么都行,只要能挽回我们'Cause I know that we can make it last因为我知道我们最终能够在一起To be true说真的I don't wanna lose you我真的不想失去你Tell me that you love me from the heart告诉我你真心爱我And nothing in the world can tear us apart告诉我这世界上没人能使我们分开Tell me that we'll be together告诉我我们能在一起The rest of our lives, baby now and forever在我们的余生,宝贝现在和永远Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love告诉我你仍然相信世界上有永恒的真爱And we'll always be together我们将永远在一起Baby take a look inside yourself宝贝,你好好看看自己的内心Am I the one you see or someone else在你心理装的是我还是别人?Baby please be true you've gotta let me know宝贝,请你一定要让我知道Tell me what to do to make you show告诉我怎样才能让你知道一切'Cause I don't wanna feel this insecure因为我不想有不安全的感觉You've gotta give me a sign你已经我一个信号Cause I don't wanna lose you因为我真的不想失去你I would do anything for us to remain让我做什么都行,只要能挽回我们'Cause I know that we can make it last因为我知道我们最终能够在一起To be true说真的I don't wanna lose you我真的不想失去你Tell me that you love me from the heart告诉我你真心爱我And nothing in the world can tear us apart告诉我这世界上没人能使我们分开Tell me that we'll be together告诉我我们能在一起The rest of our lives, baby now and forever在我们的余生,宝贝现在和永远Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love告诉我你仍然相信世界上有永恒的真爱And we'll always be together我们将永远在一起Remember all the promises we made记住我们所有的诺言Remember all the words we used to say记住我们所说过的话That an open heart will always find a way敞开的心扉总是能找到一条路What would it take for me to make you realize能让你意识到我所做的一切And I know that we can make it last我知道我们最终能够在一起To be true说真的I don't wanna lose you我真的不想失去你Tell me that you love me from the heart告诉我你真心爱我And nothing in the world can tear us apart告诉我这世界上没人能使我们分开Tell me that we'll be together告诉我我们能在一起The rest of our lives, baby now and forever在我们的余生,宝贝现在和永远Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love告诉我你仍然相信世界上有永恒的真爱And we'll always be together我们将永远在一起扩展资料:1981年4 月 27 日 出生于德国,她是德国至今为止最顶级女子团体“No Angels”的成员之一。此组合在德国电视节目Popstars中精彩演唱并一举成名。而身兼歌手,演员,作曲,主持人,舞者并拥有姣好容颜火辣身材的Sandy一直是No Angels组合里关注的焦点,活跃于影视歌三期! 2004年Sandy借组合之风推出自己首张流行专辑“Unexpected”(爱情难预料)在德国受到热烈反响。其他版本:《Tell Me》是韩国女子组合Wonder Girls演唱的一首歌曲,由朴振荣担任制作人作词作曲,收录在正规专辑《The Wonder Years》,发行于2007年9月13日。

有一首女生唱的英文歌,只记得一句歌词是tell me that you love me from the harts,求歌名是什么

Tell Me-Sandy


There're so many things I wanna say


There're so many thoughts inside of me


But my words can seem to find a way


I can see you changing more and more


Acting like you didn't do before


I see you slipping away


But I don't wanna lose you


I would do anything for us to remain


'Cause I know that we can make it last


To be true


I don't wanna lose you


Tell me that you love me from the heart


And nothing in the world can tear us apart


Tell me that we'll be together


The rest of our lives, baby now and forever


Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love


And we'll always be together


Baby take a look inside yourself


Am I the one you see or someone else


Baby please be true you've gotta let me know


Tell me what to do to make you show


'Cause I don't wanna feel this insecure


You've gotta give me a sign


Cause I don't wanna lose you


I would do anything for us to remain


'Cause I know that we can make it last


And I know that we can make it last


To be true


I don't wanna lose you


Tell me that you love me from the heart


And nothing in the world can tear us apart


Tell me that we'll be together


The rest of our lives, baby now and forever


Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love


And we'll always be together


Remember all the promises we made


Remember all the words we used to say


That an open heart will always find a way


What would it take for me to make you realize


And I know that we can make it last


To be true


I don't wanna lose you


Tell me that you love me from the heart


And nothing in the world can tear us apart


Tell me that we'll be together


The rest of our lives, baby now and forever


Tell me that you still believe in everlasting love


And we'll always be together


