
时间:2024-04-21 11:20:51编辑:莆田seo君


问题一:休息要用英语怎么说? have/get/take a rest/break
rest: vt., vi.歇息;休息I rested for an hour before I went out. 我在出去前休息了一个小时。使休息to rest your feet 歇歇脚(与on, upon, against连用)把…靠在;倚靠I rested my elbows on the table. 我把胳臂肘放在桌子上。(与on, upon连用)(视线)停留在中止,停止Let the argument rest there. 让争论就此为止吧。(与on, upon连用)依据,根据休耕长眠~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~break :中断Let's break for a meal. 让我们休息一下去吃饭吧。 词性变化:n. 休息, 暂停, 破裂, 突变a coffee break 饮咖啡的小憩Let's have a break. 让我们休息一会儿。After a short break the play continued. 休息片刻后,戏继续开演。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~relax :vi.放松, 休息, 休养, 变从容vt.使松驰, 缓和, 使松懈, 使休息~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~repose:n.休息;睡觉平静;安静repose of mind 心绪宁静

问题二:休息室用英文怎么说 休息室用英文怎么说
the rest room或者
the lounge,

问题三:客户休息室用英文怎么说 rest room for clients

问题四:休息室英文怎么写,就是专门休息的地方,喝水,休息的... 我能理解的,自己确实相当难找的,,逞洗略≡

问题五:休息室如何用英文表达? 更衣室-CHANGE ROOM, LOCKER ROOM(如果室内有柜有锁的话)

问题六:"员工休息室" 英语怎么说? staff lounge /staff mon room/ staff rest room

问题七:公司的“员工休息室”要把英文一起标示出来,翻译成英文是什么? Break room, staff room, staff lounge , staff break room或者rest room


  休息室如字面上的意思,是供人休息的场所,那么你知道休息室用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习休息室的英语知识吧。    休息室英语说法   foyer   Lounge   crush-room    休息室的相关 短语   公共休息室 common room   入境旅客休息室 arrival lobby   员工休息室 Staff lounge ; staff room ; Retiring Room for Employee ; Locker Room   顾客休息室 Lounge   演员休息室 green-room ; green room ; greenroom ; greenrooms   女休息室 Women's lounge ; Female lounge    休息室的英语例句   1. Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer.   安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊朝休息室走去。   2. When we had eaten, we dossed down in the lounge.   我们吃过后,就在休息室里睡下了。   3. Unobtrusively, the other actors filed into the lounge.   其他演员不声不响地鱼贯进入休息室。   4. She waited in the VIP lounge.   她在贵宾休息室里等候着。   5. Just wait for me in the lounge.   请在休息室里等我就行了。   6. He shuffled off to one of the chill-out rooms to collect his thoughts.   他拖着脚去到一间休息室整理思绪。   7. Outside in the little lobby another scene was begin enacted.   外面的小休息室里又是另一番景象.   8. He appeared in the lounge brandishing a knife.   他挥舞着一把小刀,出现在休息室里。   9. Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.   酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。   10. We all complain about the poor service in the hotel coffee lounge.   我们都抱怨饭店咖啡休息室的劣质服务.   11. He has been told to wait in very important person lounge.   他被告知在要人休息室等候.   12. After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge.   饭后我们都到休息室去了.   13. We watched television in the hotel lounge.   我们在旅馆休息室里看电视.   14. In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase.   在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包.   15. A small breakfast - room adjoined the drawing - room.   休息室的紧隔壁是一间小小的早餐室. 猜你喜欢: 1. 职工休息室管理制度范文 2. 休息日用英语怎么说 3. 他在等什么的英文是什么 4. 桑拿英语怎么说 5. 休息用英语怎么说


休息室用英语说是lounge。一、发音英:[/laʊndʒ/];美:[/laʊndʒ/]二、中文翻译n. 休息室;酒吧;休息厅v. 懒洋洋地躺着或坐着;闲逛三、形式现在分词:lounging过去式:lounged过去分词:lounged四、短语搭配1. lounge chair 沙发椅2. airport lounge 机场休息室3. lounge around 闲逛;懒散4. lounge bar 酒吧5. lounge suit 休闲装6. VIP lounge 贵宾室五、双语例句1. He's lounging on the sofa watching TV.他正懒洋洋地躺在沙发上看电视。2. The airport lounge is designed for passengers to rest.机场休息室是为了让乘客休息而设计的。3. I spent my Sunday afternoon lounging around the house.我把星期日下午懒洋洋地在家里度过。4. We met in the lounge bar of the hotel.我们在酒店的休息酒吧见面。5. He wore a comfortable lounge suit to the party.他穿着一套舒适的休闲装去参加派对。6. The VIP lounge offers more privacy and luxury.贵宾室提供更多的隐私和豪华设施。六、用法1. "Lounge" 作为名词,通常指休息室、休息厅或酒吧,是人们闲暇时休息、放松的地方。例如:I'll be in the lounge if you need me. (如果你需要我,我会在休息室。)2. "Lounge" 作为动词,常常表达懒洋洋地躺或坐着,或者闲逛的意思。例如:She spent the whole day lounging around in her pajamas. (她整天都懒洋洋地穿着睡衣闲逛。)3. "Lounge" 还有一些常见的短语搭配,如 "lounge chair"(沙发椅)、"airport lounge"(机场休息室)和 "lounge suit"(休闲装)等。例如:I bought a new lounge chair for my living room. (我为我的客厅买了一把新的沙发椅。)4. 当我们谈论“lounge around”时,它通常表示闲逛或懒散的状态。例如:I don't have any plans for the weekend. I'll probably just lounge around. (我周末没有任何计划。我可能就会闲逛。)七、同义词n. [建]休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间retiring room,lobbyvi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混lig,knock aroundvt. 虚度光阴hack around,fiddle around


休息室的英文:lounge音标:英 [laʊndʒ] 美 [laʊndʒ]n. 休息室;候机室;起居室v. 闲荡;懒散地斜靠词汇搭配:1、Live Lounge 现场客厅2、The Lounge休息室3、arrival lounge 抵达休息室 4、waiting lounge 候车室常见句型:1、We watched television in the hotel lounge.我们在旅馆休息室里看电视。2、Please move forward to the passenger lounge .请向前走到旅客休息室。3、She is waiting for me in the departure lounge.她在候机室等我。4、The children have made an awful mess in the lounge.孩子们把起居室弄得凌乱不堪。扩展资料:词语用法1、lounge作名词时指“休息处”“躺椅”“漫步”。2、lounge转化为动词时,意思是“懒散地斜倚或靠坐”,表示身体放松时的舒适与安逸。引申可表示“懒散地混日子”。3、lounge常用作不及物动词,其后常与 about 或around连用。


room读 [ruːm],以下是双语例句;1、I've got my own room so I'm well off. 我有自己的房间,所以还不错。2、Do you want a room with a bath or one without? 你要不要带洗澡间的房间?3、All the rooms have access to the Internet/ Internet access. 所有的房间都可以接入互联网。4、This was the best room we could get at such short notice. 这是我们临时能弄到的最好的房间了。5、There is still room for improvement in your work. 你的工作尚有改进的余地。6、There's room for one more at the table. 这张桌子还有一个人的位置。7、There was room for 20 people at the outside.最多只能容纳20个人。8、He could hear someone moving around in the room above. 他能听到楼上屋里有人走动。9、They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. 他们在这个房间里成功地把古老和现代的风格融为一体


  room的中文意思   英 [ru:m] 美 [rum, rm]   第三人称单数:rooms第三人称复数:rooms现在分词:rooming过去分词:roomed过去式:roomed   名词 房间; 空间; 余地; 房间里所有的人   及物动词 租房,合住; 为…提供住处; 投宿,住宿; 留…住宿   相关例句   名词   1. There is still room for improvement.   还有改进的余地。   2. There's room for improvement in your work.   你的工作还有改进的余地。   3. The composition is all right; there is room for improvement, however.   这篇作文还不错,不过还可以改进。   4. Come and see me in my rooms this evening.   今天晚上请到我家来看我。   room的词典解释   1. 房间;屋子;室;房间里的所有人   A room is one of the separate sections or parts of the inside of a building. Rooms have their own walls, ceilings, floors, and doors, and are usually used for particular activities. You can refer to all the people who are in a room as the room .   e.g. A minute later he excused himself and left the room...   一分钟之后,他说了声抱歉就离开了房间。   e.g. Downstairs are two small rooms: a kitchen and a sitting room...   楼下是两个小房间:一个厨房和一个起居室。   2. 私人房间(尤指卧室或办公室)   If you talk about your room, you are referring to the room that you alone use, especially your bedroom at home or your office at work.   e.g. If you're running upstairs, go to my room and bring down my sweater, please.   如果你上楼,麻烦到我的房间把我的毛衣拿下来。   3. (宾馆的)房间   A room is a bedroom in a hotel.   e.g. Toni booked a room in an hotel not far from Arzeld.   托妮在离阿茨费尔德不远的一家宾馆订了一个房间。   4. 同住;合租   If you room with someone, you share a rented room, apartment, or house with them, for example when you are a student.   e.g. I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School.   我和他都在耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。   5. 空间;空地方   If there is room somewhere, there is enough empty space there for people or things to be fitted in, or for people to move freely or do what they want to.   e.g. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors...   那里通常可以住得下80位来客。   e.g. There wasn't enough room in the baggage compartment for all the gear...   行李舱没有足够的`空间放下所有的工具。   room的双语例句   1. Refreshing qualities of the natural feeling of elegance, color carbonation bamboo flooring, colors like deep, more noble, calm or deep or shallow, able to highlight the distinctive style and taste, warm the room if the e-配上quality bamboo flooring, A return to more natural feeling.   天然本色感觉清爽雅致,碳化色竹地板,颜色略深,更显高贵、沉稳或深或浅,皆能突显出与众不同的格调与品味,温馨的居室如果能配上优质的辰宝竹地板,更有一种回归自然的感觉。   2. David was looking through the window of the interview room and his jaw nearly hit the floor!   David在采访室的玻璃外看着里面,他的下巴几乎要掉到地上了!   3. No, no, no. I saw someone in the viewing room.   不是,我在观刑室看到了个人。   4. As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution.   狱长转身准备离开,Lincoln 向他询问,在行刑时观刑室里的都是些什么人。   5. Lincoln`s jaw tightens. He scans the people in the viewing room.   Lincoln 的颈部紧绷,他扫视了一下观刑室的访客。   6. Once she`s gone, Lincoln, still in shock, asks Michael if he saw the man in the room.   等她走后,Lincoln 仍然惊魂未定,他问 Michael 是否看到观刑室的那个人。   7. There were only a few people in the viewing room, Michael contends, and why would their father return now, nearly thirty years after he left them?   只有那么几个人在观刑室里,并且 Michael 强调,为什么他们的父亲在离开他们差不多30年后,选择现在这个时间回来?   8. The rent is too high. I have to join in with another one to rent the room.   房租太高了,我不得不和另一个人合伙租这间房。

