be happy

时间:2024-04-19 17:59:47编辑:莆田seo君


be happy:快乐;高兴。happy英 ['hæpɪ] 美 ['hæpɪ] adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的n. (Happy)人名;(英、瑞典、喀)哈皮短语1、Be a happy girl 鱼儿游啊游 ; 做个快乐的女孩2、be extremely happy 高兴得不得了 ; 高兴死了3、Will be able happy 将会开心4、May Be Very Happy 可很高兴双语例句1、She wills that her son be happy. 她愿她的儿子幸福。2、What do I have to be happy about? 我有什么值得高兴的事情?3、Some people believe that fate has been preordained whether they will be happy or not. 一些人认为,他们幸福与否是命中注定的。


be happy英 [bi ˈhæpi] 美 [bi ˈhæpi] 快乐;要幸福;要快乐。I can assure you that your daughter will be happy here.我可以向你保证,你女儿在这里会很快乐的。"Families can look a bit more for where the residents are going to be happy," Dr.Sloane said.“家庭可以更多地寻找让这些居民感觉快乐的地方。”斯隆博士说。Main Street won't be happy with this new program.中产阶级不会对这个新计划感到高兴的。Call me if you need any help─I'd be happy to oblige.若有需要,尽管给我打电话。我很乐意帮忙。

"be happy with"是什么意思?

"be happy with"的意思是:满意。【例句】I'll be happy with any job I'm assigned to. 把我安在哪儿都行。The rebels would not be happy with anything other than the complete removal of the current regime 叛乱分子只有彻底推翻了现政权才肯罢休。He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself. 他也许会对新思想的盛行感到高兴,但他本人并没有为此作出多大贡献。You are certain to be happy with them. 和他们在一起你一定很高兴。Mum, I can't be happy with him! 妈妈,我和他在一起也不会不快乐的。

be happy什么意思

be happy:快乐;高兴happy英 ['hæpɪ] 美 ['hæpɪ] adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的n. (Happy)人名;(英、瑞典、喀)哈皮短语1、Be a happy girl 鱼儿游啊游 ; 做个快乐的女孩2、be extremely happy 高兴得不得了 ; 高兴死了3、Will be able happy 将会开心4、May Be Very Happy 可很高兴5、be very happy to 很高兴6、be passionatly happy 我希望我能7、To be always happy 幸福到永远 ; 快乐到永远8、Everyone Be Very Happy 大家都很高兴9、Never Be Too Happy 不要过分高兴扩展资料双语例句1、She wills that her son be happy. 她愿她的儿子幸福。2、What do I have to be happy about? 我有什么值得高兴的事情?3、Some people believe that fate has been preordained whether they will be happy or not. 一些人认为,他们幸福与否是命中注定的。4、So, from now on, choose to be happy! 所以从现在开始,请选择快乐吧!5、They want us to be happy and they realised this is our direction. 他们要我们快乐,他们也认识到这是我们的发展方向。

《be happy》翻译,谢谢。中英文都要,谢谢

Be Happy

(Hey boys!)
No more worries put on a smile for me
(Hey girls!)
No pain no gain is what they say right
(OK!) No need to stress
(OK!) brush it off your chest
Through the rain there's a brighter day
Don't worry be happy!

be happy 可以单用吗?

be happy可以单用。词汇:happyadj.快乐的;使人高兴的;满意的;乐意的;幸运的;合适的comb. <非正式>滥用……的辨析:favourable, lucky, happy, fortunate这组词都有“有利的,好运的,顺利的”的意思,其区别是:favourable 普通用词,指预示从良好的结果中能得到明显好处,有利于达到目的。lucky 多指偶然机遇中的有利或幸运情况。happy 侧重指不是通过某种机会,而是凭借鉴另和选择手段而得到利益与好处。有时也指偶然得到的好处,但强调的是有利的结果。fortunate 指目前已存在的成功或有利情况,或指因好运或机会带来的成功和喜悦。

be happy的用法有哪些

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴Be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴.about sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴

be happy with 和...在一起很高兴
be happy for为...感到高兴\

about后面接事情或物品(即sth),这里表示因某事物而高兴; with后面既可接人又可接物,用法更宽泛.下面是具体含义和例句:be happy about..1.为……感到高兴 2.因……而高兴 1.Always be happy about getting a treat.得到奖赏总会很开心.2.I can\\'t be happy about the start of the season.对于赛季的开端,我无法满意.3.That's something that Lakers fans should keep in mind and be happy about.湖人的球迷还是有一些事值得开心的.be happy with..1.与…在一起很高兴 2.对……感到满意 3.对某事高兴 1.To love is to be happy with.相爱就是幸福地在一起.2.I think you'll be happy with it.我想你一定会满意的.3.Be happy with the things you have.为自己已拥有的而感到幸福.4.He won't be happy with the result.5.Be happy with the life you create.热衷于你自己创造的生活.

be happy with和be happy for区别在哪里呢?

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴。be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴。be happyabout sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴。1、with 表示同等比较或动作对待的对象。掌握常用的一些词组:sb. be familiar with at peace with ...与…和睦相处。Be patient with children. 对孩子要耐心。2、for 带有目的性和针对性的。对于/关于某事/某人/某物,即for sb./sth.例如:an instrument for measuring pressure 测压力用的仪器That will be bad for your health. 那将有损于你的健康。3、about 指代关于某件事情,某个事物,即about sth.例如:talk about...

be happy的用法与区别后跟什么词

happy 英[ˈhæpi] 美[ˈhæpi]
1.感到(或显得)幸福的, 愉快的, 高兴的,快乐的
2.对…感到满意的, 放心的; 认为…是对的[好的]
3.乐意的, 没有困难的; 情愿, 乐意(做某事)
4.幸运的, 运气好的
6.(表示祝愿,如 Happy Birthday 生日快乐、Happy New Year 新年好等)
9.适合的,恰当的;巧妙的 形容词 adj.
1.感到(或显得)幸福的, 愉快的, 高兴的,快乐的
We had a happy reunion after many years.
She was happy sitting among her students.
I am so happy that you could visit us.
你能来看望我们, 我真高兴。
2.对…感到满意的, 放心的; 认为…是对的[好的]
Are you happy with his work?
3.乐意的, 没有困难的; 情愿, 乐意(做某事)
He is happy in doing good.
We'll be happy to help if you need us.
如果你需要的话, 我们将乐意帮助。
4.幸运的, 运气好的
6.(表示祝愿,如 Happy Birthday 生日快乐、Happy New Year 新年好等)

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