
时间:2024-04-18 21:42:27编辑:莆田seo君


  出门在外,我们最怕的就是拥挤的人群和交通。那么你知道不拥挤的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不拥挤的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不拥挤的英文   1.uncrowded   2.be less crowded   3.not crowded   not crowded造句   1. The street was not crowded, but already he could not distinguish her.   街上并不拥挤, 但已看不清她了.   2. There aren't many people in the cinema – it's not crowded.   电影院人不多,很宽松.   3. Ok , as long as the buses were not crowded.   得, 只要公共汽车不拥挤就行.   4. Passenger : Maybe I should go on a weekday when it's not crowded.   乘客 ︰ 或许我应该非假日去,到时才不会人挤人.   5. Ok, as long as the buses are not crowded.   行, 只要公共汽车不拥挤就行.   6. How weird ! The train is not crowded at all.   好奇怪! 火车蛮空的嘛.   7. Many will migrate remoter places where land is cheaper not crowded with city people.   人将迁往较为偏远的地方,那里土地比较便宜,城市人也不多.   8. Many will migrate to remoter places where land is cheaper and not crowded with city people.   许多人将迁往较为偏远的地方,那里土地比较便宜,城市人也不多.   9. In those crowded streets her attire did not rate a second glance.   在那些拥挤的街道她的穿着并未引起注意。   10. He crowded everything into the trunk and then could not close it.   他把所有的东西都塞进了箱子,此后却盖不上盖子了.   crowded常见用法   adj.水泄不通的; 拥挤的; 肩摩踵接;   1. Thousands of refugees are packed into over-crowded towns and villages.   成千上万的难民涌入拥挤不堪的城镇和村庄。   2. In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films.   20世纪80年代美国出口影片把欧洲影片挤出了市场。   3. Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.   以前从来没有一次峰会的日程排得这么满。   4. In those crowded streets her attire did not rate a second glance.   在那些拥挤的街道她的穿着并未引起注意。   5. "Bravo, bravo," chanted party workers crowded in the main hall.   “太好了,太好了,”聚集在正厅的该党工作人员反复喊着。   6. She slept fitfully, her mind crowded with confusing dreams.   她时睡时醒,脑子里做着各种怪梦。   7. One group of journalists were crowded into a minibus.   一群记者挤进一辆小型公共汽车。   8. The pool is smallish and more crowded than most.   这个池子略微小些,比大多数的池子更挤。   9. The best housing they could afford was crowded and filthy.   他们能住得起的最好的住所也非常拥挤、肮脏不堪。   10. Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed.


congestion。发音:英 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 美 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 意思:拥挤;拥塞;淤血。短语:port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费 ; 港口拥挤费 ; 港口拥堵附加费。例句:The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry。翻译:交通堵塞问题不会很快消失。拥挤的反义词一、宽广[ kuān guǎng ]1、面积大:拥挤的原野,道路越走越拥挤。2、范围大:题材拥挤,拥挤的艺术领域。沙汀 《丁跛公》:“那些对他开玩笑的人,范围是颇为宽广的。” 二、宽松[ kuān sōng ]1、宽绰;不拥挤:列车开动以后,拥挤的车厢略为~了一些。2、(衣服)肥大:~衫。~式的连衣裙。


问题一:拥挤的英文怎么说 拥挤

n. piling,
v. crowd, pack,
cram, pile, squeeze, gather, congregate, cluster 拥挤的城市crowded city不要拥挤!Don’t push!汽船驶抵码头,船上的旅客拥挤不堪。The steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines.这个地方很安静,与城市的拥挤喧嚣十分不同。This place is very quiet, quite different from the hustle and bustle of the cities.拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。Heavy traffic blocked the road.上下班时间的交通很拥挤。The rush hour traffic is very dense.

问题二:拥挤的人群用英语怎么说? 这个很简单的,就是a crowd of people

问题三:拥挤用英文怎么说? crowd
n. 群众,一伙;一堆,许多,大众
v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进
vt. 挤满,将...塞进;催促,催逼
vi. 挤,拥挤,聚

问题四:拥挤用英语怎么说 crow

问题五:拥挤的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拥挤,拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤
[词典] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade;
Don't push!

问题六:有点太拥挤,用英文咋说? A little crowded.

问题七:更拥挤用英语怎么说 更拥挤
More crowded
crowded 英 [?kra?d?d] 美 [?kra?dɪd]
.adj. 拥挤的; 水泄不通的; 肩摩踵接;
[例句]He peered slowly around the *** all crowded room.他慢慢地环视这个拥挤的小屋。

问题八:拥挤这个词语用英语怎样表达? crowded 形容词
eg。a crowded car一辆拥挤的车
eg students crowded into the school.学生挤进学校

问题九:拥挤这个词语用英语怎样表达 crowded,拥挤的,作形容词。
the street is crowded on weekends。一到周末这条街道就很拥挤。




  拥挤;人或车船等挤在一起。地方相对地小二人或车船等灯相对较多。拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的一个主观心理反应。当人口密度达到某种标准,个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    1:   jam    2:   huddle    3:   crowd    4:   Congestion    拥挤英语例句:   街道十分拥挤,汽车无法通行。   The street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass.   在拥挤的街道上,光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫。   The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.   公车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得。   The bus is so full that I am jammed in and can not move.   东京是一座非常拥挤的城市。   Tokyo is an overcrowded city.   拥挤收费的主要原因是拥挤外部成本的存在。   The main reason for congestion pricing is the external cost of congestions.   他宁愿骑自行车,而不愿意坐拥挤的公共汽车。 、他宁愿骑自行车,而不愿意坐拥挤的公共汽车。   He prefers to ride a bicycle rather than ride on a crowded bus.   考虑到目前拥挤的运输状况,请务必提前定舱位。   It is difficult to reserve shipping space on account of heavy congestion.   拥挤的工作空间可能是压力的主要来源。   An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.   医院的急诊室就像战区里拥挤的火车站。   The emergency waiting room resembles a crowded train station in a war zone.


问题一:拥挤的用英语怎么说 20分 拥挤有下面几个英语翻译:
People are crowding onto the sidewalk to see what was going on
Too many people are squeezing into the elevator
We all crammed into the bus when it pulled into the station
As the郸bus arrived, everyone piled in

问题二:拥挤用英文怎么说? crowd
n. 群众,一伙;一堆,许多,大众
v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进
vt. 挤满,将...塞进;催促,催逼
vi. 挤,拥挤,聚

问题三:拥挤的人群用英语怎么说? 这个很简单的,就是a crowd of people

问题四:拥挤用英语怎么说 crow

问题五:拥挤的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拥挤,拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤
[词典] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade;
Don't push!

问题六:更拥挤用英语怎么说 更拥挤
More crowded
crowded 英 [?kra?d?d] 美 [?kra?dɪd]
.adj. 拥挤的; 水泄不通的; 肩摩踵接;
[例句]He peered slowly around the *** all crowded room.他慢慢地环视这个拥挤的小屋。


拥挤的英文是crowd。一、短语搭配:a crowd of一群, 一堆。be crowded with满是。come crowding in一拥而入。follow the crowd随大流, 从众。go with the crowd随大流, 从众。in crowds成群, 大群的。may pass in a crowd不会十分坏, 混得过去, 普普通通。二、词形变化:复数: crowds.第三人称单数: crowds.过去式: crowded.过去分词: crowded.现在分词: crowding.三、people, masses, crowd, throng, mob词义辨析:这些名词均有“人们、人群”之意。people: 最普通用词,不带任何色彩,泛指不确定数量的人们。masses: 指群众或平民,在西方国家含贬义,在我国含褒义。crowd: 本义指一大群紧紧聚集在一起的人,现指群众整体,由个体结合的人群或大众。throng: 与crowd含义很接近,常可换用,但侧重指向前运动的群众。mob: 含贬义,指乌合之众、暴民。拥挤的例句:1、The crowd broke up.人群散开了。2、There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall.市政大厅前有一群人。3、By midnight the crowd had thinned.半夜时分,人群渐渐散去了。4、A small crowd gathered around the speaker to hear what he had to say.一伙人聚集在演讲者的, 听他要讲些什么。5、Relaxed and chatty, she charmed a crowd of journalists.她的轻松和亲切博得很多记者的赞赏。6、The crowd in a panic fled in all directions.的人群向四面逃去。7、The crowd set up a shout as the winner neared the post.优胜者接近终点时, 人群中发出一片喊叫声。8、A crowd gathered in front of the building.大楼前围了一大群人。9、Don't crowd the bedroom with furniture.不要在卧室里摆太多的家具。10、Crowd still going absolutely bonkers.群众都疯狂了。11、A large crowd went to the airport to send him off一大群人前往机场为他送别。12、The crowd was 5000 strong.聚集的人群有5000人。13、A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer.一群人正站在一起豪饮啤酒。14、There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi人很多,我们很难找到一辆出租汽车。

拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤用英语如何说

1、拥挤的英语:Crowded,英 [ˈkraʊdɪd] 美 [ˈkraʊdɪd]。

2、延误完全是因为交通拥挤。The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic.

3、沿着狭窄的街道是拥挤的带有天井的房子,环绕着一个有正方形尖塔的清真寺。Typically, houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret.

4、那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings.

上一篇:capital city
