
时间:2024-04-17 23:44:32编辑:莆田seo君


large反义词是:little。little用作形容词时表示“小的,幼小的,矮小的”,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感情色彩,意思是“小的可爱”“小的可怜”等意思。little的比较级与最高级常用smaller, smallest,而较少用littler, littlest。little用作代词时有否定意味,接近于nothing。the little, a little或little of在句中用作定语时,谓语动词用单数形式。little可与the连用,用如名词。相关词组:know little 几乎茫无所知。make little of 不重视,对…难了解。see little of life 未见世面。see very little of sb 很少看见某人。sleep very little 睡得很少。think little of oneself 看不起自己。


反义词就是两个意思相反的词,包括:绝对反义词和相对反义词。分为成对的意义相反、互相对立的词。如:真——假,动——静,拥护——反对。这类反义词所表达的概念意义互相排斥。或成对的经常处于并举、对立位置的词。如:黑——白,高山——平地。这类反义词没有矛盾对立关系,但对比鲜明。下面是我为大家收集的large的反义词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 large中文翻译: 英 [lɑd] 美 [lɑrd] adj. 大的;多数的;广博的 adv. 大大地;夸大地 n. 大 n. (Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热 短语: Large myotis 中华鼠耳蝠 large quantity 大数量 ; 大量 ; 产品数量 ; 年夜数量 large assortment 各式俱全 ; 百般俱全 ; 花色齐备 large prawn 大对虾 large scale 大规模的 ; 小规模地 ; 大型的 ; 大比例尺 large的反义词 small 的.反义词是 large small: 小的 large: 大的∕big large-grained 的反义词是 fine fine: adj.好的 adv.很好,妙 large-headed 的反义词是 headless headless: a. 无头的,无领导者的,无知的 bantam 的反义词是 large bantam: n type of small domestic fowl 矮脚鸡: [attrib 作定语] bantam cocks 矮脚公鸡. bittie 的反义词是 large large: adj.大的;巨大的 拓展阅读:关于large的英语作文 Large Companies and Small Companies Upon graduation from college, young men and women face the first choice in their career life: to go to a large company or a small one? Although many graduates are attracted by the prestige of large companies, I believe the small one will afford more chances of success and more opportunities to develop your ability. There are two basic differences between the large and small enterprises. First, working in the small company you operate primarily through personal contacts; you have more chance to develop your communication ability and the ability to handle various kinds of personalities. In contrast, in the large company there are established policies and fairly rigid procedures. Even the man at the top is only a cog in a big machine: you needn‘t make any decision and can’t see the effect of your work…… Second, in a small business you are normally exposed to all kinds of experiences and expected to do a great many things without too much help or guidance. Thus, you may acquire much more skills and experience, and develop the ability to handle different, complicated things. But in the large corporation, since you are normally taught one thing and limited to one procedure, you may become the man who knows more and more about less and less. Obviously if you want to gain more experience and ability needed in business organizations and to become an excellent manager or executive in your future career, working in a small company is your best choice.


   large中文翻译:   英 [lɑːdʒ] 美 [lɑrdʒ] adj. 大的;多数的;广博的   adv. 大大地;夸大地   n. 大   n. (Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热    短语:   Large myotis 中华鼠耳蝠   large quantity 大数量 ; 大量 ; 产品数量 ; 年夜数量   large assortment 各式俱全 ; 百般俱全 ; 花色齐备   large prawn 大对虾   large scale 大规模的 ; 小规模地 ; 大型的 ; 大比例尺   large 英语反义词参考:   small 的反义词是 large   small: 小的   large: 大的∕big   large-grained 的反义词是 fine   fine: adj.好的 adv.很好,妙   large-headed 的反义词是 headless   headless: a. 无头的,无领导者的,无知的   bantam 的反义词是 large   bantam: n type of small domestic fowl 矮脚鸡: [attrib 作定语] bantam cocks 矮脚公鸡.   large: adj.大的;巨大的   bittie 的反义词是 large   large: adj.大的;巨大的


big和large的区别一、读音不同big 英[bɪɡ] 美[bɪɡ] large 英[lɑːdʒ] 美[lɑːrdʒ] 二、释义不同bigadj. 大的; (体积、程度、数量等)巨大的; 年龄较大的; 重大的; 严重的; 庞大的; 大受欢迎的; 热衷于…的; 经常(或大量)做某事的; 大方的; adv. 大大; 给人印象深地; n. 大亨; 大公司; largeadj. 大的; 大规模的; 大量的; (服装、食物、日用品等)大型号的; 广泛的; 众多的; adv. 大; 详细地; 夸大地; 顺风地; n. 大; 三、词形变化不同big的比较级:bigger 最高级:biggestlarge的比较级:larger 最高级:largest四、用法不同big更多表示程度“巨大,严重”以及“年龄较大的”,例如:1、The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa. faced a very big challenge. 非洲姆汉尼的村民们面临着巨大的挑战。2、The bigger boys started scrapping. 年龄较大的男孩打了起来。large更多表示规模“巨大”和范围“广泛”以及数量“众多”,例如:1、Modern buildings were set up on a large scale in that city. 大规模的现代化建筑在那城市矗立起来了。2、But, in a larger sense. 但是,从更广泛的意义上来说。五、双语例句big1、I've got quite a big room so I'm not too badly off. 我有一间蛮大的屋子,所以住得还不坏。2、Goodness, what a big balloon! 啊,好大的气球呀!3、This is too big ─ have you got a small one? 这个太大——有没有小的?4、The new delivery service has taken off in a big way. 新的递送服务迅速走红。5、Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。large1、I didn't want to go to a large university. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。2、Many large old houses have been converted into flats. 许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。3、A large number of people have applied for the job. 许多人申请了这工作。4、Their success is due in large part to their determination. 他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。5、By and large, I enjoyed my time at school. 总的说来,我在学校很开心。


smallest 最小
造句:the world's smallest dog only has a body size of 4 inch(世上最小的狗身长只有4英尺)

造句: Jenny had always been the shortest in her class. (jenny 一直都是班上最矮的。)

造句:The living room is the largest room in this house (客厅是这个房子里最大的房间)

whitest 最白
造句: The bird in this enclosure has the world's whitest feather. (这个笼子里的鸟拥有世界上最白的羽毛)

造句: the recording job is the easiest job in this event. (记录工作是这个活动中最间的的工作)

heaviest 最重
造句: Jack have low self esteem because he is the heaviest person in his class (杰克感到自卑,因为他是班里最重的)

biggerest 最大
造句: this is the biggest achivement in my life so far (这个是我现在为止最大的成就)

thinnest 最薄或者最瘦
that piece of cheese on the table must be the thinnest piece i've ever seen(桌上那片奶酪绝对是我有史以来见过最薄的)
she is trying to become thinnest person in her year lever (她正试图成为年级里最瘦的人。)

造句: he has been my best friend since kindergarden (从幼儿园开始,他就一直是我最好的朋友。)

most 最
造句:you were the most stubborn kid i've met while teaching. (你是我教过的学生里 最 固执的一个)



beautiful --ugly (丑陋)

thick——thin (厚薄)

big——small 大小

quick——small 快慢

old——new 旧新

luck——unluck 幸运

good——bad 好坏

wild——strict 广阔的,狭小的`

start-stop 开始结束

hot——cold 冷热

up-down 上下

left-right 左右

black-white 黑白

important——unimportant 重要,不重要

comfortable——uncomfortable 舒适,不舒适

sure——unsure 确信,不确定

thin-fat 胖瘦

long-short 长短

many——little 多少

much——few 多少

clever——foolish 聪明蠢

easy——-difficult 容易 难

smooth——rough 光滑 粗糙

friendly——-unfriendly 友好,不 友好

advantage——-disadvantage 优势,劣势

bright--dark 明亮 昏暗

dawn——dark 黎明 黄昏

tidy——disordered 整洁 凌乱

polite--unpolite 礼貌,不礼貌

forturn——unforturn 幸运 不幸

late--early 迟到,早

necessary——unnecessary 有必要的,没必要的

happy——sad 高兴 悲伤


large的意思是大的;多数的。读音:英 [lɑːdʒ],美 [lɑːrdʒ]释义:adj. 大的;大量的;大号的;广泛的adv. 夸大地;[航海]顺风地v. 狂欢作乐例句:I didn't want to go to a large university.我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。变形:过去式larged,过去分词larged,现在分词larging,第三人称单数larges,比较级larger,最高级largestlarge的用法large通常用来指形状、面积、数量、范围或规模等方面的“大”,有时也可用来修饰抽象事物如程度、能力、权力等,表示“广博的,宽大的”“慷慨的,夸张的”等。llarge常与介词at连用表示“(囚犯)在逃,逍遥法外”“随便地,无的放矢地”“详细地”等。large还常与介词in连用,表示“大规模地”“一般说来”。


1、副词翻译:adv. 大,大大地;夸大地。2、形容词翻译:adj.大的,宽大的;多的,多量的,多数的;广博的;广泛的。3、读音:英 [lɑːdʒ] 美 [lɑrdʒ]。4、比较级:larger。5、最高级:largest。6、例句:The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes——狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。扩展资料一、词义辨析:1、big常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。2、large普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。二、常见短语:1、a large number of sth——大量的…2、on a large scale——大规模地;大范围地。

英语中形容人口多的形容词 在population前只能加large和small么,像什么less,more,few,manny,不行么

是的,只能加large和small,因为population意为人口,其本身已经包含了“人口数”的含义,所以只能形容这个数目的大和小,不能说很多人口数。population读音:英 [ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn] 释义:(地区、国家等的)人口,人口数量。语法:population的基本意思是“人口”,还可指居住在某地的“全体居民”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,在表示人口“多”“少”时,用large和small修饰。扩展资料近义词:folkfolk读音:英 [fəʊk] 美 [foʊk] 释义:国民。语法:folk用作名词的基本意思是“人们”,指某一种族、民族或具有某种共同生活方式的普通村民,是集合名词,美式英语中常在词尾加-s,而英式英语多不加,常与复数谓语动词连用。例句:By giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music. 他表演了一场将古典音乐与中国民族音乐相结合的演奏会。

