bye for now

时间:2024-04-17 17:12:09编辑:莆田seo君

bye for now是什么意思

bye for now的意思是:再见。bye英 [baɪ] 美 [baɪ] int.再见,回头见n.次要的东西;(体育比赛中)轮空1、I will give you my best, bye for now. 我会给你现在我最好的,再见。2、Take care and bye for now. 以现在照顾和再见。3、Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. 那再见了,代我问你家人好。扩展资料再见还可以翻译为:good-bye、see you again1、good-bye英 ['gʊd'baɪ] 美 [ɡʊdˈbaɪ] int.再见!n.告辞,告别They hurried into the city to say good-bye to us. 他们赶进城来和我们告别。She left without so much as saying “ good-bye ”. 她甚至连“再见”都没说就走了。2、see you again英 [si: ju: əˈɡen] 美 [si ju əˈɡɛn] 再会;再见I'd really like to see you again and get to know you better. 我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你。When ever am I going to see you again? 我到底什么时候再见到你?

bye for now中 for是什么意思?

bye for now 意思是 现在再见了, for 是在强调now这个时间,现在再见,只是暂时的再见。for英 [fə(r)] 美 [fɔr,fə] prep.为,为了;倾向于;关于;当作conj.因为,由于1、I will give you my best, bye for now. 我会给你现在我最好的,再见。2、Take care and bye for now. 以现在照顾和再见。3、Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. 那再见了,代我问你家人好。扩展资料:近义词see you again英 [si: ju: əˈɡen] 美 [si ju əˈɡɛn] 再会;再见1、I'd really like to see you again and get to know you better. 我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你。2、When ever am I going to see you again? 我到底什么时候再见到你?3、She had to be firm with him. 'I don't want to see you again.'她不得不对他狠下心来:“我不想再见到你。”

bye for now中 for是什么意思?

bye for now 意思是 现在再见了, for 是在强调now这个时间,现在再见,只是暂时的再见。for英 [fə(r)] 美 [fɔr,fə] prep.为,为了;倾向于;关于;当作conj.因为,由于1、I will give you my best, bye for now. 我会给你现在我最好的,再见。2、Take care and bye for now. 以现在照顾和再见。3、Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. 那再见了,代我问你家人好。扩展资料:近义词see you again英 [si: ju: əˈɡen] 美 [si ju əˈɡɛn] 再会;再见1、I'd really like to see you again and get to know you better. 我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你。2、When ever am I going to see you again? 我到底什么时候再见到你?3、She had to be firm with him. 'I don't want to see you again.'她不得不对他狠下心来:“我不想再见到你。”

for now什么意思

for now什么意思如此:是现在。now,英语单词,主要用作为副词、形容词、名词、连词。作副词时译为现在;如今;立刻。作形容词时译为现在的。作名词时译为现在;目前。作连词时译为由于;既然。 相关短语:up to now到目前为止。 just now刚才,眼下。for now目前,暂时。 from now on从现在开始。by now到目前为止,到如今。until now至今,直到现在,迄今为止。 even now即使到现在;尽管这样。now then那么;喂。do it now现在开始;立即行动。every now and then 不时地;常常。as of now此刻,眼下。now or never勿失良机,机不可失;把握现在。before now过去,以前。双语例句:1、Many of the lochs we used to fish are now affected by forestry. 许多我们过去常去钓鱼的湖泊现在都受到了林业的影响。2、For the banks chasing this growing business, the gloves are now definitely off. 对于那些正在追求这项新兴业务的银行来说,肯定是甩开膀子大干起来了。3、He was now reviled by the party that he had helped to lead. 如今他却遭到了他曾参与领导过的政党的痛斥。4、He would rather abandon ship now than resign in shame in two years. 他宁肯现在就赶紧离开而不愿两年后蒙羞辞职。5、On the way to political union we are now crossing the Rubicon.在通往政治联盟的途中我们现在没有退路。6、Perming highlighted hair used to be a definite no-no, but it's now possible. 电烫染成浅色的部分头发过去是一件不可能的事,现在却变得可能了。7、he could count up to a hundred thousand million now, and beyond. 他现在能够数到一千亿以上了。

bye for now和by for now区别

bye for now和by for now二者区别如下:1、中文意思:bye for now是“再见”的意思,强调很快就会再见的;by for now“到现在为止”的意思。2、使用位置:bye for now一般用在句尾或者句头,同“bye”;by for now一般用来承上启下。示例如下:bye for now例句:I will give you my best, bye for now. 翻译:我会给你现在我最好的,再见。by for now例句:Whereas, by for now, the studies on physicochemical and functional characteristics of acorn starch have not been reported. 翻译:采用曲线回归法、正交试验法和方差分析法等对橡实淀粉的漂白工艺进行了较为详细的研究。3、使用方法:bye for now中间不接其他的词语,但是by for now一般使用为“by ... for now”或者“by ... for ... now”。示例如下:bye for now例句:Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. 翻译:那再见了,代我问你家人好。by ... for now例句:The animal was killed by police and for now the zoo remains closed. 翻译:那只老虎被警察杀死该城市公园仍在关闭中。by ... for ... now例句:"I'll make it up by begging for it now, all right?" 翻译:“我现在向你补求,行不行?”扩展资料:by中文意思:做介词(prep.)在…旁边;表示方式;由于;经过例句:The feast was served by his mother and sisters...翻译:这顿美餐是他母亲和他的姐妹们准备的。做副词(adv.)经过;表示保留或保存时用;短暂拜访例句:I met him by chance out walking yesterday 翻译:我昨天外出散步时碰巧遇见了他。by词语惯例:做介词prep. by the by/bye=by the way中文:顺便说一句例句:By the way, how did your seminar go?翻译:对了,你的研讨会进行得怎样?做副词adv. by and by 中文:不久;很快 例句:By and by she met an old man with a beard.翻译:她不久就碰到了一个大胡子老头。


再见的英文是good-bye词语分析:音标:英[ɡʊd baɪ]美[ɡʊd baɪ]n. 告辞int. 再见短语搭配:1、time to say good-bye到说再见的时候了例句:1、She left without so much as saying "good-bye".她甚至连“再见”都没说就走了。2、Mama said good-bye to her parents and friends and traded her busy city neighborhood for a more isolated life.妈妈告别了父母和朋友,离开了繁忙的城市社区,过起了更加与世隔绝的生活。3、We said good-bye to each other at the station.我们是在车站分手的。同义词:n.告辞conge / leave-takingint.再见bye / adios / tatas / pippip / bye-bye


good-bye['gud'bai] n. 告辞int. 再见短语Good bye-bye 好多再见 ; 好了 ; 好的All Good bye-bye 都好了I was sleeping Good bye-bye 好的the good-bye 野村义男 ; 曾我泰久扩展资料同近义词1、conge['kɑnʒe] n. 告辞;撤职,解任短语conge' 凹凸形线脚conge eels 康吉鳗 ; 康吉鳗属Conge machine 康吉搅拌机Sweet potato conge 地瓜粥2、See you再见;回头见短语See Thru You 真实的你See what you 明白你See what you like 似是而非


1.Good day
  2.Bye bye
  3.So long
  5.Be seeing you
  9.Take care
  10.Catch you later
  12.Have a nice day
  13.All the best
  14.Ta ta for now
  15.See you later alligator!
  16.Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
  17.Have fun
  18.Good luck
  19.Take it easy
  20.Talk to you later


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