
时间:2024-04-17 12:44:58编辑:莆田seo君


2.Love !(电影「LOVE」主题曲)(田馥甄)
10.My Love(田馥甄)
12.初吻(演奏曲) 13.大太阳下的草地(演奏曲)

最新电影《爱 love》里的插曲是那首歌?


电影 爱 开头时的插曲叫什么

应该是 爱的预告 田馥甄
1 爱的预告 田馥甄
2. Love! 田馥甄 主题曲
3. 爱新觉罗与叶赫那拉的相遇(演奏曲)
4. 飞鸟 魏如萱
5. 爱的暖阳和煦(演奏曲)
6. 两个女孩(演奏曲)
7. 傻子 林宥嘉 主题曲
8. 我也没有爸爸(演奏曲)
9. 决心(演奏曲)
10. My Love 田馥甄
11. 坠落(演奏曲)
12. 初吻(演奏曲)
13. 大太阳下的草地(演奏曲)
14. 老男孩的反击(演奏曲)
15. 我们 魏如萱
16. 爱的箴言 钮承泽
17. 等待(演奏曲)
18. 爱(演奏曲)
19. 放轻点 杨乃文 片尾曲

because i love you是哪部电影主题曲

  《because i love you》是《走出非洲》电影主题曲。《because i love you》是一首旋律优美,情调浪漫优雅的歌曲,因为它的深情和爱慕之感,征服了很多听众,作为电影《走出非洲》的主题曲,和电影主人公的情感发展相吻合。   《走出非洲》是美国的爱情片,导演西德尼·波拉克,主演是梅丽尔·斯特里普,罗伯特·雷德福等,该影片根据卡伦·布里克森的同名自传改编而来。影片在1985年12月10日上映,片长160分钟,《走出非洲》获得了第58届奥斯卡奖最佳影片 、最佳导演奖、最佳改编剧本 奖,还获得了第43届美国金球奖剧情类最佳影片奖,深受观众的喜欢。   《走出非洲》讲述了凯伦为了一个男爵夫人的称号嫁到了肯尼亚,不过她的婚姻并不幸福,后来她爱上了这片土地,而英国贵族邓尼斯的出现让其感情有了新的进展,只不过一场大火让海伦的庄园遭受了重创,并且邓尼斯也意外身亡,海伦的生活再次陷入了困境。

I will always love you这首歌的歌词的意思是什么

If I should stay.如果我留下来。
  I would only be in Ur way.我会成为你的羁绊。
  So I'll go.所以我离去。
  But I know.但我知道。
  I'll think of U every step of the way.我每迈出的一步都会想着你。
  And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  U,my darling U ! 你,我亲爱的宝贝!
  Bitter sweet memories.苦涩而甜蜜的回忆。
  That is all I'm taking with me.是我带走的唯一东西。
  So goodbye,please don't cry.再见吧,请不要哭泣。
  We both know I'm not what U need.我们彼此都知道我不是你所需。
  And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  I hope life treats U kind.我希望生活能善待你。
  And I hope U have all U dreamed off.希望你好梦成真。
  And I wish 2 U joy & happiness.祝愿你美满幸福。
  But above all this I wish 2 U love.更要祝福你找到真爱。
  And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
  Daring I love U ! 亲爱的,我爱你!
  Always love U ! 永远爱你!

my love是哪部电影主题曲

My Love
My love, leave yourself behind. 我的爱人,离开了你的背影
Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄 离开你而茫然   
My love, you have found peace.我的爱人,你会得到平静   
You were searching ,for release. 你在寻找,你在召唤   
You gave it all, into the call.给予了你的所有 你给我们带来了改变   
You took a chance and You took a fall for us.你让我们变得堕落   
You came thoughtfully, loved me faithfully.你变得亲切体贴, 真切的爱着我   
You taught me honor, you did it for me.你给了我荣誉,你为我去做了   
Tonight you will sleep for good .今晚你将安然入睡   
You will wait for me my love.你将等待着我 我的爱人   
Now I am strong (Now I am strong)现在我茁壮了   
You gave me all .你给了我所有的   
You gave all you had and now I am home 你给了我你的所有 现在我回来了   
My love, leave yourself behind.我的爱人,离开了你的背影   
Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄, 离开你而茫然   
My love, look what you can doI am mending, I'll be with you.我的爱人,你做了些什么,让我如此需要依靠我要和你在一起   
You took my hand added a plan.. 你想拿起我的手   
You gave me your heart 你给了我你的心   
I asked you to dance with me 我让你与我一同舞蹈   
You loved honestly Did what you could release.你真切的爱着我 去做你能释放(自己)的事   Aaaahhh oooh I know you're pleased to go Aaaahhh oooh 我知道你将高兴的离去   
I won't relieve this love .我不会再去挽救这份感情   
Now I am strong (Now I am strong)现在我茁壮了   
You gave me allYou gave all 你给了我所有   
you had and now I am home 你知道我现在回来了   
My love, leave yourself behind.我的爱人,离开了你的背影 在我身体里狂妄   
Beat inside me, I'll be with ,youoooooohh oooohDu du du ooooooh我会与你在一起

my love 是哪一部电影的主题曲

Sia - My Love  【暮光之城】插曲
  My love, leave yourself behind. 我的爱人,离开了你的背影
  Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄 离开你而茫然
  My love, you have found peace.我的爱人,你会得到平静
  You were searching ,for release. 你在寻找,你在召唤
  You gave it all, into the call.给予了你的所有 你给我们带来了改变
  You took a chance and You took a fall for us.你让我们变得堕落
  You came thoughtfully, loved me faithfully.你变得亲切体贴, 真切的爱着我
  You taught me honor, you did it for me.你给了我荣誉,你为我去做了
  Tonight you will sleep for good .今晚你将安然入睡
  You will wait for me my love.你将等待着我 我的爱人
  Now I am strong (Now I am strong)现在我茁壮了
  You gave me all .你给了我所有的
  You gave all you had and now I am home 你给了我你的所有 现在我回来了
  My love, leave yourself behind.我的爱人,离开了你的背影
  Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄, 离开你而茫然
  My love, look what you can doI am mending, I'll be with you.我的爱人,你做了些什么,让我如此需要依靠我要和你在一起
  You took my hand added a plan.. 你想拿起我的手
  You gave me your heart 你给了我你的心
  I asked you to dance with me 我让你与我一同舞蹈
  You loved honestly Did what you could release.你真切的爱着我 去做你能释放(自己)的事
  Aaaahhh oooh I know you're pleased to go Aaaahhh oooh 我知道你将高兴的离去
  I won't relieve this love .我不会再去挽救这份感情
  Now I am strong (Now I am strong)现在我茁壮了
  You gave me allYou gave all 你给了我所有
  you had and now I am home 你知道我现在回来了
  My love, leave yourself behind.我的爱人,离开了你的背影 在我身体里狂妄
  Beat inside me, I'll be with ,youoooooohh oooohDu du du ooooooh我会与你在一起

i love you baby 那首歌的叫什么?

i love you baby是歌曲Can't my eyes off you的歌词,他的原唱是Frankie Valli。虽然有很多小伙伴们翻唱这首歌,甚至还把它翻唱成中文版的,但是很多网友都觉得还是原唱最好听。i love you baby这句歌的歌词非常的愉悦,有一种非常快乐的向女朋友表白的感觉。如果一个男生对着喜欢的女生唱这首歌,相信女生会觉得非常感动,这首歌也被很多男生拿来当成是表白歌曲。l love you baby原唱Frankie Valli。这首歌不仅在抖音上面非常火,如果大家喜欢看跑男的话应该也有常听到这首歌。因为angelababy大家平时都称呼她为baby,而这首歌的歌词正好对应了她的名字。所以在节目中angelababy出场的时候,节目组经常会给她配上这首歌,而且配的就是i love you baby的部分。Can't my eyes off you这首歌咋这么火,除了抖音的功劳,还有跑男的功劳。

i love you baby是什么歌

歌词“I love you baby“出自歌曲《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》。

《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》
作词:Bob Crewe
谱曲:Bob Gaudio
原唱:Frankie Valli

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
I love you baby and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights
I love you baby, trust in me when I say
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray
Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you stay
And let me love you baby, let me love you


The Inertia Kiss - I won t say adieu 我不说再会I wonder why the hell i stayin this town我想知道为何身在此处Ain't much to do when the sun goes down日落后便无所事事But think about what I'll do when I'm with you总想和你一起 会做何事Still don't know why you went away仍不知你为何离去When black and white turns into gray当黑白蜕变成灰Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you世态炎凉 与你亲吻倍感温暖When I'm with you,I feel warm inside有你相伴 内心洋溢着温暖When I'm with you,time and space divide有你相随 时空划分了界限When I'm with you,I am so alive和你一起 我活得如此真实When I'm with you与你共度……And I don't know how I'm gonna live this way未知要如何活下去Eternity burned out that day日子已然消逝And I don't know how I'm gonna spend my life without you没有你 不知如何度过余生And the church bells are ringing all across the world教堂钟声响彻世界And prophesies go unfulfilled预言没有实现Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you他们总说 我与你将白头偕老I won't say adieu我不说再会……How much more time will I have to wait还要等多久You left me in a restless state你将我留在喧嚣的国度I'll walk around like I'm in a trance'til I'm with you人生恍如梦游 直到我遇到你I wonder where on earth you could have gone你究竟投身何处Feel like a siren that somebody left on我就似被触动的警报器Screaming out into the night that I miss you狂吼直至深夜 我想你When I'm with you my heart pounds like rain有你相伴 我心如鹿撞When I'm with you,I'm immune to pain有你相随 我痛苦不再When I'm with you,I feel no restraint和你在一起我无拘无束When I'm with you与你共度……And I don't know how I'm gonna live this way未知要如何活下去Eternity burned out that day日子已然消逝And I don't know how I'm gonna spend my life without you没有你 不知如何度过余生And the church bells are ringing all across the world教堂钟声响彻世界And prophesies go unfulfilled预言没有实现Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you他们总说 我与你将白头偕老I won't say adieu我不说再会……Adieu…………再会……The Inertia Kiss - I Remember LoveI can see it in your eyesI can see it in your faceI could feel it when we touchedIt used to mean so muchBut now it?s gone awayWe were young and dreams were newAnd every word we said was trueAny mountain we could climbYou made me feel aliveThe first time in my lifeYes, I remember love so beautifulNow I know my heart is breakableBut I remember love, the true meaning ofI remember, I remember - loveThough the years have come and goneAnd by now we?ve both moved onI admit that there are nightsWhen I wonder whyWhy we said goodbye'Cause I remember love so beautifulNow I know my heart is breakableBut I remember love, the true meaning ofI remember, I remember - love.I′ve been losing faith each time I fallBut I still believe, love conquers allYes, I remember love so beautifulNow I know my heart is breakableBut I remember love, the true meaning ofI remember, I remember - loveWhen I see your face as I hear your voiceI remember, I remember - loveThe Inertia Kiss - between love and goodbyewhen you weren't aroundI was ok.I used to have time for my friends all daywhen you weren't aroundI was alrightI need sometime alone tonightso what would you do if I leave here aloneand how would you feel if I won't be coming homecause i got myself to say soi might be gone if you call on me tonightbetween love and goodbyei won't live in the middle this timebetween love and goodbyei got a heart of gold you'll never findwhen you weren't aroundi was myselfi never have to think of anyone elsewhen you weren't aroundi was mejust where my life was going toso i can create what we haven't seen but i can't escape living in a dreammy fear is that it's highso i might fall far like the stars in the heaven tonightbetween love and good byei won't be live in middle this timebetween love and goodbyei got a heart of gold you'll never findthe thought of losing you tonightmakes me want to stay in firebut i can't touch what you believeshould i leavebetween love and goodbyei won't live in the middle this timebetween love and goodbyei got a heart of gold you'll never findbetween love and goodbyei got a heart of gold you'll never findbetween love and goodbyeThe Inertia Kiss - boyfriendWe had a chancein a million to oneDriving the corvettedown the road on the runOh, running in the nightOh, running in the nightMe and my boyfriendWhy should we carefor the powers that beAlways gonna doanything to be freeOh, running in the nightOh, running in the nightMe and my boyfriend.I could never be lonelyI'm together with youGonna run awayWhere he goes I will stay'Cause he's my boyfriend.BoyfriendDay by daylove is coming my way'Cause he's my boyfriend.BoyfriendHe's my boyfriendMaybe it's fair to sayI live like a foolWhat else could I dowhen ever love makes the rulesOh, running in the nightOh, running in the nightMe and my boyfriendWhy should we planwhat tomorrow will bringWhy believing that itcould change anythingOh, running in the night.Oh, running in the nightMe and my boyfriendI could never be lonelyI'm together with youGonna run awayWhere he goes I will stay'Cause he's my boyfriend.BoyfriendDay by daylove is coming my way'Cause he's my boyfriend.Boyfriend'Cause he's my boyfriend.BoyfriendDay by day...He's my boyfriendHe's my boyfriendwhat's the color of loveI've been to GreeceI've been to ParisI've been to Brazil and MexicoI've sensed a blooming tree of cherriesAnd watched ten thousand flowers growEvery day my world is full of colorsRed or green or bule till I met youohwhat's the color of lovewhat'sthe case of my heartbeatcall the angels abovewhat's the color of loveflying high like a doveyou and me in the night heatall the angels abovewhat's the color of loveIt doesn't matter where I am goingI can escape the way I feelhow to control where winds are goingI can discriber the love I seeevery day my world is full of colorsred and green or bule till I met youohwhat's the color of lovewhat's the case of my heartbeatcall the angels abovewhat's the color of loveflying high like a doveyou and me in the night heatall the angels abovewhat's the color of lovered orange yellow green bule purpleoh oh oh ohwhat's the colorwhat's the colorwhat's the color of lovewhat's the case of my heartbeatcall the angels abovewhat's the color of loveflying high like a doveyou and me in the night heatcall the angels abovewhat's the color of loveSarah Dawn Finer - I remember love I can see it in your eyesI can see it in your faceI could feel it when we touchedIt used to mean so muchBut now it's gone awayWe were young and dreams were newAnd every word we said was trueAny mountain we could climbYou made me feel aliveThe first time in my lifeYes, I remember loveSo beautifulNow I know my heart is breakable'Cause I remember loveThe true meaning ofI remember, I remember loveThough the years have come and goneOh, and by now we've both moved onI admit that there are nightsWhen I wonder whyWhy we said goodbye'Cause I remember loveSo beautifulNow I know my heart is breakable'Cause I remember loveThe true meaning ofI remember, I remember loveOh, I've been losing faith each time I fallBut I still believe love conquers all'Cause I remember love(So beautiful)Now I know my heart is breakable'Cause I remember loveThe true meaning ofYes, I remember, I remember loveNow I know my heart is breakableWhen we see your face, as I hear your voiceI remember, I remember love(I remember, I remember love)The Inertia Kiss - born loserAlthough we know it isn't rightIt didn't stop us from making a scene tonightI should've seen that you were making your way outta hereIt's not the first time,but it's the lastI guarantee you'll be trying to win me backIf you could get out of that mirroryou're a born loser,you're out of your mindyou're a born loser,and I was so blindyou're a born loser,loseryou're losing me for good this timeyou're losing me for good this timeyou run around telling all your friendsmy little secrets,I told you in confidenceAnd all the stories are making a star out of meyou got the act and drama downyou turn them all against me in this townAm I the only one who seesyou're a born loser,you're out of your mindyou're a born loser,and I was so blindyou're a born loser,loseryou're losing me for good this timeyou're losing me for good this timeyou gonna lose meyou're a born loseryou gonna lose meyou're a born loseryou're a born loser,you're out of your mindyou're a born loser,and I was so blindyou're a born loseryou're losing me for good this time

