
时间:2024-04-15 16:06:01编辑:莆田seo君


  随着生活水平的提高,随着上海迪士尼公园的正式开园,全国又刮起了一场主题公园的旋风。下面是我带来的上海迪士尼乐园的英语介绍,欢迎大家阅读!    上海迪士尼乐园的英语介绍   为啥上海迪士尼会这么火爆啊?除了因为这是大陆第一家迪士尼乐园之外,还因为上海迪士尼有许多“世界唯一”哦!!!我先为各位盘点下只属于上海迪士尼的“世界唯一”:   1. The biggest of them all! The Enchanted Story Book Castle is the tallest, largest and most interactive Disney castle in the world.   最大的城堡!“奇幻童话城堡”是世界上最高、最大、最具互动性的迪士尼城堡。   2. The 963 acre park which cost $5.5billion to build is said to be the cheapest out of all the Disneyland resorts.   这座面积达963英亩的主题公园,造价高达55亿美元。据说是所有迪士尼乐园中造价最低的一个。   3. Shanghai Disneyland‘s ticket prices the lowest out of all of the theme parks.   上海迪士尼乐园的票价是所有迪士尼乐园中票价最低的。   当然,抢票之前大家还是要看看票价、开园日期和周围的住宿问题的。   The theme park offers both regular and peak-priced tickets, with regular pricing set at 370 yuan ($56) and peak pricing for high-demand dates set at 499 yuan.   主题公园提供两种门票,370元的常规门票和499元的节假日高峰期门票。   Pricing during the grand opening period (from June 16 to 30) will be 499 yuan.   迪斯尼盛大开园期间(6.16~30)的售价为499元。   当然,去魔都逛迪士尼需要精心设计一下 旅游攻略 ,只有这样才能达到省时省力的效果哦。关于攻略问题,我也已经为你设计好了:   1. Buy Souvenirs in Advance   预先买好纪念品   Disney has infiltrated practically every industry, which makes it easy to find Disney items anywhere, from Walmart, Target, and your local grocery store to department stores and Amazon. You can save a lot of money by purchasing items before your trip at these less-expensive retailers than at Disneyland.   迪士尼的品牌已经渗透到几乎所有行业,因而你随处都可以买到迪士尼品牌的纪念品,从沃尔玛到塔吉特,再到你家附近的杂货店、百货公司以及亚马逊购物网。这些地方零售的迪士尼纪念品比迪士尼乐园便宜得多,如果你在出发之前买好这些东西,就能省下一大笔钱。   2. Make an Autograph Book   制作一本签名簿   An autograph book is seen as a must-have by many Disneyland enthusiasts and is a memory you can take home with you. These books can cost anywhere from $7.95 to $19.95 at the Disney Store and up to $30 for the latest-and-greatest autograph book at Disneyland, such as the park's 60th anniversary edition.Other options can get the job done for under $5. For example, you can buy a small, generic photo album; cute memo pads or notebooks.   对于那些迪士尼乐园的铁杆粉丝来说,签名簿是必不可少的东西,这是一种有形的纪念,能带回家 收藏 起来。这类签名簿在迪士尼专卖店里出售的价格从7.95美元到19.95美元不等,在迪士尼乐园里,一本最新、最精美的签名簿可以卖到30美元(例如迪士尼乐园的60周年纪念特别版签名簿)。但你还有另一种选择,只需要花费不到5美元。比如,你可以在附近的文具店买一本小小的随便什么牌子的相册、可爱的便签簿或者 笔记本 。   3. Eat Breakfast Before You Arrive   在到达前吃好早餐   Breakfast is almost as pricey as lunch or dinner if you eat inside the Disneyland parks. You can save quite a bit of money by eating breakfast before you go to the park.   如果你在迪士尼乐园里吃早餐,你会发现早餐的价格和中餐、晚餐一样贵。如果你在抵达之前吃好早饭,你就能省下许多钱。   4. Bring Your Own Food and Drinks   自带食物和饮料   While Disney's official policy says it does not allow outside food or drinks, Disneyland does allow most food items. Take snacks for throughout the day or pack a lunch to enjoy in the picnic area just outside the main entrance of the park.   迪士尼乐园的官方规定是不允许游客自带外食,尽管如此,大多数的食品是可以带入园区的。准备点零食,这样逛完整个园区都不怕肚子饿了,或者带上午餐,可以在主干道旁边的野餐区享用。   5. Arrange Your Trip Around the Off-Season Times   将你的行期定在旅游淡季   Lots of things, from airfare to souvenirs, can get more expensive during Disneyland's busier times of the year. To make the most of your money, plan your trip during the park's off-season. The months of September through March -- excluding December -- are not as crowded at the parks, and even hotels can be less expensive during these months.   在一年之中迪士尼乐园的游园旺季,机票、纪念品等许多东西的价格会上涨。为了能最合理的消费,可以将行期定在游园的淡季。从9月到来年3月(包括12月),园内的游客都比较少,在这几个月份里就连周边的旅馆房价都会较为便宜。   上海迪士尼乐园相关阅读篇一   上海迪士尼的试行 The Trial Run of Shanghai Disneyland   Shanghai Disneyland will be open soon, as the day is so close, there are all kinds of trial run information released. The public is so looking forward to it and they want to have the honor become the first visitors. While after scanning the released information, they feel unsatisfied.   上海迪士尼乐园很快就要开放了,由于距离开放日子是如此的接近,各种各样的试行信息发布了出来。公众是如此的期待,他们希望能有荣幸成为第一批游客。然而在浏览了发布信息后,他们感到不满意。   The first is about the high entrance ticket. According to the average ticket of about 400 RMB, a family always need to pay at least for 3 persons, which means it takes them more than 1000 RMB. It is only the lowest budget for the local visitors, while for the nonlocal visitors, they need to pay for the hotel, which is a great expense.   第一个是关于高价格的门票。根据平均一张门票约400元,一个家庭总是需要支付至少3人,这意味着他们需要支付超过1000元人民币。然而最低的预算只是对于当地游客来说,而对于外地游客,他们需要支付酒店,这是一笔巨大的开销。   The second is the food in Disneyland. The offcial website has listed the price that offered in the amusement park. A beef burger with cheese is 80 RMB, a child-sized hot dog is 60 RMB and so on. Many people think it is such high price for them to pay. In that way, a family only pays for the food will cost more than 500 RMB!   第二个是迪斯尼乐园的食物。官方网站列出了游乐园提供的食物价格。一个牛肉汉堡和奶酪是80元,一个 儿童 的热狗是60元等等。许多人认为这是很高的价格。这样的话,一个家庭光支付食物就要超过500元!   The trial run of Shanghai Disneyland exposes many problems and the public concerns about the price. Maybe adjusting the price can attracts more tourists.   上海迪士尼乐园的试行反应了许多问题,公众关心的是价格。也许调整价格可以吸引更多的游客。   上海迪士尼乐园相关阅读篇二   为什么小孩都爱迪士尼 Why Kids Like Disneyland   Shanghai Disneyland finally opens to the tourists after so many years’ building. It is the only one in mainland, before its open, people will go to HongKong to take a visit of Disneyland. Now Shanghai disneyland is much larger. I have been to HongKong Disneyland, there were so many families, the parents companied their kids. Disneyland is the kids’ paradise, they have much fun here. There are so many projects, the kids can play according to their level. The atmosphere is so lively, there will be some parades every hour, it makes the kids feel like they are in the fairy tale world. What’s more, they can see all kinds of the cartoon characters, such as Snow White, Mickey Mouse and so on. Disneyland provides a stage for the kids to follow their heroes, it also protects their wonderful world.   上海迪斯尼乐园终于对游客开放了,经过这么多年的建设。它是唯一一个在大陆的迪士尼,在开放之前,人们会去香港迪斯尼乐园参观。现在上海迪斯尼乐园要大得多。我去过香港迪斯尼乐园,有很多的家庭去,父母是陪伴他们的孩子。迪士尼乐园是孩子们的天堂,他们在这里有很多乐趣。项目很多,孩子们可以根据他们的水平来玩。气氛十分热闹,每隔一个小时会有一些游行,使孩子们感觉到他们活在童话世界里。更重要的是,他们可以看到各种各样的卡通人物,如白雪公主、米老鼠等。迪斯尼乐园给孩子们提供了一个追随他们英雄的舞台,也保护他们的美好世界。   上海迪士尼乐园相关阅读篇三   米老鼠的由来 The Coming of Mickey Mouse   Mickey Mouse is very popular around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story.   米老鼠在全世界都非常受欢迎,自从它来到这个世界。现在米老鼠和它的家庭成员已经成为了迪斯尼乐园的主要人物。他们给人们带来了那么多快乐。米老鼠之父沃尔特迪斯尼创造这个可爱的人物,有着有趣的 故事 。   When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on two legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands.   迪斯尼在年轻的时候,他在芝加哥学习艺术。他曾与另一个年轻艺术家的在老建筑里共事。他们经常看见老鼠在老房子里跑进跑出,所以他们想到画一个卡通老鼠。这个老鼠不像真正的老鼠,它两条腿站立,有大眼睛和耳朵。最有趣的事情是,它戴着白色的手套。   They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character comes. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world’s biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people.   他们称之为米奇,这就是这个伟大的卡通人物的由来。很快这个可爱和有趣的形象在世界各地都出名了。它出现在屏幕上。电影受到了孩子们喜爱。然后它也出现在世界上最大的娱乐公园迪士尼乐园,逗乐了这么多人。   Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse.   沃尔特?迪斯尼是如此之大,他创造了一个受欢迎的偶像米老鼠。 猜你喜欢: 1. 上海迪士尼乐园的英语介绍 2. 迪斯尼乐园英语介绍 3. 迪士尼幼儿英语故事阅读 4. 迪士尼英语怎么收费 5. 上海迪士尼游记作文600字





disneyland怎么读介绍如下:Disneyland:英/'dɪznɪlænd/。美/ˈdizniˌlænd/。n.乐园;迪斯尼乐园。Some Americans see Oxford as an intellectual Disneyland. 一些美国人把牛津视为知识分子的乐园。Werbach gives the example of several Disneyland hotels in Anaheim, California, which used large digital leaderboards to display how efficiently laundry workers were working compared to one another. 沃巴赫给出了加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆几家迪斯尼乐园酒店研究的例子,这些酒店使用大型电子排行榜来展示洗衣工人相互之间的工作效率并进行比较。The new theme park will be Britain's answer to Disneyland. 英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。Disneyland is in Los Angeles suburb. 迪斯尼游乐场在洛杉矶的近郊。Well, I have to say I prefer the American Disneyland. 我得说我更喜欢美国迪斯尼乐园。


disneyland用英语的读法英['dɪznɪlænd]、美[ˈdizniˌlænd]。disneyland造句如下:The eager children can't wait to go to Disneyland.这些兴奋的孩子迫不及待地想要去迪斯尼乐园。How many travelers have been to Disneyland so far ?到现在为止有多少旅客到过迪斯尼乐园?They were sold at Disneyland and Walt Disney world.它们在迪斯尼乐园和沃尔特?迪斯尼世界出售。Yesterday I could have gone to HongKong disneyland.我昨天本来可以去香港迪斯尼乐园的。And somehow I hijacked him and took him to Disneyland!不知何故我劫持了他,拖他去了迪斯尼乐园!And somehow l hijacked him and took him to Disneyland!不知怎么地,我就劫持了他一起去了迪斯尼乐园!Today, we spent the whole day in Hong Kong Disneyland.今天, 我们在香港迪斯尼乐园玩了一整天。More Mouse Tails A closer peek backstage at Disneyland.更多的老鼠尾巴就近审视迪斯尼乐园后台。In Disneyland you can find a lot of cartoon characters.在迪斯尼乐园你能发现许多卡通人物。





1、 迪士尼最吸引家长的是它的迪士尼品牌以及他的外教。品牌应该是真的,外教也还可以,其中有一个胖胖的女外教,我觉得她是真的喜欢孩子,喜欢她的工作。我的孩子不是她班里的,但她只要看见了就会抱起来和她玩闹一下,孩子也很喜欢她,而且我觉得她对所有的孩子都这样。

2、 环境还可以,干净,没有装修的异味。

3、 课程设置。她的课程设置真的让人很无奈。首先,大部分的课程都是每周一次,一次90分钟,我觉得小孩子注意力集中的时间可能是达不到的,所以课上应该有一部分的时间小孩子是在溜号或者自己玩自己的,学也学不了多少。也有一周两次课,每次45分钟的,这样的课更实在一些,因为孩子实际上能听得进去的时间所占的比重,会比第一种课多一些,但这样的课只安排在周一到周五,而且是初级班,孩子如果去上课就要和幼儿园请假。我个人觉得这样的课程设置可能是为了在最短的时间内把课学完。

4、 补课。如果孩子因为身体或其他的原因没有去上课可以补课,一般课程顾问在你交钱之前都会这样说。等到实际上碰到这样的情况时我才发现,这个问题有很多细则她没告诉你。

(1) 比如迪士尼一个学期是三个月,这三个月不管你请假几次,只能补一次课。而且补的课不是在孩子自己的班里补,而是要到一孩子完全陌生的其他班级里补,那个班里的孩子比他大1岁左右,不仅课程不适应,而且一下子所有的人(好像有接近20个孩子)都不认识,我的孩子对那次补课的感受很不好。

(2) 还有如果你请假的那次课恰好是这三个月的最后一堂课,那也是不给补的,因为这次课虽然你交了钱,但是这堂课什么都没讲,只是开毕业典礼,所以不给补。


5、 售后很差。如果你交完了钱,我劝你即使觉得自己有些事情不太清楚,想去问一下,这种念头最好不要有,否则等待你的很有可能是一场骂战,不管你怎么说,对方一定会很不屑的尽量不理你。而且我经历过两个课程顾问,在经历过第二场“售后服务”后,我怀疑这该不会是经过培训的吧,因为两个人说的话基本上是一样的,比如,“我不止服务你一个人,我还有很多客户”;“你到底有什么想说的”(我觉得正常来讲应该是“您有什么想咨询的”)。再有就是把话说的很快,在你还没反应过来的时间内说完了,如果你告诉她请再慢一点说一遍,她会说请你尊重她的人格,她也是人。还有就是把电话放在免提,拼命的整理文件,让你在说话的时候感觉对面好像在地震。我觉得中国人的观念就是尽量不要和老师闹僵,不管是公立还是私立机构,大部分家长都会这样想,我就是这样想的,所以我很无奈的选择了沉默,而且我无论如何都不会再交钱了。

6、 我个人觉得迪士尼的人员流动可能比较大,外教的变化不太大,但是助教以及课程顾问的流动性可能比较大,上了半年的课换了2个助教。我不知道这样的早教机构,老师以及助教是否都应该有一些体检证明比如健康证之类的,反正我们也去不了几次了。

7、 迪士尼的教育应该是纯粹的美式教育,与中国的应试教育反差很大。所以我们几个家长都觉得孩子更容易接受迪士尼的轻松氛围,但是这也产生了一个问题,就是孩子可能不太适应普通的幼儿园教育,在迪士尼的课堂上,孩子基本上是很自由的,但在幼儿园肯定不会是这样的。一个小孩子去同时接受2种完全不同的教育方式,孩子和家长都要付出很大的努力!












第一, 要逐渐养成一个良好的英语学习习惯,这非常重要。

第二, 必须从小就要培养孩子对英语“听的能力,说的能力以及英文阅读能力”,这三种能力,缺一不可。孩子将来英语成绩不理想,或者说没有学好英语,根本原因就是孩子缺少对英语阅读能力的培养造成的。现在有的孩子上小学三四年级或五六年级,就开始表现出不愿意学英语了,究其原因,也是孩子缺少对英语阅读能力的培养造成的。

迪士尼 少儿英语怎么样
hould do under similar circumstances. What events, what experience


disneyland的读音是[ˈdɪznilænd]。表达意思:迪斯尼乐园;幻想世界。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:Disneyland Resort 迪士尼乐园度假区;Disneyland Hotel 迪士尼乐园酒店 ; 迪士尼酒店。例句1、Some Americans see Oxford as an intellectual Disneyland. 一些美国人把牛津视为知识分子的乐园。2、I enjoyed myself at Disneyland. 我在迪斯尼乐园玩得很高兴。3、I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园。


Hong Kong Disneyland (Chinese: 香港迪士尼乐园) is the first theme park inside the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and is owned and managed by the Hong Kong International Theme Parks.
Hong Kong Disneyland, the fifth Magic Kingdom-style park, is located on a reclaimed land in Penny's Bay, Lantau Island. After years of negotiations and construction, the park opened to visitors on September 12, 2005, considered an auspicious date according to Chinese almanacs for the opening of a new business. Disney attempted to avoid problems of cultural backlash by attempting to incorporate Chinese culture, customs, and traditions when designing and building the resort, including adherence to the rules of Feng Shui. For instance, a bend was put in a walkway near the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort entrance so good "chi" energy wouldn't flow into the South China Sea.
The park consists of four themed lands similar to other Disneyland parks: Main Street, U.S.A., Fantasyland, Adventureland and Tomorrowland. There is as yet no Frontierland, although it may be included in future expansion projects. The theme park's cast members use English and Chinese, including Cantonese and Mandarin dialects, to communicate verbally. Guide Maps are printed in Traditional characters, , English, Simplified characters, French, and in Japanese.
The capacity of the park is 34,000 visitors per day, and is the smallest Disneyland park. It has so far fallen short of meeting its targeted visitorship figures. The park attracted 5.2 million visitors in its first year, below its target of 5.6 million. Visitor numbers fell 20% in the second year to 4 million, which was below company targets, inciting criticisms from local legislators. However, the park attendance slightly increased by 8% in the third year, attracting a total of 4.5 million visitors in 2007-2008 fiscal year. Since the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland in 2005, the theme park has attracted 15 million guests.
The park's small size is often cited to explain its under-performance.Currently 22.4 hectares (55 acres) in size, it will be expanded to 27.4 hectares (68 acres) when three new themed areas are completed. The announced areas, namely Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and Toy Story Land, are all located outside the Disneyland Railroad track, south to the current Adventureland. After the opening of the three new lands, the park is expected to handle 7.92 million to 8.92 million visitors in 2014. Eventually, the park capacity will increase to handle up to 10 million visitors annually over a 15 year expansion period.


Hong Kong Disneyland is a resort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, which is Disney's fifth seat Disneyland. Hong Kong MTR Disneyland Resort Line has dedicated railway between Sunny Bay Station and Disneyland Station, the second around the world and from Disney's railway line. Hong Kong Disneyland theme song "Let the Magic fly" by the Hong Kong Disneyland spokesperson Jacky Cheung singer. The park's official communication language is English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).香港迪士尼乐园度假区是香港迪士尼乐园主题公园,是全球第五个迪士尼乐园位于座位。香港地铁迪士尼线一直致力于与欣澳站及迪士尼站,周围的世界第二和迪斯尼的铁路线铁路。香港迪士尼乐园主题曲“让魔术禁飞区”由香港迪士尼乐园名誉大使张学友主唱。公园的官方沟通语言为英语和中文(普通话和粤语)。

