
时间:2024-04-15 10:56:55编辑:莆田seo君


   一、英语 :propose; present; put [bring] forward; raise   二、双语例句:   1   请提出反对这个计划的理由。   Please present your objection to the plan.   2   但美国政府官员已经出面表示,本次交易或许不会造成安全威胁,从而使监管部门在作决断时难以提出这条理由。   But US government officials have come out and said that the deal probably doesn 't pose a security threat, making it hard for regulators to raise that concern when making their judgment.   3   达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。   Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.   4   事先征求了他的意见,他并没有提出异议。   He had been consulted and had raised no objections.   5   他们的代表团本周提出了各种细枝末节的反对意见,极在地阻挠了进程。   Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.   6   后来莫伊先生提出了那个让人头疼的难民问题。   Later Mr MOI raised the vexed question of refugees.   7   建立一支拥有45万名士兵的乌克兰军队的计划被提出供讨论。   Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrainian army.   8   巴西即将提出一个新的债务偿付计划。   Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan.   9   给塔尔博特提出了80种进行调查的可能途径。   Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation.   10   我跳进汽车去提出抗议。   I jumped in the car and went to remonstrate.   11   他任职13年后提出辞职,这在政治上轰动一时。   His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell.   12   当艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒于1908年首次提出人生来就有攻击性本能的假设时,弗洛伊德对此表示反对。   When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it.   13   他们提出了很多不出口的正当理由。   They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.   14   在无忧无虑的美国律师界,世上最简单的事情就是提出诉讼。   In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action.   15   他对政府致力和平的承诺提出质疑,并呼吁政府做出友好的表示。   He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will. 提出用英语怎么说


提出英文是put forward。其例句为:1、He has put forward new peace proposals.他已提出了新的和平建议。2、He accepted all the changes we proposed.他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。3、Eight options were presented for consideration.已提出八项备选方案供审议。4、Nobody would assent to the terms they proposed.谁也不会同意他们提出的条件。5、He raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement.他对美国提出的达成和平协议的指导方针提出了质疑。6、He has put forward new peace proposals.他提出了新的和平决议。7、They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.他们提出了许多有根据的理由来反对出口。


put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出; 例句: He has put forward new peace proposals. 他已提出了新的和平建议。 They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting. 他们提出了许多有根据的理由来反对出口。 扩展资料   She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.   她为放弃这个计划提出了一些具有说服力的理由。   Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.   达尔文最终提出了一套生物进化的理论模式。   At least that's the argument put forward in the New England Journal of Medicine.   至少这是《新英格兰医学杂志》提出的观点。   I think this is fairly faithful to the kind of argument he means to put forward.   我认为这很符合他想要提出的论点。


提出英语短语:put forward。 forward:adv.向前;进展;前进;向将来;往后; adj.向前的;前进的;(尤指船、飞机或其他交通工具)前部的,前面的;未来的;将来的; v.发送,寄(商品或信息);(按新地址)转寄,转投,转交;促进;有助于…的发展;增进; n.(运动队的)前锋 扩展资料   New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.   旨在结束各竞争派别之间僵持局面的.新提案已被提交。   Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook.   视野狭隘的人通常会提出类似于这些的陈腐做法。   I hope you don't think I'm being too forward.   我希望你不要认为我太冒失。   It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks.   已决定把会议提前两周。


关于提出的英文短语如下:提出put forward提出come up with提出bring forward提出辞星send in one's resignation提出反诉act performed by way of counterclaim提出费用清单bill、提出附带条件提出抗议lodge a protest提出理论advance a theory提出履行(合同)tender performance提出索赔lodge claims提出请愿memorialize提出物abstract关于提出的相关短句put forward a proposal 提出建议give a warning 提出警告make policy decisions 提出决策advance a new theory 提出一种新的理论apply for Party membership 提出入党申请set an even higher demand on oneself 向自己提出更高的要求


bring,英文单词,动词、名词。作动词时意为“拿来;带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地”,作名词时意为“人名;(英、瑞典)布林”。其基本用法如下:1、bring 最基本的意思是“将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”,引申可表示“促使,说服”。2、bring 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接表示人、物或抽象事物的名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词 to 引出,但不能用 for,用 for 时表示“为某人带来……”。3、bring 表示“促使,说服”时,只用作及物动词,常跟反身代词作宾语,也可跟形容词、以动词不定式的复合结构或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。4、bring 作“引起”解时,可接以现在分词、过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。5、bring 是个非延续性动词,在肯定句中一般不与表示一段时间的状语连用。“bring”的短语搭配:(1)bring up 教育 ; 提出 ; 养育 ; 抚养。(2)bring forward 提出 ; 提议 ; 前移一层 ; 提前。(3)bring about 带来 ; 导致 ; 引起 ; 发生。(4)bring out 公布 ; 出版 ; 使显出 ; 使出现。(5)bring in 引进 ; 收获 ; 生产 ; 带来。(6)bring to 使恢复知觉 ; 加进 ; 采用 ; 使用。(7)bring on 引起 ; 使发展 ; 引导。(8)bring over 使某人转变 ; 使相信 ; 使转变 ; 带来。以上内容参考:百度百科-bring


您好!很高兴为您解答问题。"Bring" 是一个常见的英语动词,表示将某物或某人带来、取来或引领到一个地方。它可以用于描述行动、移动或传递物体或人。拓展意义和用法:带来:bring something/someone to a place (将某物/某人带到某个地方)Could you bring me a glass of water, please?(请给我拿杯水好吗?)He brought his friend to the party.(他把他的朋友带到了派对上。)引领、导致:bring about (引起、导致)The new policy will bring about significant changes in the education system.(新政策将在教育体系中引起重大变化。)Their hard work brought about success.(他们的辛勤工作带来了成功。)带回、取回:bring back (带回、取回)Don't forget to bring back the book you borrowed.(别忘了还回你借的那本书。)He brought back a souvenir from his trip.(他从旅行中带回了一件纪念品。)提出、提及:bring up (提出、提及)She brought up an interesting point during the meeting.(她在会议中提出了一个有趣的观点。)He often brings up his childhood experiences in conversations.(他经常在谈话中提及他的童年经历。)总之,"bring" 是一个多功能的动词,涵盖了带来、取来、引领、导致等意思,具体用法取决于语境和上下文。希望本次回答对您有所帮助,如果有其他问题随时欢迎咨询。【摘要】
您好!很高兴为您解答问题。"Bring" 是一个常见的英语动词,表示将某物或某人带来、取来或引领到一个地方。它可以用于描述行动、移动或传递物体或人。拓展意义和用法:带来:bring something/someone to a place (将某物/某人带到某个地方)Could you bring me a glass of water, please?(请给我拿杯水好吗?)He brought his friend to the party.(他把他的朋友带到了派对上。)引领、导致:bring about (引起、导致)The new policy will bring about significant changes in the education system.(新政策将在教育体系中引起重大变化。)Their hard work brought about success.(他们的辛勤工作带来了成功。)带回、取回:bring back (带回、取回)Don't forget to bring back the book you borrowed.(别忘了还回你借的那本书。)He brought back a souvenir from his trip.(他从旅行中带回了一件纪念品。)提出、提及:bring up (提出、提及)She brought up an interesting point during the meeting.(她在会议中提出了一个有趣的观点。)He often brings up his childhood experiences in conversations.(他经常在谈话中提及他的童年经历。)总之,"bring" 是一个多功能的动词,涵盖了带来、取来、引领、导致等意思,具体用法取决于语境和上下文。希望本次回答对您有所帮助,如果有其他问题随时欢迎咨询。【回答】


提出想出的英文短语:come up with。 come up with:想出,提出(计划、想法等);设法拿出(所需钱款); with: prep.和…在一起;和;同;跟;有;具有;带有;用;使用;以;借 扩展资料   He racked his brains for a long time but couldn't come up with a solution.   他动了半天脑筋,也没想出个法子。   I haven't come up with any good suggestions.   我没有提出任何好的建议。   He's trying to come up with a solution to the problem.   他试图对这个问题提出一个解决办法。   The new system interfaces with existing telephone equipment.   新系统与现有的电话设备相连接。


1、come true 实现,成真;成为现实2、come from 来自;出生于3、come back 回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行4、come out 出现;出版;结果是5、come into 进入;得到6、come on v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生7、come up 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出8、come in 进来;到达;流行起来9、come here 来这里10、come up with 提出;想出;赶上11、come with 与……一起供给;伴随……发生;从……开始12、come down 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势


1、Come about发生;产生;出现I just wanted to know how the problem came about.我只想知道这个问题是怎么产生的。2、Come across偶然发现;偶然遇见He came across some old coins in the drawer.他在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧硬币。3、Come after紧跟;继…而来;跟...后面The bees are coming after those two girls.蜜蜂正在追那两个女孩。4、Come along跟着一块去;一起来My sister wants to come along with me to the party.我妹妹想和我一起去参加聚会。5、Come apart破碎;散开;垮掉He picked up his glasses and they came apart in his hands.他捡起眼镜,眼镜就裂开了。

