
时间:2024-04-14 12:49:44编辑:莆田seo君


briefly译:短暂地;简略地;暂时地ADV Something that happens or is done briefly happens or is done for a very short period of time. 短暂地 [ADV with v]例:He smiled briefly.他短促地微微一笑。ADV If you say or write something briefly, you use very few words or give very few details. 简洁地 [ADV with v]例:There are four basic alternatives; they are described briefly below.3. ADV You can say briefly to indicate that you are about to say something in as few words as possible. 简言之 [ADV with cl]例:Briefly, no less than nine of our agents have passed information to us.


adv. 简短地,简要地;短暂地,暂时地网络 简略地;暂时地;简要地例句:He spoke only briefly and elliptically about the mission.他只是简要且隐晦地谈及了这项任务。To recapitulate briefly, the three main points are these...简要概括起来,主要有这样三点…The couple chatted briefly on the doorstep before going inside.夫妇俩进屋前在门阶上简单地聊了几句。There are four basic alternatives; they are described briefly below.有4种基本选择,简略描述如下。We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.我们首先简要地回顾一下该理论历史上的先例。Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.克罗斯简要地概述了这个事件,如实地讲述了所发生的事情。It was mentioned only briefly in your books.你的书里只简单提到过它。It's better to study fairly briefly but often.最好非常短暂而经常地学习。


briefly意思:adv. 简短地;简单的一、读音:英 ['briːfli];美 ['briːfli]    二、例句:He showed himself briefly at the party.他在聚会上匆匆露了一面。三、词汇用法/搭配:1、to put it briefly 简言之2、briefly cloudy 少云扩展资料:近义词:shortly一、意思:adv. 立刻;马上二、读音:英 ['ʃɔːtli];美 ['ʃɔːrtli]    三、例句:Know that these aches and pains are just blockages and that they will be moved shortly.了解这些伤痛不过只是沮滞并且将立刻被移除。四、词汇用法/搭配:1、to put it shortly 说得简单些2、shortly after 在 ... 之后不久...3、shortly before 在 ... 之前不久...


albeit briefly
虽然简单; 尽管效果十分短暂
虽说时间不长; 尽管这只是暂时的
He was, albeit briefly, a captain in the army.

In 2006, Angola overtook Saudi Arabia as the country 's largest single oil supplier, albeit briefly.

The policy succeeded, albeit briefly.


brief的副词形式是briefly,意思是短暂地,简略地,暂时地。brief,英文单词,形容词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“简短的,简洁的;短暂的,草率的”,作名词时意为“摘要,简报;概要,诉书;人名;(英)布里夫”,作动词时意为“简报,摘要;作…的提要”。in brief简言之。brief introduction简介;简短介绍。brief description简要说明;简介。to be brief简言之。take a brief(指律师)接手案件。n one brief page, it captures the state of the engine.在一个简短的页面中,它捕获了引擎的状态。This book so far has been about what we like and why we like it. In this brief final chapter, I turn to some implications of the essent.这本书到此是关于我们喜欢什么和为什么喜欢。在这个简洁的最终章里,我转向探索这些本质的含义。You use in carving machine noise and be careful when whether because of thecharacteristics of the machine, and I now share about carving machine noise to some brief knowledge.你在使用雕刻机时候是否因为噪声而当心这机器的性能,现在我和大家一起分享一下有关雕刻机噪声方面的一些简要知识。


brief的副词是briefly。副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或者整个句子的一类词性。它可以提供关于时间、程度、方式、原因等方面的信息。在英语中,有一些形容词可以转化为副词形式,即在原词后加上"-ly"后缀,这样就成为了副词。brief是一个常用的形容词,意为简短的、简洁的。当我们需要用一个副词来修饰动词或者其他副词时,就可以用"briefly"来表示“简要地”、“简洁地”。"briefly"可以用来表达一个事物或情况发生的短暂时间、简短的描述或简要概述。比如,当我们想要用简洁的方式来介绍一个主题或者概念时,可以说"Let mebrieflyexplain",意为"让我简要地解释一下"。同样地,当我们要求他人在有限的时间内提供重要的信息时,可以说"Can you briefly summarize?",意为"你能简要地概括一下吗?"briefly的形成方式符合一些其他形容词转化为副词的规律。通常,当一个形容词以辅音字母结尾时,我们在其末尾加上"-ly"后缀来构成副词形式。另外,还有一些形容词不需要改变拼写就可以直接用作副词。例如,形容词"fast"在作为副词时仍然是"fast",表示速度快的意思。Briefly的用法1、简要介绍:在演讲、会议或写作中,我们可以使用"briefly"来引入一个主题或概念,并以简短的形式进行介绍。例如:"Let me briefly explain the main points of my presentation"(让我简要介绍一下我演讲的主要内容)。2、总结:当我们要求他人在有限的时间内提供重要信息时,可以使用"briefly"。例如:"Can you briefly summarize the findings of your research?"(你能简要总结一下你的研究发现吗?)。3、时间约定:在商务或个人通信中,我们可以使用"briefly"来提醒对方在特定的时间范围内做某事。例如:"Could you please reply to my email briefly by tomorrow noon?"(请你尽快简短地回复我的邮件,明天中午之前)。

please describe the problem briefly是什么意思

意思是 请简要地描述这个问题

describe 英[dɪˈskraɪb] 美[dɪˈskraɪb]
vt. 叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等) 周转;
1.We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time
2.She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together
3.The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid's work


briefly 英[ˈbri:fli] 美[ˈbriːfli]
adv. 简单地; 短暂地; 简略地; 略略;
1.He smiled briefly
2.I met Wilma once, briefly
3.It may be briefly summarized in the following outline.


求:托福 TPO口语第20套Question5参考答案 Question: Briefly summarize the woman's problem, then

two possible solutions, describe the problem, give suggestions and explain why
(1)two possible solutions
(2)briefly summarize the problem
(3)state which solution you prefer
(4)explain why
(1) The woman needs help with her project but the professor would be away.
(2) Switch to a different professor. Not necessarily a good match
(3) Ask for long-distance supervision and advising.
(1) First one
1) Get to know the professor
2) Should still be able to help her even though the woman's topic isn't the professor's specialty. New perspective
(2) Second one
1) Can read her observations and reports via email.
2) Knows her research all along. Good match
(1)In this talk, the man(or the woman) has a problem...
(2)The man (or the woman)gives her (or him)2 solutions. One is to…The other one is to ...
(3)Well,I think the first (or second)one is better.
(4)First because... Then...


青春的英文是:youth,音标 [juːθ]相关的词组:1、歌舞青春 High School Musical ; High School Musicing ; Breaking free ; High School Musical Original Soundtrack2、舞动青春 Shake It Up ; How She Move ; Mrs leta ; Dancing youth3、蓝色青春 Blue Spring ; Aoi haru ; THE BLUE YOUTH ; Toshiaki Toyota's Blue Spring4、绝妙青春 Totally Awesome相关的句子:1、她善于保养她的青春。She keeps her youth well. 2、这个年轻人虚度了青春。The young man played away his youth. 3、他好像永远不会失去青春活力。He seems never to lose his youthful vigour. 4、如果你想保持青春活力,你就得经常锻炼。If you want to retain youthful vigor,you have to take regular exercise. 5、可是他缺少一样东西:他的青春。But one thing he does not have: his youth.

