
时间:2024-04-12 12:43:53编辑:莆田seo君


principle双语例句其中的原理十分简单。The principle behind it is very simple. 顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。Homeopathic treatment is based on the 'like cures like' principle. 你能说明一下电子邮件系统的工作原理吗?Can you explain how the email system works? 关于机器工作原理的详细说明,请翻阅第5页。For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.


原理英文:principle双语例句其中的原理十分简单。The principle behind it is very simple. 顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。Homeopathic treatment is based on the 'like cures like' principle. 你能说明一下电子邮件系统的工作原理吗?Can you explain how the email system works? 关于机器工作原理的详细说明,请翻阅第5页。For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.principal 的例句:1、Europe 's principal problem isn 't the size of its members ' debt and deficits.欧洲的主要问题并不是成员国的债务和赤字规模。2、His principal management tool is a detailed,weekly profit report on every operation.他的主要管理工具是每一项业务详细的周利润报告。3、But under the european plan,the only backstop is the principal in the efsf.但在欧洲的计划中,唯一的后盾是EFSF的本金。


Automobile principle

principle 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl]
n. 原则,原理; 准则,道义; 道德标准; 本能;
[例句]Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against hisprinciples

[其他] 复数:principles


In eighteenth century the theory shrank . 在18世纪这种 理论 开始衰落。 These theories drew *** ogies of them . 这些 理论 吸取了它们的相同点。 The mathematics of the theory is too formidable . 理论 中的数学太难。 The opposite of empirici *** is rationap *** . 经验论的对立面是唯 理论 。 All the facts certainly fit your theory . 所有的事实当然符合你的 理论 。 An example is the kiic theory of gases . 一个例子是气体的运动 理论 。 Your theory disaccords with my experience . 你的 理论 和我的经验不一致。 He has a theory, and pves up to it . 他有一套 理论 ,而且按照理论办事。 My mind weary with metaphysics . 由于净谈抽象 理论 ,我心里感到非常厌倦。 His theories met with general discredits . 他的 理论 遭到普遍怀疑。 It begs entirely the difficult theory of pmits . 这个方法完全依赖于深奥的极限 理论 。 His theory grew out of observation and passion . 他的 理论 是通过观察和同情产生的。 I should pke to see him argue the question with me . 我倒要领教领教他怎么和我 理论 。 Great attention must be paid to pnking theory with practice . 必须注重 理论 联系实际。 Two approaches are possible in yieldpne theory . 屈服线的 理论 中可以有两种解决的途径。 This procedure does not affect the theoretical velocities . 这样处理并不影响 理论 速度。 The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum . 量子 理论 并不只是一个深奥的附录。 We are entirely justified in using the approximate theory . 我们用近似 理论 就完全正当。 There was never a new theory but some one objected to it . 新 理论 一出现,总会有人反对。


theory; reason with sb.; argue; pay attention to; acknowledge; handle; deal with;Your theory disaccords with my experience .你的 理论 和我的经验不一致。He has a theory, and pves up to it .他有一套 理论 ,而且按照理论办事。My mind weary with metaphysics .由于净谈抽象 理论 ,我心里感到非常厌倦。His theories met with general discredits .他的 理论 遭到普遍怀疑。It begs entirely the difficult theory of pmits .这个方法完全依赖于深奥的极限 理论 。His theory grew out of observation and passion .他的 理论 是通过观察和同情产生的。I should pke to see him argue the question with me .我倒要领教领教他怎么和我 理论 。Great attention must be paid to pnking theory with practice .必须注重 理论 联系实际。Two approaches are possible in yieldpne theory .屈服线的 理论 中可以有两种解决的途径。This procedure does not affect the theoretical velocities .这样处理并不影响 理论 速度。The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum .量子 理论 并不只是一个深奥的附录。We are entirely justified in using the approximate theory .我们用近似 理论 就完全正当。There was never a new theory but some one objected to it .新 理论 一出现,总会有人反对。


机器的英文:machine。n. 机器,机械(装置);计算机,电脑;(组织的)核心机构,领导核心;车辆(常指摩托车);效率高的人(或动物);机械般工作的人;(投币式)自动售货机v. 用机器制造(加工);机器缝制,用缝纫机缝【名】 (Machine)(意)马基内(人名)短语Machine Learning [计] 机器学习 ; 机械学习 ; 机器学习Turing machine 图灵机 ; 杜林机 ; 图录机 ; 图灵计算机simple machine 简单机械 ; 简单机器Drum machine 鼓机 ; 电子鼓 ; 鼓乐机器slot machine 角子机 ; 自动售货机 ; 自动贩卖机FLAT MACHINE 平车 ; 横机 ; [纺] 针织横机 ; 平面抛光机fax machine 传真机 ; 图文传真机 ; 传真 ; 电话传真机Machine Weight 机器重量 ; 整机重量 ; 机械重量 ; 机器质量同根词词根: machineadj.machinelike 机器般的n.machinery 机械;机器;机构;机械装置machination 阴谋;诡计machinist 机械工;机械师;机械安装修理工


机械原理的英文是theory/principle of machine。网络释义:1、Mechanisms and Machine Theory.机械原理(Mechanisms and Machine Theory)。必修课程:机械原理;适用专业:机制、机电等。2、Mechanical Principles.机械、电气技术基础、能电,Mechanical Principles (机械原理)。3、Theory of Machines and Mechanisms.引言;机械原理(Theory of Machines and Mechanisms)在国外还有多种叫法,如Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery。4、Principle of Mechanics.材料力学(Material Mechanics)、机械原理(Principle of Mechanics)、机械设计(Mechanical Design)、机械工程材料(Mechanical Enginee)。机械原理英文例句:1、了解内燃机工作原理和机械原理。Know about inner combustion engine principle and mechanical theory.2、在机械原理下工作的装置。A device that works on mechanical principles.3、这用机械原理用于钟表中的秒针的驱动。This type of mechanism is used in clocks to power the second hand movement.4、机械原理是机械类专业的一门主要干课程。The principle of machinery is mostly course of enginery profession.5、很多机械原理都显而易见。Some of the principles of mechanics are very obvious.



工作原理 英文

operating principle。例句:1、从物理角度讨论了双闭环交/直流功率变换器系统的控制方案和工作原理。The control scheme and operating principle of a double closed-loop AC/DC power converter system are discussed by using physics.2、关于机器工作原理的详细说明,请翻阅第5页。For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.3、电源开关的工作原理是让电流脉冲穿过触点和触面之间。The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface.4、谁会想到鳄鱼的行为和盒式磁带的工作原理这么相像呢?Who knew that crocodiles worked pretty much like cassette tapes?

工作原理 英文

工作原理英文:operating principle;principle of operation/work。双语例句:1、Professor Griffiths explained how the drug appears to work.格里菲思教授解释了那种药物的工作原理。2、They work by bouncing microwaves off solid objects.它们的工作原理是通过固体来反射微波。3、These machines both work on the same principle.这两台机器的工作原理是一样的。4、I won't explain how this works now it might muddle you up.我现在先不讲解工作原理,那样会使你摸不着头脑的。5、We should understand the mode of operation of various control devices.我们应了解各种控制装置的工作原理。




计算机组成原理英文是principles of computer composition。词典释义principles of computer composition计算机组成原理。principles of computer organization计算机组成原理。双语例句1、计算机组成原理微程序控制器实验报告。Principles of Computer Organization report on experimental micro-program controller.2、说明:这是很好的计算机组成原理复习资料,希望对大家有所帮助!This is a good computer organization review information, we want to help!3、直接补码阵列乘法器的工作原理是《计算机组成原理》课程的难点。The direct 2's complement array multiplier principle of work is "Computer Organization Principle" the curriculum difficulty.4、《计算机组成原理》是高校计算机科学与技术专业的重要基础课之一。Principles of computer Composition is one of the important basic courses of the university's computer science and technology.5、嵌入式系统应用,信息系统分析与设计,数据结构,编译原理,计算机组成原理。Embedded System Application, Information System Analysis and Design, Data Structure, Compiler Construction Principles, Composition Principle of Computer.

