
时间:2024-04-09 08:09:30编辑:莆田seo君


toy,读音:英[tɒɪ],美[tɔɪ]。释义:n. 玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西vi. 玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待adj. 作为玩具的;玩物似的例句:I brought you many toys from Japan.我从日本带了很多玩具给你。变形:过去式toyed,过去分词toyed,现在分词toying,第三人称单数toys,复数toys短语:executive toy 行政人员的小玩物toy boat 玩具船toy adoringly 爱慕地摆弄toy with great issues 拿重大问题当儿戏toy的用法toy用作名词时意思是“玩具”,转化成动词意思是“玩弄”,指表面上高高兴兴地忙碌着,但实际上并未集中全部精力或并无严肃的目的,如将某物放在手中不停地摆弄或欺骗别人的感情。toy还可指“不认真地考虑”,指对某一件事情只是随便想想而不认真对待。toy一般用作不及物动词,通常要与介词with连用。


toy读法是英[tɔɪ];美[tɔɪ]。释义:n.玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西vi.玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待adj.作为玩具的;玩物似的n. (Toy)(美)托伊(人名)变形:过去式toyed、过去分词toyed、现在分词toying、第三人称单数toys、复数toys双语例句1、I brought you many toys from Japan.我从日本带了很多玩具给你。2、This toy poodle is smart and cute.这只小贵宾犬聪明又可爱。3、Don't toy with my feelings.不要玩弄我的感情。


toy作名词时意为玩具;玩物;玩意儿,作动词时意为玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待,作形容词时意为玩具的;作玩具的;个头很小的;小体型品种的。 toy仅由三个字母组成,是一个很简单的单词,但是它的意思和用法都是非常多的,下面我们就来说说toy的具体意思和搭配用法。 详细内容 01 toy 英 [tɔɪ] 美 [tɔɪ] n.玩具;玩物;玩意儿 adj.玩具的;作玩具的;个头很小的;小体型品种的 v.玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待 第三人称单数: toys 复数: toys 现在分词: toying 过去式: toyed 02 短语搭配 Toy Poodle 玩具贵宾犬 ; 玩具贵宾 ; 贵宾犬 ; 狗狗多只选 Toy Museum 玩具博物馆 toy block 积木 Toy Factory 玩具厂 ; 玩具工厂 ; 肥料厂 ; 皮球厂 Medicom Toy 迈迪蔻玩具 ; 迈迪蔻 ; 玩具 ; 厂商 Sound Toy 声音玩具 ; 声响玩具 Toy Man 玩具人 ; 偶人 ; 木 electronic toy 电子玩具 electric toy 电动玩具 ; 电玩具 ; 电子玩具 03 短语动词 toy with 随便对待;不很认真地考虑 拨弄(食物);漫不经心地小口啜(饮料) toy with sth 不太认真地考虑;把…当儿戏 to consider an idea or a plan, but not very seriously and not for a long time 同义词: flirt with I did briefly toy with the idea of living in France. 我确实稍稍有过定居法国的念头。 玩耍;戏弄;摆弄 to play with sth and move it around carelessly or without thinking He kept toying nervously with his pen. 他一直精神紧张地摆弄着钢笔。 She hardly ate a thing, just toyed with a piece of cheese on her plate. 她几乎没吃一点东西,只是拨弄着碟子里的一块奶酪。 04 双语例句 He was really too old for children's toys. 他已经长大了,实在不再适合玩儿童玩具了。 Computers have become household toys. 计算机已成了家庭的消遣玩意儿。 I think we have found a niche in the toy market. 我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机。 Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television. 玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。 If you came with me to one of my toy shops, you'd think you were stepping into a fairyland. 如果你跟我到我的一个玩具店,你会以为踏进了仙境。 The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree. 那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。 A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game. 一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。 mechanical toys and gadgets, from typewriters to toy cars. 从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置。


toy英 [tɔɪ]; 美 [tɔɪ]玩具;玩物;小装饰品;无实用价值的东西;玩具的;作玩具的;个头很小的;小体型品种的;不认真地考虑;玩弄等等的意思.
复数: toys派生词:toylike
例句:Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.圣诞节前玩具商店生意火爆.
He whittled a simple toy from the piece of wood.他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具.
Computers have bee household toys.计算机已成了家庭的消遣玩意儿.
He just toys with her affections.他只是在玩弄她的感情.
You shouldn't toy with great issues.你不该拿重大问题当儿戏.


  toy的汉语意思   英 [tɔɪ] 美 [tɔɪ]   第三人称单数:toys第三人称复数:toys现在分词:toying过去式:toyed   toy 基本解释   名词 玩具,玩物; 小装饰品; 无实用价值的东西   不及物动词 玩弄; 不认真地考虑   形容词 玩具的; 作玩具的; 个头很小的; 小体型品种的   例句   1. She toyed with her pencil while she listened on the phone.   她一边听电话,一边耍铅笔玩。   2. He toyed with the idea of writing a play.   他想写个剧本玩玩儿。   3. While he was talking to his secretary, he toyed with a pencil.   在和秘书谈话的`时候,他手中摆弄着一支铅笔。   toy的词典解释   1. 玩具   A toy is an object that children play with, for example a doll or a model car.   e.g. He was really too old for children's toys.   他已经长大了,实在不再适合玩儿童玩具了。   e.g. ...a toy telephone.   玩具电话   2. 消遣物;小玩意儿   You can refer to objects that adults use for fun rather than for a serious purpose as toys .   e.g. Computers have become household toys.   计算机已成了家庭的消遣玩意儿。   toy的语例句   1. Hong Kong businessman Peter Lam used to run a toy factory in Dongguan, an important industrial city in neighboring Guangdong province that is a foreign capital magnet.   2. Dongguan is a major base for Chinese toy exporters, but the rising yuan and escalating production costs forced many factories to go bust.   3. Their busy season usually runs from June to October, as big toy companies generally place their Christmas orders months in advance.   4. The results were compared with the food consumed by the same children who were shown ten toy commercials around a cartoon on another occasion.   5. Kang evaded detection for almost two decades by working as a casual laborer in Guangdong and as a painter at a toy factory.   6. The two administrations urged more toy manufacturers to apply for the certificates, adding they would also launch a crackdown on counterfeit certification symbols.   7. Try substituting a toy or chew bone when the puppy tries to chew on fingers or toes.   8. A toy designer surnamed Chi said the ants were placed in a space that simulated their real habitats underground.   9. The owner of five baby meerkats whose mother died in childbirth has given the animals a cuddly toy as a replacement.


An object for children to play with.
Something of little importance; a trifle.
An amusement; a pastime:
thought of the business as a toy.
A small ornament; a bauble.
A diminutive thing or person.
A dog of a very small breed or of a variety smaller than the standard variety of its breed.
Scots A loose covering for the head,formerly worn by women.
【苏格兰】 以前妇女头部戴的一种宽松的遮盖物
Chiefly Southern U.S.A shooter marble.
【多用于美国南部】 一个射手的弹子
Often used to modify another noun:
a toy truck; a toy stove; a toy chest.
To amuse oneself idly; trifle:
a cat toying with a mouse.
To treat something casually or without seriousness:
toyed with the idea of writing a play.See Synonyms at flirt
草草对待写剧作的想法参见 flirt


toy的意思是玩具。toy,作名词时意思诗玩具、小装饰品、不值钱的东西,作不及物动词时意为玩弄、调情、随随便便地对待,作形容词时意为作为玩具的、玩物似的。关于toy的例句:1、The,toy,industry,is,in,a,slump。玩具业现在不景气。2、The,boat,looked,almost,like,a,to。这船看上去简直像个玩具。3、He,whittled,a,simple,toy,from,the,piece,of wood。他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。4、He,whittled,the,piece,of,wood,into,a,simple toy。他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。5、I,think,we,have,found,a,niche,in,the,toy market。我认为我们已经在玩具市场找到了领地。6、His,ghost,is,said,thaunt,some,of,the,rooms, banging,a,toy,drum。据说他的鬼魂常在其中一些屋子里出现,还敲打着一个玩具鼓。7、Give,me,the,toy,he,said,softly,or Itake,it away,from,you。给我玩具,他轻声说道,否则我就把它从你身边夺走。8、 When,hi,money,was,gone,he,held,up,apetrol station,with,a,toy,gun。他把钱花光后,就用一把玩具枪抢劫了一家加油站。9、Toy,manufacturers,began,promoting,some,of,their products,on,television。玩具制造商们开始在电视上促销他们的一些产品。10、For,Christmas,my,brother,and,I,got,new underwear,one,toy,and,one,book。作为圣诞礼物,我弟弟和我得到了新内衣、一件玩具和一本书。


toy的意思如下:1、玩具;玩意儿,小摆设;受人控制(或利用)的人,玩物;小型的东西。2、玩具的,和玩具有关的;个头很小的,小体型品种的。3、漫不经心地考虑;调情,调戏;心不在焉地(或紧张地)摆弄;不热情地(或有节制地)吃(或喝)。例句1、He whittled the piece of wood into a simple toy.他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。2、When his money was gone he held up a petrol station with a toy gun.他把钱花光后,就用一把玩具枪抢劫了一家加油站。


to的音标为:英[tu , tə],美[tu , tə]。to是一个英文单词,可以用作连接词,介词等词性,英式读音“tə”、美式读音“tu、tə”,意思是向、往、给、于等。to的意思为向;至;往:She's going to London.她要去伦敦。Turn to the left.向左转。Pisa is to the west of Florence.比萨在佛罗伦萨的西面。He has gone to school.他上学去了。to用于表示一系列事物或一段时间的尽头或限度,直到:from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五 from beginning to end从开始到结束。to用于表示接受者:Give that to me.把那个给我。I am very grateful to my parents.我很感激我的父母。What have you done to your hair?你把头发怎么搞的?Sorry I didn't realize you were talking to me.对不起,我不知道你是在跟我说话。to为接触到;针对:He put his hands to his ears.他将两手捂住耳朵。They sat back to back.他们背对背坐着。She made no reference to her personal problems.他没有提及自己的个人问题。to造句:1、The water is piped to a filtration plant and then to a heat-transfer station on the mainland.湖水通过管道传送通过一个过滤设施,然后就被传送到在大陆中的热交换站。2、It certainly took him down a peg to be transferred to that humble position.被调任到那个低下的职位,无疑使他很失面子。3、The batter skived to the center fielder.击球手打出一个高飞球到中外野手。4、The chairman was on record as saying that profit was setting to rise.董事长说的利润开始上升这句话已经记录在案。5、Financial policy plays an important role in helping farmers to increase their income.财政政策在促进农民增收中具有重要的作用。

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