you raise me up

时间:2024-04-08 12:27:47编辑:莆田seo君

《You raise me up》歌词

You Raise Me Up-Westlife
when I am down and oh my soul so weary
当我失意低落之时我的精神 是那么疲倦不堪
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
当烦恼困难袭来之际我的内心 是那么负担沉重
I am still and wait here in the silence
然而 我默默的伫立静静的等待
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up To more than I can be
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮
You raise me up To more than I can be
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮
You raise me up To more than I can be
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮
You raise me up To more than I can be
You raise me up To more than I can be

你知道you raise me up的歌词吗?

《YouRaiseMeUp》歌曲原唱Brian Kennedy,Tracy Campbell 填 词 Brendan Graham 谱 曲 Rolf Løvland 编 曲 Rolf Løvland歌词When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary. When troubles come and my heart burdened be.Then, I am still and wait here in the silence. Until you come and sit a while with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains . You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up,to more than I can be.There is no life - no life without its hunger.Each restless heart beats so imperfectly. But when you come and I am filled with wonder.Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains .You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas. I am strongwhen I am on your shoulders.You raise me up,to more than I can be.拓展资料歌曲信息《You raise me up》由新世纪音乐乐队神秘园(Secret Garden)创作并于2001年发行于专辑《Once in a Red Moon》中。由Brendan Graham作词,Rolf Løvland作曲,Brian Kennedy和Tracy Campbell共同演唱。创作背景《You Raise Me Up》由在挪威音乐界享有盛誉,曾为不同的音乐家担任作曲、监制并身兼键盘师、神秘园的两位主要成员之一的罗尔夫·拉夫兰作曲。当罗尔夫阅读了爱尔兰作家兼词人布兰登·格瑞翰所著的畅销小说《最白的花》后,颇受感动,力邀布兰登为曲子填词。2001年,神秘园发行的《游忆红月》(Once in a Red Moon)专辑中收入此歌,由当时做客于神秘园的爱尔兰歌手《大河之舞》(Riverdance)的主唱布来恩·肯尼迪(Brian Kennedy)和黑人灵乐歌手翠茜·坎柏奈勋(Tracy Campbell-Nation)担纲演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威热销。此歌曾在纽约市纪念911的仪式上为彰显消防员英勇救人的事迹而唱响,其时,这个专辑尚未在美国发行。随后,美国各家电台、电视台不断播放此歌长达一年之久,据称超过50万次以上。歌曲鉴赏Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。根据爱尔兰传统民歌Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个提名。基督教团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督教音乐榜单上位列第一。


《You Raise Me Up》是一首由爱尔兰歌手罗恩·安南创作的歌曲,在全球范围内广受欢迎。歌词中的每一个字都传达出了一种激励和鼓舞人心的力量,这篇文章将探讨这首歌曲的中文意思。
歌曲首句“Ikaw ang nagturo sa 'kin”是菲律宾语,意为“你教导了我”,这一句歌词表达了歌曲的主题:人们在遇到困难时,会寻找一些力量来帮助自己。接下来的歌词“Tumayo sa'kin”意为“支撑着我”,这是在强调那些帮助他们度过难关的人们的重要性。
在接下来的几句歌词中,歌曲描述了一些艰难的时刻,但也表达了希望和信念。歌词中的“Lumaban ako”意为“我奋斗着”,“Kailangan ko ng tibay ng loob”意为“我需要坚定的信念”,这些都是在强调生活中所需的勇气和决心。
歌曲的副歌是歌曲中最著名的部分,也是最能激励人心的部分。歌词中的“You raise me up”意为“你让我振奋起来”,这一句歌词表达了他们遇到困难时,朋友和家人的支持和鼓励是多么重要。接下来的歌词中,歌曲表达了希望和信念,以及对未来的期望和憧憬。
总之,《You Raise Me Up》这首歌曲的歌词传达了一种鼓舞人心的力量,表达了人们在面对困难时所需要的勇气和信念。这首歌曲以其积极的态度和鼓舞人心的力量,在全球范围内赢得了广泛的赞誉。

youraisemeup歌词 中英文对照

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary.


When troubles come and my heart burdened be.


Then, I am still and wait here in the silence.


Until you come and sit a while with me.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains .


You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.


I am strong when I am on your shoulders.


You raise me up,to more than I can be.


There is no life -


no life without its hunger.


Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.


But when you come and I am filled with wonder.

但是你的到来 让我心中充满了奇迹。

Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.


You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains .


You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.


I am strongwhen I am on your shoulders.


You raise me up,to more than I can be.


you rise me up的意思是什么?

you rise me up——你鼓舞了我重点词汇:rise发音:英 [raɪz];美 [raɪz]翻译:v.升起;上升;起身;站起;隆起;高起;增加;增长;上涨;提高;改善;接近n.上升;升起;增加;增长;上涨;加剧;源头;起源第三人称单数: rises现在分词: rising过去式: rose过去分词: risen短语搭配give rise to引起, 导致rise and shine(通常用来催促起床)快起床, 醒醒吧on the rise在增加;在增长;在上升;在上涨;变得更成功rise time上升时间;建立时间rise to the occasion在特殊场合超常发挥;在特殊场合应付裕如双语例句And the Lord said to me, Rise up and go into Damascus, and there it will be told to you concerning all the things which have been appointed to you to do. 主对我说,起来,进大马色去,在那里要将所派你作的一切事都告诉你。You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; 安逸的妇女阿,起来听我的声音。You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; 安逸的妇女阿,起来听我的声音。

you raise me up是什么意思?

You raise me up表达的意思是歌颂上帝,是一首福音类的歌。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas(你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海),是从一个圣经的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。还有一个解释是说这首歌本身的曲调来自爱尔兰民谣合集Londonderry Air,后来写了流传最广的歌词版本叫danny boy,是父亲唱给儿子的歌(写给亲人的)。扩展资料:《you raise me up 》不是电影插曲,是神秘园(Secret Garden)的歌。专辑是《Once in a red moon》。据拉夫兰(神秘园作曲兼主奏)自己说曲子根据Danny Boy和爱尔兰国歌改编,歌词请一位小说作家填词。至于那位匿名朋友提到的Amazing Grace是基督教的圣诗。在十八世纪,曾在美国国内战争时广为流传,近乎国歌,曲调普遍认为源自爱尔兰或苏格兰曲风。由于歌中有“曾经迷途,现在知返”的词句,现在常在基督徒戒毒后感恩庆祝时演唱。因此这些歌或者说好多歌都是从爱尔兰民歌“抄袭”来的,有似曾相识的感觉很正常。参考资料:YOU RAISE ME UP 百度百科

《you raise me up》这首歌的中文翻译歌词是什么

歌手:Westlife 专辑:
You Raise Me Up
When I am down 当我失意低落之时
and,oh my soul,so weary; 我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪
When troubles come 当烦恼困难袭来之际
and my heart burdened be; 我的内心,是那么负担沉重
Then,I am still 然而,我默默的伫立
and wait here in the silence,静静的等待
Until you come 直到你的来临
and sit awhile with me.片刻地和我在一起
You raise me up,你激励了我
so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅
You raise me up,你鼓舞了我
to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
I am strong,在你坚实的臂膀上
when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮
You raise me up:你的鼓励
To more than I can be.使我超越了自我
There is no life - 世上没有——
no life without its hunger; 没有失去热望的生命
Each restless heart 每颗悸动的心
beats so imperfectly; 也都跳动得不那么完美
But when you come 但是你的到来
and I am filled with wonder,让我心中充满了奇迹
Sometimes,I think 甚至有时我认为 因为有你
I glimpse eternity.我瞥见了永恒
You raise me up,你激励了我
so I can stand on mountains; 故我能立足于群山之巅
You raise me up,你鼓舞了我
to walk on stormy seas; 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
I am strong,在你坚实的臂膀上
when I am on your shoulders; 我变得坚韧强壮
You raise me up:你的鼓励
To more than I can be.使我超越了自我

you raise me up是什么意思?

这首歌是讲父子之情的,表达了父子之间的情谊。但随着这首歌被广为传唱,You Raise Me Up成了一首福音歌,歌里的You成了上帝,成了生活中每一个鼓励过你,帮助过你的人。You Raise Me UpSecret GardenLyrics by: Brendan GrahamMusic by :Rolf LovlandYou Raise Me UpSolo:Brian KennedyWhen I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;When troubles come and my heart burdened be;Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,Until you come and sit a while with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... to more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... to more than I can be.There is no life - no life without its hunger;Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;But when you come and I am filled with wonder,Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;You raise me up... to more than I can be.You raise me up... to more than I can be.你鼓舞了我秘密花园歌词:布伦丹·格雷厄姆音乐:罗尔夫·勒夫兰独奏:布赖恩·肯尼迪当我失落的时候,噢,我的灵魂,如此疲惫。当有困难时,我的心背负着重担;然后,我仍然在这里静静等待,直到你也来和我坐一会儿。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;当我靠在你的肩上,我是坚强的;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;当我靠在你的肩上,我是坚强的;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。没有一个生命 - 没有生命是没有渴求;每一个不安分的心脏跳动着;但是当你来临的时候,我充满了惊奇,有时候,我觉得我看到了永恒。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;而且我是坚强的,当我在你的肩膀上;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。拓展资料You Raise Me Up已被100多位艺术家演唱过,有500多个翻唱版本。You Raise Me Up是一首流行歌曲,由神秘园组合组合中的罗尔夫·勒夫兰(Rolf Løvland)作曲,布伦登·格雷厄姆(Brendan Graham)作词。这首歌被当红歌星多次翻唱。Westlife是第100个翻唱这首歌的艺术家。Secret Garden 神秘园,是一支著名的新世纪音乐风格的乐队。由两位才华出众的音乐家组成:Rolf Lovland (罗尔夫·劳弗兰)和Fionnuala Sherry (菲奥诺拉·莎莉)。乐队成立于1994年,其音乐溶合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐,乐曲恬静深远,自然流畅,使人不知不觉便已融入其中。

you raise me up 歌词

  神秘园原唱歌词:   You Raise Me Up   Secret Garden   Lyrics by: Brendan Graham   Music by :Rolf Lovland   Solo:Brian Kennedy   When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;   When troubles come and my heart burdened be;   Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,   Until you come and sit awhile with me.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up... to more than I can be.   in the melody and by that same evening had shaped the first draft of You raise me up.   The unaccompanied violin opening is Fionnualas first and untouched guide   recording for the original demo,   while Uilleann pipes grand master,   Liam O Flynn carries the tune through its middle course. The soulful singing of Brian Kennedy and Tracey Campbell-Nation,   together with the London Community Gospel Choir and Irish choral group, Anúna,   gives full expression to the deep spiritual longing within the lyric.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up... to more than I can be.   There is no life - no life without its hunger;   Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;   But when you come and I am filled with wonder,   Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up... to more than I can be.   You raise me up... to more than I can be.   西城男孩版歌词:   When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;   When troubles come and my heart burdened be;   Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,   Until you come and sit awhile with me.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up: To more than I can be.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up: To more than I can be.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up: To more than I can be.   You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;   You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;   I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;   You raise me up: To more than I can be.   You raise me up: To more than I can be.   这首经典的歌曲,几乎唱响了全球。却很少人知道这首歌究竟唱的是什么。这首歌事实上是歌颂上帝,是一首福音类的歌。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas(你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海),是从一个圣经的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。
  《你鼓舞了我》   当我失落的时候,噢,我的灵魂,感到多么的疲倦;   当有困难时,我的心背负着重担,   然后,我会在寂静中等待,   直到你的到来,并与我小坐片刻。   你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;   你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海;   当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的;   你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。   你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;   你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海;   当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的;   你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。   没有一个生命 -- 没有生命是没有渴求的;   悸动的心在激荡中跳动不安;   但是当你来临的时候,我充满了惊奇,   有时候,我觉得我看到了永远。   你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;   你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海;   当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的;   你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。   你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;   你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海;   当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的;   你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。
  祈り~You Raise Me Up   润んだ 瞳の奥に   湿润的眼眸深处里   (wu run da hi to mi no o ku ni)   変わらぬ 君の姿   是你永恒不变的身影   (ka wa ra nu ki mi no su ga ta)   何処まで世界は続の   不管到哪里世界依然延续   (do ko ma de se ka e ha tu zu ku no)   途绝えた 日々の言叶   那中断的每一天的言语   (to ta e ta hi bi no ko to ba)   冻える 岚の夜の   在那冻僵手脚的暴风雨的夜晚   (ko bo e ru a ra si no yo ru no)   また见ぬ 君へ続く   依然无法看透 唯有朝着你继续前进   (ma ta mi nu ki mi he tu zu ka)   教えて 海は渡る风   告诉我吧 越过海洋的风   (o si e te u mi ha ta ru ka ze)   祈りは 时を越える   祈祷会跨越时光   (i no ri ha to ki wo ko e ru)   祈りは 时を越える   祈祷会跨越时光   (i no ri ha to ki wo ko e ru)

<You raise me up>的完整歌词

when I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles.e and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

you raise me up是什么意思?

You Raise Me Up这首歌是一首赞美诗,事实上是歌颂上帝,告诫人们在任何艰难压抑的情况下,靠着上帝胜过自己、胜过环境的“福音类”的歌。间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔,作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas,是从《圣经》的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。中文意思简单可翻译为“为你鼓舞了我”,是一支由歌手组合Secret Garden(神秘园)演唱的歌曲名称,被多次翻唱。

Secret Garden(神秘园)是这首歌曲的创作者,这首歌也的确是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。根据爱尔兰传统民歌 Danny Boy获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)(全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周。虽然没有在美国发行,但是这首歌在美国被用于纪念911事件,仅2004年,《You Raise Me Up》就在美国的电台共计播放了至少500,000多次,2005年年底,仅在美国这首歌就有80余个版本,并获得福音音乐奖(Gospel Music Awards)包括“年度最佳歌曲”奖项在内的四个题名。基督教团体Selah演绎的版本也于Billboard的基督教音乐榜单上位列第一。

《You Raise Me Up》写给谁的?

《You Raise Me Up》是神秘花园里的一名成员写给他的母亲的。这首《You raise me up》其实是先有曲后有词的。是Secret Garden成员Lovland作了这首曲子,并在母亲的葬礼上使用了这首最适合用钢琴和小提琴一起演奏的曲子。Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家Brendan Graham(布伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词。之后便有了这首歌。《You Raise Me Up》其他情况简介。《You Raise Me Up》由在挪威音乐界享有盛誉,曾为不同的音乐家担任作曲、监制并身兼键盘师、神秘园的两位主要成员之一的罗尔夫·拉夫兰作曲。当罗尔夫阅读了爱尔兰作家兼词人布兰登·格瑞翰所著的畅销小说《最白的花》后,颇受感动,力邀布兰登为曲子填词。

《you raise me up》这首歌表达了什么感情?

这首歌是讲父子之情的,表达了父子之间的情谊。但随着这首歌被广为传唱,You Raise Me Up成了一首福音歌,歌里的You成了上帝,成了生活中每一个鼓励过你,帮助过你的人。You Raise Me UpSecret GardenLyrics by: Brendan GrahamMusic by :Rolf LovlandYou Raise Me UpSolo:Brian KennedyWhen I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;When troubles come and my heart burdened be;Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,Until you come and sit a while with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... to more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... to more than I can be.There is no life - no life without its hunger;Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;But when you come and I am filled with wonder,Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;You raise me up... to more than I can be.You raise me up... to more than I can be.你鼓舞了我秘密花园歌词:布伦丹·格雷厄姆音乐:罗尔夫·勒夫兰独奏:布赖恩·肯尼迪当我失落的时候,噢,我的灵魂,如此疲惫。当有困难时,我的心背负着重担;然后,我仍然在这里静静等待,直到你也来和我坐一会儿。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;当我靠在你的肩上,我是坚强的;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;当我靠在你的肩上,我是坚强的;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。没有一个生命 - 没有生命是没有渴求;每一个不安分的心脏跳动着;但是当你来临的时候,我充满了惊奇,有时候,我觉得我看到了永恒。你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端;你鼓舞了我,走过狂风暴雨的海;而且我是坚强的,当我在你的肩膀上;你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。拓展资料You Raise Me Up已被100多位艺术家演唱过,有500多个翻唱版本。You Raise Me Up是一首流行歌曲,由神秘园组合组合中的罗尔夫·勒夫兰(Rolf Løvland)作曲,布伦登·格雷厄姆(Brendan Graham)作词。这首歌被当红歌星多次翻唱。Westlife是第100个翻唱这首歌的艺术家。Secret Garden 神秘园,是一支著名的新世纪音乐风格的乐队。由两位才华出众的音乐家组成:Rolf Lovland (罗尔夫·劳弗兰)和Fionnuala Sherry (菲奥诺拉·莎莉)。乐队成立于1994年,其音乐溶合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐,乐曲恬静深远,自然流畅,使人不知不觉便已融入其中。

