
时间:2024-04-08 07:04:06编辑:莆田seo君


again,读音:英 [əˈɡen; əˈɡeɪn],美 [əˈɡen,əˈɡeɪn]。释义:adv.又,此外;再一次;再说;增加。词源:直接源自古英语的ongean,意为朝向,反对。短语:Never Again从此不再;永不回头。Breathe Again再次呼吸;重生;宽心。Live again再次苏醒;重新生活。wrong again我又错了。Password Again重复密码;确认密码。again的例句1、She lapsed into silence again.她又陷入了沉默。2、You're preaching at me again!你又在对我说教了!3、Once again the train was late.火车又一次晚点了。4、I'm longing to see you again.我渴望再次见到你。5、You'd better not do that again.你最好别再这样做了。6、Are you causing trouble again?你又在惹麻烦吗?


again音标:英 [əˈɡen; əˈɡeɪn] 美 [əˈɡen,əˈɡeɪn] 。adv. 又,此外;再一次;再说;增加。n. (英、保)阿盖恩。短语:Try Again 再试一次 ; 再试试。Once again 再一次 ; 再次 ; 再次见到你 ; 再来一次。例句:He opened his attaché case, removed a folder, then closed it again.他打开了他的公文包,拿出了一个文件夹,然后又把它合上了。近义词:moreover。英 [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)] 美 [mɔːrˈoʊvər] 。adv. 而且;此外。短语:moreover-furthermore 进一步说。moreover furthermore ad 此外。例句:She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看到的确有个男人紧跟在她身后。而且,他还在怪异地观察着她。


again的读音是:英[?'ɡen]。again的读音是:英[?'ɡen]。again的详尽释义是adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍。again的例句是用作副词(adv.)Try again.再试试。一、详尽释义点此查看again的详细内容adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍二、词典解释1.又一次;再一次You useagain to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before.e.g. He kissed heragain...他再一次吻了她。e.g. Again there was a short silence...接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂。2.还原;复原You useagain to indicate that something is now in a particular state or place that it used to be in.e.g. He opened his attaché-case, removed a folder, then closed itagain...他打开公文包,拿出一个文件夹后又把它合上了。e.g. I started to feel good about myselfagain.我又开始感觉良好了。3.(表示与前一话题相似)同样You can useagain when you want to point out that there is a similarity between the subject that you are talking about now and a previous subject.e.g. Again the pregnancy was very similar to my previous two...同样,这次怀孕和我前两次的情形非常相似。e.g. With the new artists, you see a more dynamic stage show than you used to see. Andagain, that's probably part of the progress of technology.有了这些新艺术家,你看到的舞台剧会比你以前看的更富有活力。同样,那也可能是科技进步的一部分。4.(用于对比或语气的削弱)不过,然而You can useagain in expressions such asbut again ,then again, andthere again when you want to introduce a remark which contrasts with or weakens something that you have just said.again的解释e.g. It's easier to take a taxi. But thenagain you can't always get one...打出租车要容易些,但也并不总是能打到的。e.g. They may, but thereagain they may not.他们可能会,但也可能不会。5.(用于问题后)请再说一遍You can addagain to the end of your question when you are asking someone to tell you something that you have forgotten or that they have already told you.e.g. Sorry, what's your nameagain?对不起,再问一次,你叫什么名字?6.还,另,再(多一半等)You useagain in expressions such ashalf as much again when you are indicating how much greater one amount is than another amount that you have just mentioned or are about to mention.e.g. A similar wine from France would cost you half as muchagain.法国类似的一种葡萄酒的价格比这高一半。e.g. Sherry is half as strongagain as table wine.雪利酒比佐餐酒酒劲强一半。7.再三;反复You can useagain and again ortime and again to emphasize that something happens many times.e.g. He would go over his workagain andagain until he felt he had it right...他会反复检查自己的工作直到他认为正确为止。e.g. Time andagain political parties have failed to tackle this issue.各个政党处理这个问题时都屡屡失败。8. now andagain -> see nowonceagain -> see once三、网络解释1. again是什么意思1. 再次:拷贝(Copy)选取的图形或文字到剪贴板 [Ctrl]+[C] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到当前文档 [Ctrl]+[V] 将粘贴到容器中的物体分离出来 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[X] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到所选物体内部 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] 再次(aGain)变形 [Ctrl]四、例句Try again.再试试。Say that again, please.请再说一遍。I am longing to see my friend Jack again.我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。I am sorry-she's out. Can you ring again later?对不起-她出去了。你过些时候再打电话来好吗?You'll never get the money back again.那笔钱你再也弄不回来了。He has spoken down again after slightly pausing.他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。After ten years in prison, he was a free man again.他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。He sucked in air, then went under the water again.他深深吸了一口气又潜到水里。五、常用短语用作副词(adv.)again and again〈英〉再三地,反复地 time and againas...again (as)(比…)大一倍,(比…)多一倍,年纪(比…)大一倍 in addition one timeback again回到原地 back to the original placebe (oneself) well again(身体或精神)恢复到原来的(正常)状态 back to the original positioncome again再说一遍 pardonever and again不时地 occasionallynow and again不时地 occasionallyonce again再次 another timeover again再一次,重新,重复 once againthen again而且,其次,还有 any more another timetime and again〈美〉=〈英〉again and again六、经典引文They have moved us back again to where we were before.出自:S. Hill七、词义辨析adv.(副词)again, another这两个词都可译成“另一个”。其区别是:当表示数量时,多用another; 当表示动作时,多用again。again, repeatedly这两个词都可表示“反复地”“ 再三地”。其区别在于:again多用于口语; 而repeatedly则是书面语。again的相关临近词against、aga、again crime、again to verify、again and again、again capsulorhexis、Again it gnaws my heart、again for several months、again manufacture project、Again plants the technique点此查看更多关于again的详细信息


again意思是: 再;又一、读音:英 [ə'ɡen],美 [ə'ɡen]    二、例句:Say that again, please.请再说一遍。三、词汇用法/搭配:1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生; 也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。引申可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。2、again还可用于引出第二种情况或做进一步论述,常可译为“再者”“此外”“何况”“况且”。3、again可表示“增加…倍”,此时,again放在比较连词的前面,表数量的词后面。扩展资料:近义词:more一、意思:pron. 更多的;另外的;更大的adv. 更多;再;另外;进一步二、读音:英 [mɔː(r)],美 [mɔːr]    三、例句:There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。四、词汇用法/搭配:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级,但通常不可构成表示方位、绝对或极限意义。时间概念、事物的性质或结构成分、顺序或含明确数学概念、几何形状或以or结尾等的形容词或副词的比较级。通常也不可与形容词或副词的比较级形式连用。


again的意思是再;又。英 [ə'ɡen] 美 [ə'ɡen]    例句:I am longing to see my friend Jack again.翻译:我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。短语:1、once again 再一次 2、once and again 一而再3、time and again 多次扩展资料:用法1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生;也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。引申可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。2、again还可用于引出第二种情况或做进一步论述,常可译为“再者”“此外”“何况”“况且”。3、again可表示“增加…...倍”,此时,again放在比较连词的前面,表数量的词后面。


再一次。again英[əˈɡen]美[əˈɡen]adv.再一次;又一次;返回原处;复原;增加;多。[例句]Prices were cut yet again.物价再一次降低。词汇搭配:wrong again又错了。Password Again重复密码;确认密码。Sunshine Again日出东方;日出西方。词义辨析again同back的意思相近,但用法不同:back与动词连用时,作为副词,常指退回到前一个状态,或是从与之前相反的状态返回去,而again不可这样说。again与动词连用时,表示“重复,再一次”。注意sell back和sell again的不同,前者是卖回给同一个人,后者是再次卖,卖给不同的人。当动词本身指“退回,返回”的意思时,不可再用back,而可以用again加强“退回,返回”的意思。在副词+动词+介词结构中,back和again都表示“回到上一状态”。

