
时间:2024-03-18 06:43:21编辑:莆田seo君

《逃避自由》Escape from Freedom (AKA The Fear of Freedom), (1941)

《为自己的人》或《自我的追寻》Man for Himself (1947)

《心理分析和宗教》Psychoanalysis and Religion (1950)

《人心--他的善恶天性》The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil (1964)

《被遗忘的语言》Forgotten language an introduction to the understanding of dreams, fairy tales, and myths (1951)

《健全的社会》或《理性的挣扎》The Sane Society (1955)

《健全社会》The Sane Society (1955)

《爱之艺术》The Art of Loving(1956)

《弗洛伊德的任务--他的人格和影响分析》Sigmund Freud's mission an analysis of his personality and influence (1959)

《心理分析和禅宗》Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism (1960)

《人性会占优势吗》May Man Prevail? An inquiry into the facts and fictions of foreign policy (1961)

《马克思论人》Marx's Concept of Man (1961)

《在幻想锁链的彼岸--我所理解的马克思和弗洛伊德》Beyond the Chains of Illusion: my encounter with Marx and Freud (1962)

《基督教义分析》The Dogma of Christ and Other Essays on Religion, Psychology and Culture (1963)

《社会主义的人道主义》Socialist Humanism (1965)

《像上帝一样生存》You Shall Be as Gods (1966)

《希望的革命--通向人性化的技术》The Revolution of Hope, toward a humanized technology (1968)

《人的本性》The Nature of Man (1968)

《心理分析的危机》The Crisis of Psychoanalysis (1970)

《一个墨西哥村庄的社会性格--一项社会心理分析研究》Social character in a Mexican village a sociopsychoanalytic study (Fromm & Maccoby) (1970)

《人的破坏性剖析》The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973)

《占有还是生存》To Have or to Be (1976)

《弗洛伊德思想的伟大和局限》Greatness and Limitation of Freud's Thought (1979)

《关于不服从》On Disobedience and other essays (1984)

《生存的艺术》The Art of Being (1993)(死后由Rainer Funk整理发表)

《听的艺术》The Art of Listening (1994)

《存活的人》On Being Human (1997)

