
时间:2023-12-07 21:46:38编辑:莆田seo君

刘兴海,王燕,黄驰,黎厚斌,易生平. 拒乳制品粘附的含氟丙烯酸酯涂料,

刘兴海,吕彩虹,杨耀,黎厚斌,黄驰,钱俊. 一种水性UV固化油墨及其制备方法.

刘兴海,樊美娟,张依福,黄驰,黎厚斌. 一种掺杂三氧化二钒粉体材料及其制备方法.

刘兴海,王明德. 一种纳米耐老化抗菌包装膜及其制备方法.

刘兴海,黄驰,黎厚斌,易生平. 一种低表面能抗覆冰涂料及其制备方法, 授权公告日:2012年12月5日

刘兴海,黄驰,黎厚斌,易生平. 一种水性UV固化涂料及其制备方法

刘兴海,李岩,胡铭杰,赵宇明,黄驰,黎小林,黄荣华,罗运柏, 一种防覆冰涂料及用途,

黄驰,刘兴海,易生平. 一种二氧化钒粉末的制备方法,

黄驰,刘兴海,易生平,黎厚斌. 高性能有机硅改性醋酸乙烯酯乳液及其制备方法

黄驰,刘兴海,张依福,徐茜,易生平,黎厚斌. 一种制备低维V3O7·H2O 纳米材料及其制备方法和应用

黄 驰,刘兴海,易生平,张依福. 一种推进剂用核壳催化剂及其制备方法,授权公告日:2012-08-22.

黄驰,刘兴海,胡铭杰,胡铭杰,张方方,黄艳芬,罗运柏. 一种含电解质防覆冰涂料, .(授权公告日2012-10-10)

黄驰,李岩,胡铭杰,赵宇明,刘兴海,黎小林,黄荣华,罗运柏, 一种防覆冰复合涂层及其制备方法

黄驰,张依福,刘兴海,樊美娟,易生平. 带状碳包覆V2O3、VO2和VC核壳材料的制备方法,

黄驰,张依福,刘兴海,樊美娟. 一种掺杂二氧化钒粉体材料的制备方法及其光学开关性能的应用.

黄驰,张依福,刘兴海,樊美娟. 一种金属氧化物及其复合物的制备方法.










Yanfen Huang,

Xinghai Liu

, Fangfang Zhang, Jinfeng Dong, Yunbai Luo and Chi Huang, Living anionic polymerization of a block copolymer and the preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces based on the method of phase separation, Polymer Journal, 45:125-128,



Yifu Zhang, Chongxue Chen, Juecheng Zhang, Ling Hu, Weibing Wu, Yalan Zhong, Yuliang Cao,

Xinghai Liu

, Chi Huang,Fabrication of belt-like VO2(M)@C core-shell structured composite to improve the electrochemical properties of VO2(M),Current Applied Physics, 13 (1): 47-52,


Yifu Zhang, Fangfang Zhang, Lei Yu, Meijuan Fan, Yalan Zhong,

Xinghai Liu*

, Yongyun Mao, Chi Huang, Synthesis and characterization of belt-like VO2(B)@carbon and V2O3@carbon core-shell structured composites, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 396: 144–152,



Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Fei Niu, Weibing Wu, Chi Huang,

Xinghai Liu*

, Houbin Li, Xin Liu, Belt-like VO2(M) with a rectangular cross section: A new route to prepare, the phase transition and the optical switching properties, Current Applied Physics, 12(3): 875–879,



Yanfen Huang, Mingjie Hu, Shengping Yi,

Xinghai Liu*

, Houbin Li, Chi Huang, Yunbai Luo, Yan Li. Preparation and characterization of silica/fluorinated acrylate copolymers hybrid films and the investigation of their icephobicity, Thin Solid Films, 520(17): 5644–5651,



A novel route to fabricate belt-like VO2(M)@C core-shell structured composite and its phase transition properties. Materials Letters, 71: 127–130,



Yifu Zhang, Yanfen Huang, Juecheng Zhang, Weibing Wu, Fei Niu, Yalan Zhong,

Xinghai Liu*

, Xin Liu, Chi Huang, Facile synthesis, phase transition, optical switching and oxidation resistance properties of belt-like VO2(A) and VO2(M) with a rectangular cross section. Materials Research Bulletin, 47(8): 1978–1986,



Zhang Yifu; Fan Meijuan;

Liu Xinghai

; Huang Chi; Li Houbin. Beltlike V2O3@C Core-Shell-Structured Composite: Design, Preparation, Characterization, Phase Transition, and Improvement of Electrochemical Properties of V2O3. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1650–1659,



Yifu Zhang,

Xinghai Liu

*, Guangyong Xie, Lei Yu, Niaorong Nie, Houbin Li, Chi Huang, Fabrication of V3O7·H2O @C Core-shell Nanostructured Composites and the Effect of V3O7·H2O and V3O7·H2O @C on Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (5): L69–L73,



Xinghai Liu

, Yifu Zhang, Shengping Yi, Chi Huang, Jun Liao, Houbin Li, Preparation of V2O3 nanopowders by supercritical fluid reduction, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 56 (2): 194–200,



Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Fei Niu, Yalan Zhong, Chi Huang,

Xinghai Liu*

, Baojun Wang, Houbin Li, Hydrothermal synthesis of VO2(A) nanobelts and their phase transition and optical swtiching properties, Micro & Nano Letters, 6 (11): 888–891,



Yifu Zhang,

Xinghai Liu*

, Jiaorong Nie, Lei Yu, Yalan Zhong and Chi Huang, Improve the catalytic activity of α-Fe2O3 particles in decomposition of ammonium perchlorate by coating amorphous carbon on their surface, Journal Solid State Chemistry, 184 (2): 387–390,



Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Lei Yu, Yalan Zhong, Houbin Li, Chi Huang,and

Xinghai Liu*

, Improvement of The Electrochemical Properties of V3O7·H2O Nanobelts For Li Battery Application Through Synthesis of V3O7@C Core-Shell Nanostructured Composites, Current Applied Physics, 11(5): 1159–1163,



Yifu Zhang,

Xinghai Liu

*, Guangyong Xie, Lei Yu, Shengping Yi, Mingjie Hu, Chi Huang, Hydrothermal synthesis, characterization, formation mechanism and electrochemical property of V3O7·H2O single-crystal nanobelts, Materials Science and Engineering B, 175 (2): 164–171,



Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Chi Huang,

Xinghai Liu*

, Xin Liu and Houbin Li, The Potential Applications of W–and Mo–doped VO2 Nanobelts to the Functional Packaging Materials. 2012 International Conference on Packaging Technology and Science, ICPTS 2012, 2012.10.25-28, 220–225页, 宁波,



LIU Xinghai

, WANG Yan, LI Houbin, HUANG Chi, CHEN Songzhou, Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Intelligent Temperature Control Package, 2010 China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging, CACPP 2010, 2010.11.26-29, 454–457页, 北京,



