
时间:2023-11-29 12:05:06编辑:莆田seo君

刘思达,1980年生于北京,祖籍云南。芝加哥大学社会学博士,北京大学法学学士,普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)成员[1],主要研究方向为法律社会学与职业社会学,近年来一直致力于关于中国法律职业的实证研究。曾在《中国社会科学》《中外法学》《社会学研究》《社会理论》《北大法律评论》《清华法治论衡》《法律和社会科学》《交大法学》、American Journal of Sociology[2]、Sociological Theory[3]、Law & Society Review、Law & Social Inquiry、China Quarterly、Wisconsin Law Review、Fordham Law Review、Annual Review of Law & Social Science、Symbolic Interaction等学术期刊上发表过数十篇中英文论文,并著有《失落的城邦:当代中国法律职业变迁》(北京大学出版社,2008年版)、《割据的逻辑:中国法律服务市场的生态分析》(上海三联书店,2011年版)、《霍姆斯读本:论文与公共演讲选集》(译著,上海三联书店,2009年版)、Criminal Defense in China: The Political of Lawyers at Work(剑桥大学出版社,2016年版)等学术著作。


1998-2002年 就读于北京大学法学院,获法学学士学位;

2002-2009年 就读于芝加哥大学社会学系,获硕士(M.A.)、博士(Ph.D.)学位;

2007-2008年 美国律师基金会(American Bar Foundation)博士研究员;

2009-2016年 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)社会学系、法学院助理教授;

2010-2013年 上海交通大学凯原法学院特别研究员;

2013-2015年 法社会学协会(Law & Society Association)理事;

2016-2017年 普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)成员;

2016年至今 多伦多大学社会学系助理教授;

2012年至今 美国律师基金会(American Bar Foundation)研究员。






2015. “Law’s Social Forms: A Powerless Approach to the Sociology of Law.”Law & Social Inquiry, forthcoming.

2015. “Boundary Work and Exchange: The Formation of a Professional Service Market.”Symbolic Interaction, forthcoming.

2014.“Migration and Social Structure: The Spatial Mobility of Chinese Lawyers.”Law & Policy36(2): 165-194. (Sida Liu, Lily Liang, and Ethan Michelson)

2014. “The Trial of Li Zhuang: Chinese Lawyers’ Collective Action against Populism.”Asian Journal of Law and Society1(1): 79-97. (Sida Liu, Lily Liang, and Terence C. Halliday)

2013. "The Legal Profession as a Social Process: A Theory on Lawyers and Globalization." Law & Social Inquiry 38(3): 670-693.

2012. “Palace Wars over Professional Regulation: In-House Counsel in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises.” Wisconsin Law Review 2012: 549-571.

2012. “The Learning Process of Globalization: How ChineseLaw Firms Survived the Financial Crisis.” Fordham Law Review 80: 2847-2866. (with Xueyao Li)

2011. “Political Liberalism and Political Embeddedness: Understanding Politics in the Work of Chinese Criminal Defense Lawyers.” Law & Society Review45(4): 831-865.

2011. “With or without the Law: The Changing Meaning of Ordinary Legal Work in China, 1979-2003.” Pp. 234-268 in Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in Contemporary China, eds. M. Y. K. Woo, M. E. Gallagher, and M. Goldman. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

2011. “Lawyers, State Officials, and Significant Others: Symbiotic Exchange in the Chinese Legal Services Market.” China Quarterly 206: 276-293.

2010. “What Do Chinese Lawyers Want? Political Values and Legal Practice.” Pp. 310-333 in China’s Emerging Middle Class: Beyond Economic Transformation, ed. C. Li. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. (with Ethan Michelson)

2010. “The Politics of Crime, Punishment, and Social Order in East Asia.” Annual Review of Law & Social Science 6: 239-258. (with David Leheny)

2009. “Recursivity in Legal Change: Lawyers and Reforms of China’s Criminal Procedure Law.” Law & Social Inquiry 34(4): 911-950. (with Terence C. Halliday)

2008. "Globalization as Boundary-Blurring: International and Local Law Firms in China’s Corporate Law Market.” Law & Society Review 42(4): 771-804.

2007. “Birth of a Liberal Moment? Looking through a One-Way Mirror at Lawyers’ Defense of Criminal Defendants in China.” Pp. 65-107 in Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Liberalism, eds. T. C. Halliday, L. Karpik, and M. M. Feeley. Oxford: Hart Publishing. (with Terence C. Halliday)

2006. “Client Influence and the Contingency of Professionalism: The Work of Elite Corporate Lawyers in China.” Law & Society Review 40(4): 751-782.

2006. “Beyond Global Convergence: Conflicts of Legitimacy in a Chinese Lower Court.” Law & Social Inquiry 31(1): 75-106.
















American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Asian Journal of Law and Society, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, China Information,China Quarterly, China Review, Comparative Political Studies, Contemporary Sociology, Crime, Law and Social Change,Hong Kong Law Journal, Journal of Historical Sociology, Justice Quarterly, Laboratorium, Law & Policy,Law & Social Inquiry,Law & Society Review, Organization Studies, Pacific Affairs,Political and Legal Anthropology Review,Regulation & Governance, Social Forces, Social Problems, Social Science Research, Sociological Forum,Sociology of Health & Illness,《中国社会科学》《社会学研究》《法学家》《交大法学》。

